Beneath Our Faults

I stepped closer to her causing her to take a few steps back. Stopping, I held my hands out. "We both know I've done some stupid shit. I won't even try to deny it, but that was all before you. You can't stand there and try to chastise me for something I did before I even met you!"

Daisy stared at me motionless. "It's just," she stopped, looking down at the floor and trying to find the right words to dump my ass. "It's just too much for me to handle right now. You're too much for me to handle. This," she gestured between the two of us then around the room filled with broken glass. "This isn't something I want. This isn't the kind of relationship for me."

I rolled my neck around. “Here we go again. You don't want me?" I shouted, slamming my already bloody fist into the wall. My eyes glared daggers into ones that could barely meet mine. "Quit playing games. We both want each other and you can't even try to deny that. I am in love with you." The words fell out of my mouth, shocking the two of us but I didn't stop there as I began pacing in front of her. "Do you understand how hard it is for me to love someone and let them in? I have given you everything I could possibly give and I just want something in return," I stressed before stopping in my tracks as realization struck me. "You were never going to give me a chance were you?"

“What are you talking about? I did give you a chance!” She said, stumbling back a few steps. “You just don’t understand.”

"You think I don't understand hurt?" I fired back, my hands dropping to my sides. "I'm a bastard child whose parents want nothing to do with him. My dad doesn't even want me to know who he is and my mom stays away screwing people on camera because I am nothing but a mere reminder of the guy who didn't want her. The only reason I am here right now is because I am her paycheck. So you may have lost one person in your life but I have never had anyone in my life to lose."

Her head jerked forward. "You have me," she whispered. "No matter what happens between us, I will always be there for you."

No matter what happens between us? She was just trying to break up with me for no goddamn reason. "Wrong," I seethed. "I thought you did but you're all the same. You needed a distraction and a fuck." Her head whipped back at my crude words.

"You don't mean that."

I laughed harshly. "The fuck I don't. You got what you wanted. Now you can leave me the hell alone."

"Keegan," she breathed out, walking towards me but I held out my hands to stop her.

"Get out of my house," I shouted and she winced. Whipping around, I stomped to the door, swinging it open.

Her shoulders slouched and she clutched her arms around her body like a barrier. "Just talk to me. Let’s talk about this.”

"Too late," I answered. "Leave."


I held my hand up and over talked her. "Daisy, get the fuck out of my house!" I roared. I wasn't sure how I went from having hot as fuck sex with my girlfriend to punching my mom’s boyfriend to kicking Daisy out of my house. She sighed, rubbing her eyes with her knuckles and walked passed me.

I knew I was being an idiot but I was done. Done with all of them. I tried everything to get the girl but sometimes even when you try your damndest, you can't always win. I tried to fix her but should have remembered the number one rule about fixing broken people: you always get stuck with their sharp edges.

MY EYES singled in on Keegan passing me with a skinny red head arms wrapped around his torso. They merged through the lunchroom crowd and stopped at his old lunch table before lounging in a chair. Red head's arms folded behind his back as she parked herself directly on his lap, practically straddling him in front of everyone. Memories flashed back of the last time Keegan and I were in that position together.

I regretted the words I said to Keegan but he wouldn't listen to my apologies. In fact, he never bothered to answer any of my calls or texts. From everything that had happened that day and what I heard, I was in shock.

"You know he's only doing that to piss you off, right?" Lane said, a soft and sympathetic look passing through his features. He had repeated those same words to me everyday sine Keegan had kicked me out of his house. "He's actually pretty beat up about whatever the hell happened between the two of you that you both refuse to tell anyone about."

Cora scoffed, throwing her braid over her shoulder. "Sure looks like the jackass is so distraught. I sure hope you don't let other girls bathe your neck with their tongues when we have an argument and you are," her voice lowered to mimic Lane's, "pretty beat up about it. Puh-lease."

Lane's eyes whipped over to Cora. "Babe, I wouldn't ever pull that shit but what you three don't understand is that this is all new to him. Daisy is the only girl he's ever cared about and you hurt him."

Charity Ferrell's books