Bound to the Prince

Chapter 10: Mine to take








Igraine smiled sweetly at the prince, casting a meaningful glance to the spear pressed to her throat.


“So, the hunt is over,” she said with provocative little smile. “What will you do next, my Prince? Kill me and serve me for dinner, perhaps?”


 Elathan lifted one pale brow, accepting the challenge. “Dinner?” he repeated, mockingly. “My dear, at dinner time there won’t be anything left of you at all. I will devour you alive.”


The moment he lowered his spear Igraine dived to the ground, retrieved her sword and swung it in his direction with an elegant move. “Why don’t you come and get me, elf?” she asked, a wild joy glowing up in her eyes.


Elathan jumped, whirled around in the air with breathtaking speed and landed right on top of Igraine, grabbing her around the waist and pulling her down with him. The impact hit her hard; her sword clattered to her feet. He encircled her closely with his arms and shielded her while they rolled quickly over the forest floor, like one body.


Igraine was so surprised by his attack that she couldn’t even breathe, let alone move. The prince had protectively cradled her head against his neck, and she heard a deep, low sound emerging from his throat. She couldn’t work out what it was at first, but then she understood.


The prince was laughing. He laughed as happily as a child at play, enjoying himself immensely while he rolled around with her on the floor, covering them both with golden leaves. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever heard. She couldn’t help bursting out laughing, too, helplessly giggling while she buried her face in his hair. After coming close to death twice in one night, it felt so good to be in his arms, feeling the warmth of his skin against hers.


When they came to a halt, Elathan lifted himself up on his elbows, but nailed her body to the ground with his weight. During the fall, his hair had come loose from the leather band, and it fell like a waterfall over his wide shoulders, covering her. They both stopped laughing when their eyes met.


Elathan looked at her face for a moment before he pulled her to him and kissed her senseless. She moaned and wrapped her arms around his neck, answering him with all the longing and passion she felt for him. Willingly she opened her mouth for him so he could claim her with his tongue, licking and stroking lightly, biting her lips until they felt bruised and swollen.


His hands found their way under her tight top, sliding up her skin until his long fingers touched her breasts. Igraine moaned, rubbing her aching nipples against his palms while he caressed her, his soft chuckle telling her how delighted he was.


But the prince’s patience had worn thin after the night’s exertions. The act of hunting never ceased to arouse him, and he always lusted for a soft female body to take when he returned. Besides, he had already waited far too long. He desired her more than any other woman before. Her lush body tempted him, and her sweet scent was all around him, driving him mad. Enough was enough.


He grabbed her shirt with two hands and ripped it from her body. Only moments later, her trousers went the same way. Igraine struggled for air when she lay naked before him while his eyes wandered adoringly over her body. Elathan unlaced his armor with his long fingers, took it off and dropped it to the ground, followed by his shirt, boots and trousers. Finally, there was nothing left to separate them anymore.


Igraine glanced at her new elven clothes, only rags left now. “Oh no,” she sighed. Elathan was already ravishing her body, covering her neck with tiny love bites, moving his lips down over the curve of her shoulder, then down to her breasts. “Be quiet, woman, I’m a damn prince,” he murmured against her naked skin. “You’ll get new clothes every day if I desire to undress you like this.”


Igraine screamed softly when he kissed her breast, sucking her deep into his hot wet mouth, then slowly descending over her belly until he reached the juncture between her thighs. She was aching for him, already pulsating with need when she felt his tongue there again, parting her womanly folds. He groaned with pleasure when he tasted her desire. Slowly, slowly he licked his way to her tiny nub that burned and throbbed, waiting for his touch. He suckled at it, lightly tugged it between his lips, teasing her. Igraine grabbed a handful of his silken hair and pressed his head closer to her, silently begging him to increase the pressure. The elf answered with a deep chuckle before he began to circle her with his tongue, giving her pleasure beyond anything she had ever felt before. She threw back her head, breathlessly whispering his name.


When he felt that she was ready, he placed a soft kiss on the sensitive skin of her inner thigh. Gliding up her body, he positioned himself on top of her, gently urging her to spread her legs. “Open for me, Igraine,” he commanded, his voice soft like velvet.


She stiffened when she felt his whole length, feeling frightened for the first time. Heavens, he was huge, larger than any human man she had ever known. The elf was fully aroused now, even thicker and longer than the times they had been together intimately before. He leisurely rubbed his shaft along her moist folds, lubricating himself. When finally she felt him pressing against her, demanding entrance, she panicked, fearing he would tear her apart. She wriggled her hips in a half-hearted attempt to escape.


Elathan raised his head and looked at her, desire burning like a hot flame in his eyes. His strong hands moved to her hips and held her firmly in place, remaining just where he was. She buried her face against his neck, and tears welled up in her eyes. “Elathan,” she breathed, “I want you, but I don’t know if I can … You’re too large for me.”


Tenderly, he touched her cheek and made her look into his face. Then he closed his eyes and lay his forehead against hers. His beautiful hair fell down, covering both of them. She gasped when she heard his deep, rich voice in her mind. His words seemed to caress her soul, calming her. “Have no fear,” he told her. “We were made for each other. I know you can take me. You are mine now, for all time. Surrender to me, Igraine.”


Elathan did not move until he heard her answering “yes” in his mind, her thoughts clouded by her uncontrollable urge to have him inside her, no matter how much she feared the pain. Then, very slowly, he began to enter her.


It took a moment before her tight flesh gave way to his pressure, allowing the tip of his manhood to slide into her body. He groaned deeply, but held perfectly still, allowing her to adjust to his size. She threw back her head, panting and moaning with lust while she adapted to him. She felt no pain, only the incredible sensation of stretching for him. The elf waited patiently, not moving at all. After a while, she grabbed his wide shoulders and pulled him closer, silently urging him to go deeper. The prince rewarded her with a smile so naughty that her heart stood still for a moment. Then he took her in his strong arms, lifting her up to him so her whole body was cradled against his. Holding her with one arm, he reached back with his free hand and grabbed her long legs, one after the other, and wrapped them around his waist.


Igraine closed her eyes and leaned back in his close embrace, longing to be possessed by him completely. She moved her hips to let him in, but the prince prolonged the moment, pretending to retract himself from her body until she bit his shoulder, demanding that he stayed with her.



Finally he pushed himself forward, ever so slowly. She cried out when she felt his thick, hard shaft parting her sensitive flesh, filling her until she felt she couldn’t take an inch more. The pressure was exquisite, not more than a slight pain that heightened her desire. She didn’t care anymore if he ripped her apart, as long as he finished what he had started.


Instead of going deeper, Elathan began to move his hips in slow circles, using his manhood to widen her even more, intensifying her feeling of being stretched. Her delicious tightness was almost too much for him to bear. Heavily panting, he groaned like a wild animal, biting every part of her skin in his reach with his sharp elven teeth until her neck and upper arm were covered with little red marks. He struggled to regain his control for a while before he delved deeper.


Just when she thought she could take no more of him, he pushed himself forward, gliding into her wet depths like a hand into a glove. She clung to him desperately, crying out with lust when he filled her to the brim. The prince moaned with pleasure and moved his hips to rub her swollen pearl, making her body shiver violently.


They remained in this position, savoring the sensation. Igraine felt her inner muscles give way, softening to the elf’s immense size. Only then did she realize that he was fully embedded in her, pulsating with desire for her. A molten heat spread out from deep within her body, consuming her alive. His hardness widened her even more, claiming her completely so that there was no other feeling left. Her heart filled with pride. So he had been right, she really could take him. They were made for each other. Tears of joy spilled down her cheeks. For the first time in her life she felt whole.


The elf had tilted his head to the side, searching her face with the intense gaze of his golden eyes. Her tears seemed to surprise him. It reminded her of the fact that the magnificent creature impaling her with his throbbing flesh was not human, but Fae, so unbearably beautiful but dangerous at the same time. No matter how strong he was, whatever magic he was capable of, in this moment they were one. He was hers now, and he wanted her with the same desperate desire she felt for him.


Suddenly she wanted to tease him a bit, to wield power over him, even if only for this moment of pleasure. Slowly, she lowered her hips and pulled back from him, wishing to see how much he wanted her. The elf growled angrily, reaching for her waist to stop her, but she moved back until only the tip of his shaft was buried inside her slick channel. The sudden emptiness nearly killed her, but it made Elathan furious, his eyes glowing up with unfulfilled desire.


He had enough. Grabbing her wrists with one strong hand, he bent her arms back behind her head, imprisoning her. Then he rested his full weight on her body, so she couldn’t move anymore. He pushed himself into her once again, plunging deep, filling her until he was buried to the hilt. Igraine cried out his name, spread her thighs wider to take him, relishing the sweet pain. She moaned with frustration when he tortured her by pulling back, leaving a strange draining feeling inside her.


Elathan stopped just an inch away from gliding out of her. “To whom do you belong, Igraine?” he said hoarsely. “Tell me.”


“I’m yours,” she whispered. She tried to push herself down on his shaft, but his hand held her wrists in place so she could not move.


“Say my name. Beg me,” the elf said mercilessly.


“Elathan, please," she sobbed breathlessly, “I need to feel you inside me.”


He flexed his muscles like a tiger crouching ready to leap on his prey, then shoved himself up into her body fiercely, making her cry out with lust and pain. He filled her up to the hilt before he retracted, going all the way out before he pushed forward again, enjoying her lustful sobs that begged him for more.


The sensation of her hot, tight flesh surrounding him was so sweet that he was not able to restrain himself any longer. He went deeper and deeper before pulling back, wishing nothing more but thrust into her once more until he hit the solid wall of flesh again. Feeling her pleasure was increasing his own desire more than anything he had experienced before; sliding into her moist channel, feeling her muscles tense around him nearly overwhelmed him. He knew that his elven desire was too much to endure for a mortal mind and body, knew he had to protect her as long as he had the strength to control himself. If he wasn’t careful, she would die here in his arms, worn out by the sheer pleasure of their mating.


Igraine felt that draining sensation she had felt before growing stronger with every mighty thrust. It felt as if she was willingly giving up all her strength to feed Elathan’s seemingly insatiable desire, reviving him. It was as if she was dying happily, life slowly flowing out of her body. She felt her whole being vanish as she became a part of him, unable to describe the ravenous hunger that had her in its grip like a helpless victim. When she felt the spark of life leave her body, she was just happy to be near him, giving him pleasure.


It was Elathan who held her close to him and pulled her back just when the black abyss tried to devour her. Again, he lowered his forehead to hers and entered her mind, sharing his strength with her. “Breathe, Igraine,” he commanded in her thoughts, his strong will not allowing her to leave. “Breathe with me. You are mine now. Don’t leave me.”


After a moment of silence Igraine opened her eyes and looked at him, gasping for air. He captured her with his lion's eyes, forcing her to meet his gaze while he began to move inside her, slowly at first. He ordered her to breathe in once more while his length stroked her inner core, moving up until he was deeply embedded in her soft flesh. There he held still for the blink of an eye before he pulled out again, only to claim her once more. All the time he held her close to his chest, made her feel the steady beating of his heart. “Breathe,” he whispered again and again while he was moving hard and fast into her now, enjoying the sweet sound of her voice while she begged him to take her. She was writhing beneath him, uncontrollably sobbing. Alive. So alive. It filled his heart with joy.


With one last, mighty thrust he catapulted them both over the edge, his deep voice joining hers when she cried out. Her silken flesh violently contracted around him while his hot seed filled her, leaving his body along with his soul. It didn’t fly up to the heavens, but joined with hers, feeling her shuddering release. Then came the moment when her heart and mind reached out to him, longing to become one. She embraced his inner self, all that he was and ever had been.


All at once a terrible pain took hold of his heart, and along with it came the knowledge how very nearly he had lost her. The thought of her lifeless body in his arms was more than his tortured soul could bear, and he felt an unexpected wetness on his face.


Igraine felt his pain as if it was her own, more intense than anything a human could experience. He pulled her into his arms, holding her so tight it hurt. Igraine didn't care and hugged him back, silently crying. He buried his face in the softness of her hair to hide the tears that were staining his cheeks, but she had already seen them, colored red like his blood. She turned her face to him and kissed his tears away, one after another, silently assuring him that she was still with him, and very much alive.


Elathan rolled on his back, pulling her on top of him so she wouldn’t have to lie on the cold ground. He held her close in his arms and placed one of his long legs over hers. Never in her whole life had she felt so warm and content, and completely protected. The prince planted a tender kiss on her lips before falling asleep instantly, their bodies still joined. Igraine smiled against his skin because he was still with her, his desire undiminished as he drifted deeper into his slumber. She cradled her head into the curve of his neck and closed her own eyes, finally at peace with herself.



















Deborah Court's books