Bare Essentials


AS HE PULLED KATE’S SUV into the parking lot outside city hall, Jack could tell by the look on her face she was still uncertain about this evening’s party. She wasn’t frowning, but she looked deep in concentration, as if thinking of something else. Every once in a while, she even wriggled in her seat. “You okay? You’re awfully fidgety.”

From the back seat, he heard Armand snort a laugh.

She gave Jack a quick guilty look. “Uh, fine. I’m fine. Why do you ask?”

He shrugged. “You just seem distracted.” Taking her hand, he squeezed it and said, “But you also look amazing.”

She did. Her body turned the red fabric of her dress into pure solid sin. Though petite, Kate had curves men dreamed about. Curves he’d dreamed about many nights since they’d met.

Not to mention the fullness of her lips, the sparkle in her deep brown eyes. Her confidence, intelligence and attitude appealed to him even more now than the day they’d met. Especially since they’d become so intimate.

He got the shakes just thinking about the things they’d done together the night before in her bed.

He simply couldn’t get enough of her. Kate was the woman he’d been casually seeking and had never really thought he’d find ever since he’d left home fifteen years ago. How funny that he found her right here in Pleasantville, the very place he’d been trying so hard to escape.

She’d pulled her hair back, letting cascades of curls drop over her bare shoulders. The dress was not too short, ending a few inches above the knee, but below it her legs were bare. Her strappy, red high-heeled sandals had caught his eye several times during the short drive from the house.

“I’m fine. Now, who is going to be at this thing? Should I have worn body armor?”

He shook his head. “My mother’s not coming. She wasn’t feeling well. Frankly, I think it’s driving her insane to give up the title of First Lady of Pleasantville. She doesn’t want to see her replacement holding court.”

Kate chuckled. “But your sister will be here.”


“Ah, your sister, such a charming little thing,” Armand murmured from the back seat.

Jack saw Kate shoot her friend a warning glare, but didn’t have time to question it.

They made their way into city hall, blending into the crowd of people in the atrium. In a far corner a band played jazzy music and an area had been cleared for dancing. A bar had been set up on what was usually an information desk. Armand immediately beelined for it, offering to get a round of drinks, leaving Kate and Jack to circulate.

He felt her tension, the stiffness of her body. Her hands were like ice, though she maintained an expression of complete calm. Jack wondered again what it must have been like for her growing up here, if it could still make her so anxious all these years later. But she never flinched, never let anyone see a single sign of nervousness, not even when one of his mother’s cronies glanced at her, sniffed rudely, and turned away.

He saw Kate’s face grow pale. Leaning close, he brushed a kiss against her temple and whispered, “Ignore the old bat. Did you know she wears a wig?”

At Kate’s surprised expression, he continued. “My mother told me years ago. Seems she’s got a nervous habit and pulls her own hair, so she thought it would be easier—and less painful—to just buzz-cut it and wear wigs.”

Kate giggled. “That’s her story and she’s sticking to it, huh? I think she was rude to the wrong person and someone just snatched her bald.”

“That’s my girl.” Right there in the middle of the crowd, he pressed a soft kiss to her mouth. Her tension seemed to ease as he took her arm and continued to lead her through the crowd.

Finally they came face-to-face with the new mayor and his wife. Kate’s eyes widened in shock. “Mr. Otis?”

The elderly mayor, who, Jack remembered, used to teach drama at the high school, squinted and looked at her more closely. “Why, Kate Jones, how you’ve grown up!”

The mayor then proceeded to sweep Jack’s date in his arms and give her a tight hug. “You’ve gone off to the big city and done quite well for yourself, haven’t you?”

“Yes, I have. I had no idea you were mayor. I figured you’d retired from teaching and were off fishing somewhere.”

“Fishing for trouble at city hall,” he said with a wink.

While Kate and Mr. Otis chatted, Armand returned, carefully balancing three drinks. Jack took his beer, and Kate’s wine, holding one glass in each hand.

“By the way,” Armand said, speaking in a near whisper, “I meant to give you something before we left the house.”


Instead of answering, Armand removed what looked like a small black box from his jacket pocket. “You don’t have the hands, I’ll drop it in your pocket.” He did so, then said, “Just something fun to ease Kate’s tension.”

Since Jack’s hands were still full with the drinks, he couldn’t reach in to see what Armand had put there. “You going to explain this?”

Armand shook his head then grinned. “Remember, roll the dial slowly and never take your eyes off her.”

Then he strolled away, leaving Jack very curious.

Kate had never actually conceived of enjoying this evening, but as she chatted happily with her favorite high school teacher—now interim mayor of Pleasantville—she realized that she might. When she spied Diane walking around with a tall, red-haired guy who tugged at the collar of his suit as if it was itching him, she felt more certain of it.

“Well, I suppose I have to mingle,” Mr. Otis finally said as someone tried to lead him away for a photo op. “It’s so nice to have you back here, Kate. I hope you’ll visit more often.”

“Wow,” she said to Jack when they were once again alone in the crowd of elegantly dressed people. “I never imagined Mr. Otis would be the new mayor.”

Diane and her husband joined them. “He’s been on the city council for a few years,” she explained. “So’s Will.” She introduced her husband. Kate instantly liked the man, who looked as though he’d rather be anywhere but here, dressed in anything but his plain brown suit.

Jack, on the other hand, looked delicious in his dark blue one. Elegant, expertly tailored, it showed off his hard, lean form to perfection. With his thick, blond hair, vivid green eyes and sexy grin, he had the attention of every woman in the place.

He fit in with this crowd easily. But he was just as at ease with Will and Diane, who obviously lived far from Lilac Hill.

Throughout the next hour Diane introduced them to several other newer members of the town’s business community, all of whom went out of their way to tell Kate how happy they were about her opening a new store in the downtown area. Kate began to feel torn. Yes, she’d decided to open the store as revenge. But if that were the case, she’d be punishing these nicer people she was meeting, too.

Or maybe not. Ever since last night at Eileen’s house, she’d had to wonder if maybe her store wasn’t exactly what this town needed. New, fresh, daring—like a lot of these younger people circulating amid the old highbrow set.

The highbrow set increased by one when Mrs. McIntyre walked into the room. Kate, standing close to the door, had turned to throw away her cup, and nearly ran into her.

The woman’s face went rigid enough to crack. She made a sound that was a cross between a groan and a harrumph before she turned her back on Kate and walked away.

Taking a deep breath, Kate glanced around to see if anyone had noticed the snub. Jack stood several feet away, pretending to listen to an older woman chatting his ear off, but his attention was focused directly on Kate. His sexy smile was conspicuously absent, his eyes tender and concerned. She felt his silent support as though he’d put his arm around her.

She gave him a little nod, trying to assure him that she was okay, knowing he’d never believe it. He murmured something to the woman, who walked away, then gave Kate a slow smile. His green eyes shone with interest as he reached into his suit pocket.

Before she could step closer to see what he was up to, Kate’s panties came alive. “Oh,” she said with a sharp gasp.

She froze, her mouth falling open as she focused on the sudden, completely unexpected sensations in her private area.

“Good Lord,” she said with a breathy sigh.

Armand had outdone himself.

The spongy middle slowly undulated against her rapidly swelling and quickly aroused mound, while the harder nubbins began to flicker against her *oris with incredible friction.

She closed her eyes, taking deep breaths, quite unable to move. Around her, the crowd chattered. Someone asked her a question, and she nodded dumbly. Someone else handed her a drink. She lifted it to her lips and gulped without even looking at it, only realizing it was champagne when she felt a tickling sensation in her nose and throat. Of course, that couldn’t match the tickling sensation between her legs.

The slow vibration picked up its pace, increasing in speed. She even swore she could hear a tiny hum and almost gasped as she wondered if anyone else heard it. As she cast a quick glance around to see, she met Jack’s eyes. His pleased, boyish grin told her he was responsible for what was happening. “More?” he asked, though she couldn’t hear him. She read the word on his lips.

She shook her head and gave him a scolding look, unable to believe he was doing this to her in a huge crowd of people.

The look in his eyes as he reached into his suit pocket could only be called wickedly anticipatory. She shook her head again, not able to take any more, but not able to stop it. His hand kept moving, slowly, as he dragged out the tension. And, if she were to be honest, the anticipation.

Kate shot a quick look around the lobby where the party was being held, gauging the distance to the ladies’ room. Too far. No way could she make it when her legs were already weak, her breaths choppy and her heart racing out of control.

Jack’s hand had finally reached his pocket and as it slipped inside, she sent him one more pleading glance. At this point, she really couldn’t have said what she was pleading for.

If the vibrations got much stronger, she’d go right over the edge and have a shattering orgasm in the middle of this crowd of elegantly dressed people.

If they stopped, she’d die.

The heat in Jack’s stare as he cranked up the pressure was almost enough to make her come anyway. She shuddered as the intensity of vibration rose yet another notch. Reaching blindly for support, she found herself grabbing the corner of an information desk and her fingers sunk into some creamy substance. A quick glance down told her it was a slice of cheesecake topped with strawberries, but she couldn’t bring herself to care.

The waves of pleasure began to roll through her, signaling her climax, and she leaned her hip against the desk. She heard someone say her name, but couldn’t even turn her head. Her eyes were glued to Jack’s and he nodded with encouragement, knowing even from several feet away that she was close.

“Yes,” she whispered, closing her eyes as an intense bolt of pleasure shot through her. Her hands clenched, oozing strawberries and cheesecake between her fingers. Dropping her head back, she gasped for breath as the orgasm sent electric pleasure racing through her body.

Finally the vibrations between her legs slowed, then stopped. When she opened her eyes, she saw Jack watching her, looking hot and ready, as if watching her reach her climax had pushed him close to the edge, too. She was about to walk over to him when she heard Diane’s voice.

“Good God, I’ve eaten cheesecake I’d consider orgasmic, but I never got off just from touching one.”

* * *

“THAT WAS REALLY BAD of you,” Kate whispered as Jack curled her tighter in his arms in the back of her SUV an hour later.

They’d escaped the party as quickly as they could, after ensuring Armand could get a ride home with Diane and her husband. By silent consent, they’d avoided going back to the duplex, instead driving up to a popular lake on the outskirts of town. Their clothes had come off a minute after Jack had engaged the parking brake and they’d barely made it over the back seat into the cargo area before he was inside her.

They’d been frenzied and ravenous. Now they lay quietly, exchanging slow, lazy kisses and caresses that were going to lead to sweet, long lovemaking. Jack didn’t know how he could want her again, already, but he did.

“I thought it was your fantasy,” he finally answered.

“My fantasy?”

“Being made helpless. Having to accept pleasure because you are powerless to stop it.”

She laughed. “Yeah, but I meant something more along the lines of being tied to the headboard, not being brought to a shattering orgasm in a room filled with a hundred people. I can’t imagine what Diane must have thought.”

“I think she went to look for the chef to ask for the recipe for that cheesecake.”

She giggled. “Maybe we should sell it at Bare Essentials.”

He stretched to work a kink out of his neck. “I haven’t had sex in the back of a car in years.”

“This is my first back seat experience ever.”

“Uncomfortable, isn’t it?”

She nodded. “But exciting. I keep picturing a cop knocking on the window and telling us to get our clothes on.” She arched closer, sliding her arm around his waist. “Or an ax-maniac with a hook. You know, the kind who always slaughters the teenagers when they run out of gas on lover’s lane?”

“I’m fairly certain the parents of a teenage girl made up that story the night before her first date.”

“So, was this your make-out spot when you were a teenager?”

He shook his head. “No way. Everyone in town knew my father and I never dared to bring a date out here.”

He felt her tense in his arms at the mention of his father.

“I know what it’s like to have everyone in town know your family,” she admitted.

Leaning down, he pressed kisses on her temple, her cheekbone, then her lips. He kissed her lazily, gently coaxing her mouth to open. When it ended, he whispered, “I’m sorry I didn’t know you then. I’m sorry I wasn’t around to stop it when you were being treated so badly. By my sister or anyone else.”

He wished he had been. He hated like hell to think of anyone hurting her. Ever.

“It was a long time ago, Jack. And you know, being back here has made me remember some of the better times, too. I guess I should be thankful for that. I’d been angry for a long time and let that anger color my memories. It’s good to have some of those nicer moments back.”

He believed she meant it. Hopefully, no matter what else happened, Kate wouldn’t regret this time spent in Pleasantville. Seeing the town through adult eyes had evened out her feelings, much as it had his. “So you think you might come back someday? For a visit?”

She shrugged. “Anything’s possible.”

Before he could reply, they heard the sound of crunching gravel. The bright sheen of headlights washed through the windows of the SUV.

“Oh, my God, someone else is here,” she cried.

They scrambled for their clothes like a couple of kids caught making out by their parents. He tossed her the magical little red underwear she’d worn at the party, watching as she shimmied into her dress. She was giggling hysterically. “Please be the cops and not a guy with an ax and a hook.”

“You got your wish. It’s the cops,” he replied.

Jack was having as hard a time containing his laughter as Kate appeared to be. His first time going parking in more than a decade and they get caught by the town sheriff. Thank heaven it hadn’t been ten minutes before or he doubted they’d have even noticed the approach of the other car.

He’d just zipped his pants when he heard a knock on the driver’s side window, Thankfully, it was tinted. Recognizing Sean Taggart, with whom he’d gone to high school, he slid into the back seat, then opened the door. “Hi, Tag,” he said as he jumped out. He shut the door behind him, giving Kate more time.

“Jack,” the other man said with a nod. Tag pushed his sheriff’s hat up on his head with the tip of one finger, trying unsuccessfully to hide a grin. “You out for a late-night drive?”

“Yep. Enjoying the view over the lake.”

“Well, I can see why you felt the need to take off your shirt. Musta been awful hot with all that steam on the windows.” He glanced at the lake. “But wasn’t it hard to see the view considering you’re parked facing the road, instead of the water?”

Before Jack could reply, Kate stepped out. “Hi, Sheriff,” she said, her face awash with color.

Tag’s eyes widened as he obviously noticed her crooked dress, bare feet and wildly tangled hair. “Kate, isn’t it? Cassie’s cousin?” When Kate nodded, Tag said, “Where is she? I heard a rumor she left town for a few days, which I couldn’t believe since that’d be so incredibly stupid.”

Sensing Tag knew about whatever trouble Cassie was in, Jack waited for her answer, as well. When Kate admitted her cousin had gone to New York for the weekend, and would fly home the next day, Tag swore under his breath. “When does her plane get in?”

“She’s supposed to call me and let me know when she’s leaving New York so I can go pick her up at the airport.”

“Tell you what,” Tag said, his calm tone not hiding his obvious anger. “You call me in the morning and tell me what flight she’s on so I can go pick her up, and I won’t arrest you both for public indecency.”

“We weren’t exactly in public,” Jack said.

“Maybe not. Then again, I’ve just heard an interesting rumor about some mighty strange behavior by the two of you at the mayor’s party, which was very public. Now, do we have a deal?”

Kate nibbled on her lip, then finally nodded. “Cassie’s gonna kill me.”

“Not if I kill her first,” Tag muttered as he turned on his heel and strode away. He got into his car, but before leaving, he rolled down his window. “Next time, cut your lights before you pass by old lady Millner’s place. She’s a quarter mile up the road and calls every time a car comes down here late at night.”

Then he drove away, leaving them standing alone.

“Sounds like he’s speaking from experience,” Kate said with a chuckle.

“Tag never had much problem with the girls back in high school.”

“With those looks and that body? I can definitely see why he’d cause a sigh or two.” She gave him a look out of the corner of her eye that screamed mischief.

Okay, Kate wanted him jealous. No problem. He grabbed her arm and tugged her close. Lowering his voice, he whispered, “I’m surprised you can sigh, or even talk at all, considering the way you were screaming ten minutes ago. Your throat must be sore.”

Then he caught her mouth in a hot, wet kiss designed to drive the thought of any other person on the planet out of her mind. Her gentle moans and pliant body told him he’d succeeded.

When they parted, she sucked in a few deep breaths. “You’re definitely scream-worthy, Jack,” she said. “And you certainly know how to show a girl a good time.” She started to giggle, then to laugh out loud. “Oh, my gosh, if Tag tells Cassie about this, she’ll never let me live it down. We made a pact to never go parking with guys when we were in high school. We pinky swore and everything.”

“You mean I was good enough to break a pinky swear for?” he said with a pleased grin. “Wow. I don’t know if anyone’s ever broken a pinky swear just for me.”

She lightly elbowed him in the ribs. “Don’t go getting a swelled head.” She leaned back against the car, crossing her arms and letting out an audible sigh. “I’m going to be dead meat when I’m not the one who shows up tomorrow to pick Cassie up at the airport.”

“Something’s going on between your cousin and the sheriff?”

“I think so.”

“Tag’s a nice guy. And a patient one, which is good, since I suspect your cousin could try the patience of a saint.”

“Good thing that doesn’t run in the family,” she said, giving him a deceptively innocent look. When he raised one skeptical brow, she rolled her eyes. “Okay, okay, I guess I can be a pain in the butt, too.”

“Nah,” he said with a deliberate shrug. “In spite of a deplorable lack of sweetness, you’re not so bad.”

Her grin widened. “Do you know how nice it is to be with someone who doesn’t expect me to be sweet?” She straightened, stepped away from the SUV, and put her arms out to her sides. Spinning around, she almost yelled, “God, tonight was fun. Outrageous and naughty, and definitely not sweet!”

“Yeah, it was,” he admitted, remembering how aroused he’d been by her at the party. He loved watching her again now as she almost danced in the moonlight, her hair swinging wildly around her face. “But I hate to break it to you, babe. I suspect you really are kinda sweet, deep down.”

She stopped. “Keep that up and you’ll be walking home.”

He jiggled his pants’ pocket. “I’ve got your keys.”

She stepped closer, laying her hand flat on his bare chest and giving him a limpid look. “Wanna place a bet on how fast I can get into your pants and get them back?”

He shook his head. “I think we’ve already proved you hold the world’s record on getting into my pants, Kate.”

“Ditto,” she admitted, trailing her hand across his bare chest to his stomach. “So does that make us both cheap and easy?”

“Only with each other.” He swallowed a groan as her hand moved lower, brushing across the front of his pants.

“Fair enough.”

Jack liked the humor on her face and the sparkle in her eyes. He liked seeing Kate happy. He’d seen her that way much more often lately. The angry, mistrustful woman who’d come back to Pleasantville for revenge had been erased.

He hoped he’d had something to do with that. Because there was no question in his mind Kate had changed him. For the better. He doubted she’d believe it, he had trouble believing it himself, but he was falling in love with her. Falling hard and fast.

He’d started the slide the first time he’d laid eyes on her across Magnolia Avenue. Making love to her that same day had strengthened the feeling. Every day they’d spent together since then had been better than the one before.

“Come on,” he said, tugging her by the hand. “Let’s go down to the lake.”

Though she wore an obviously expensive dress, Kate didn’t hesitate. They walked hand in hand down to the edge of the lake, moving across the cool sand until they reached the shore. The warm water, lit by the bright, star-filled sky, lapped at their bare feet in a gentle rhythm. Not caring about his pants, he pulled her in deeper, until they stood almost knee-deep. He tugged her close, sliding his arms around her waist. She came into them easily, curling against his chest, tucking her head beneath his chin.

“I used to come up here to swim late at night,” he said as he gently slid his fingers into her hair.

“It’s warm enough,” she replied. “But I don’t really want to swim.”

“Me neither. I’d rather stay just like this.”

With Kate wrapped securely in his arms.

That seemed to be exactly what she wanted, too.

* * *

THE NEXT DAY, before Armand left to go back to Chicago, Kate asked him if he’d had a good time at the party after they’d left. He’d simply smiled and said, “It was a night that won’t be forgotten for a long time.”

Thanking him for the panties, she’d admitted she felt the same way.

The night before had been magic. Not only the party, not just the frantic sex in the back of her car. But standing there, wrapped in Jack’s arms as they stood in the moonlight, simply enjoying each other’s closeness. They’d exchanged long, languorous kisses, sweet, delicate touches. They hadn’t talked much, nor had they made love again. Somehow, though, the night felt like the most intimate one they’d shared.

At some point Kate had even been able to admit the truth to herself. Not only did she no longer distrust Jack, she was falling in love with him.

Not intentionally, probably not wisely, but there it was. She loved the son of the man who’d broken her mother’s heart.

“Maybe it’s fate,” she told herself. “Maybe we can have the happy ending in this generation.”

She told herself not to hope too much. After all, she’d gone through most of her adult life not believing she could ever trust someone enough to experience real love. Somehow, though, he’d worked past her defenses and captured her heart. She was simply unable to help it.

Cassie called Monday morning, and, to Kate’s complete surprise, didn’t even scold her for not picking her up from the airport. She did act very strange, though. Something had obviously happened between her and the sheriff after he’d picked her up, but Kate wasn’t about to pry. After all, Cassie didn’t question her about being caught having sex up at the lake with Jack. Kate had to figure it was because Tag hadn’t told her. Cassie would never have let something that juicy go without comment if she knew. She’d instead been much more interested in hearing all about the Bunko party and the mayor’s reception, seeming surprised to hear about the friendliness of so many of the women Kate had met.

When her cousin called again at noon, Kate instantly knew Cassie was in one of her wild moods. She sounded ready for something to happen. From experience, she figured that meant Cassie wanted something dangerous to happen.

Still, she had to admit, Cassie’s idea was a good one. “You’re saying we should have a pre-opening, private party for women only in the store tomorrow night?”

“Think of it as a very naughty Tupperware party.”

It sounded ridiculous, outrageous and impossible.

And Kate loved the idea.

Their store would open in exactly one week. How better to test the waters than to invite some of the women Kate had met recently for a test run? They’d seemed modern and open about sex and relationships, and also starved for the type of products the store would carry. Deep down, she suspected they’d welcome Bare Essentials. The party would be the perfect time to find out.

That didn’t mean she wasn’t a nervous wreck. She liked these women, she really did, and she hated to imagine how she’d feel if they couldn’t look past the titillation factor and see the potential for the store.

She wanted them to like Bare Essentials.

More importantly, she didn’t want them to dislike her.

Kate did not pause to wonder when her goals had changed—she only knew they had. She no longer wanted only to cause controversy. Damn it, she wanted to succeed. She wanted the women of Pleasantville to be glad the Tremaine cousins had come back.

Thirty-six hours later, standing in the middle of a crowd of laughing women, she realized she needn’t have worried.

“Oh, my God, Kate, no wonder you know so much about seduction!” Viv said as she greedily dug through the racks of erotic movies in the store.

“I never thought I’d say this, but these might be even better than Dr. Martens.” This from Josie as she stood in front of a mirror, holding a jade-green silk teddy up against her body.

Diane went for the sex toys. “Anyone know which end is up?”

Crossing her arms and nodding in satisfaction, Kate met Cassie’s eye from across the room. They exchanged a long, knowing look, each realizing that in spite of the way they’d started out, they were witnessing the birth of a bona fide success.

Who’d have ever believed it?

Soon the store was overflowing with chattering women. All the Bunko players came, and they brought friends. Cassie had also invited one woman, Stacie, who was a relative newcomer to town herself and seemed thrilled to meet all the others. Cassie and Kate could barely keep up with the sales, chatter and laughter. They passed around wine and hors d’oeuvres, and as the evening wore on, the sales added up.

“Well, all I know is, I want to buy whatever it was Kate had on under her dress at the party Saturday night,” Diane said, fisting her hands and putting them on her hips. “Come on, show me. No cheesecake in the world is that good.”

“Sorry,” Kate said with a rueful shrug. “It’s still in the testing phase. Armand is working on it, though, and I’m sure the store will be carrying them before too long.”

“Armand,” Diane said with a snicker. “He cracked me and Will up the other night. I don’t know what he said to Darren and Angela, but I thought they were going to shit bricks.”

Not knowing what she was talking about, Kate raised a brow.

“Oh, gosh, you and Jack had already left, hadn’t you?”

“I know where they went,” Annie the dispatcher said with a grin. “We got a call about a silver SUV at the lake.”

Cassie jerked her head around to listen, giving Kate a curious stare. Feeling a blush stain her cheeks, she ignored the question in her cousin’s eyes. “Get back to Darren and Angela.”

“I don’t really know what happened, just that Angela was dancing with Armand, getting all grabby and touchy-feely. Darren came up, Armand said something to them both, and they took off like bats outta hell in two different directions.”

Kate winced. She had a feeling she knew what Armand had said. Probably something along the lines of, Sorry, Angela babe, Darren’s much prettier than you and he’s the one I want. Kiss me, big boy. Armand specialized in cutting down homophobics.

Suddenly very glad they’d left the party early, she made a mental note to strangle Armand when she got back to Chicago.

Well, maybe she’d kiss him first. Then, for sure, she’d strangle him.

Jill Shalvis, Leslie Kelly's books