Branded (Sinners, #1)

“Timing is everything. If even one group is late, the whole operation could suffer. Coordination is imperative. It’s risky, but it’s how we must do it in order to disarm the guards. If not done properly, the guards could rearm or reinforce themselves for a stronger assault. We want to have control before that happens,” he says. “Keegan’s group will assault the main compound and take the commander into custody. My group will assist in blowing the main gate open and backing up Keegan’s group. Bruno’s group will lead the main assault on the headquarters.” Sutton continues speaking, but I look around for Cole and Bruno.

They sit in front with maps sprawled out before them. Cole marks his map using a red pen, and Bruno compares their routes.

I wish I could hear what they’re saying. By chance, Cole glances up at me and then back down at his map. His lips form a frown, his face heavy with concentration. Sutton’s voice becomes background noise as I watch him.

Keegan rubs the snake tattoo that wraps around his head and cracks his neck. He’s antsy, his hands constantly busy. In fact, his posture mirrors that of all the citizens. They shift their positions and whisper questions to their neighbors as Sutton pulls up another hologram of the Hole. At the conclusion, we break into our small groups. Spying on Cole, I see him rendezvous with his squad.

“We’ll begin at 0300. Now try to get some rest. You’ll need it,” Keegan says as we huddle. His words fall upon solemn faces. The joy experienced by all at the party fades as we contemplate tomorrow.

Trying to snatch a glimpse of Sutton and Cole as I leave is impossible. Too many people embrace and say their good-byes in the control room. I’m not tempted to cry. I’ve been through so much that the thought of my own death numbs me. The one thing I do care about is accomplishing our mission tomorrow and getting out of here to begin a new life with Cole. I pat Zeus’s head. At least I have him to comfort me.

No one sleeps. Whispers of prayers echo throughout the room. Sniffling occurs somewhere, but not one person closes their eyes.

I lie under my blanket, peering at the map of the commander’s quarters. It looks impossible to breach. I sigh and fold it up while rolling onto my back. I wonder what Cole is thinking right now. I didn’t get to say good-bye, but maybe that’s better for both of us. I just wish I could tell him I’ll be waiting for him afterward. I wish I could tell Sutton I’m not angry with him and that he’s incredible—for keeping the letter and making sure it got to me.

Most of all, I wish for peace. If I survive this, all I want is to live with Cole and to live in peace for the rest of my life, knowing I made the right choice.


Loaded up with guns and ammunition, we trek the silent streets. The moonlight glints off our equipment, and another squad moves away from us toward the hospital. Their figures fade into the early hours of morning. Hours seem like minutes as sweat drips down my nose.

An array of assault rifles stolen or bribed from the guards mingles within our group. Some people, like Keegan, have M16s while others, like myself, carry handguns with knives as a secondary weapon. They also issued extra ammo, jackets, and helmets before we left. Mine latches uncomfortably tight under my chin, so I leave it unbuckled despite Keegan’s harsh words. He says I tempt fate with my stupid decisions. But I think fate could’ve taken me long before now and told him so. Now my strap hangs free.

I look left, right, and then left again. We need to get to our destination before the rest of the groups proceed.

Sutton set it up so each team would assault various points of strategic importance at the same time with the hope of causing mass confusion within the guard structure. I hope with all that’s in me that it works. We’ve all witnessed the havoc the guards can wreak when prepared. Now, we’ll find out how they act when assaulted. For a change.

My mind drifts to Cole—where he is, how he feels, if he’s thinking of me too. I carefully wrap the memory of his face inside my heart and close it for later. I need to focus on each step and thinking of him only draws my attention away from my mission.

Sheldon leads. For all his bulk, he moves with finesse and motions us to advance forward. I can barely hear the sound of his footsteps on the cement, even with all of his equipment strapped on.

Keegan follows Sheldon across the street and then turns to wave me on. I can tell he’s tense by his rigid movements. For a brief moment our eyes meet, and his give nothing about his feelings away. I’m sure mine are wide with fear, anticipation and anxiety. His finger rests on the trigger of his gun, ready for the slightest change of plans. In front of us, in the distance, looms the stark outline of the main wall surrounding the Hole. Almost there.

The thick cement blocks grow larger and more intimidating as we converge on them. They tease us with their steadfast reputation and their unwillingness to allow our freedom. No one has ever escaped the Hole. Either the guards caught them, shot them as they attempted to slip away, or they weren’t strong enough to climb out.

But we’ve come to change that.

Abi Ketner & Missy Kalicicki's books