BRONAGH (Slater Brothers, #1.5)

I shivered when I pictured Kane's face, calling him lovely was not a word that I would use to describe him.

"How do you think Kane got those scars on his face? They are kind of severe."

Aideen sighed. "I've no idea what happened to him but he is still gorgeous!"

"You like his accent as well, right?" I questioned.

Aideen purred, "Oh my God. I could listen to him talk all day! He could make me wet by just sayin' 'Hello'!"

I rolled my eyes. "I swear you think with your dick."

Aideen cackled. "You mean vagina?"

"Yeah, I mean vagina but sayin' dick sounds better."

Aideen continued to laugh then hissed a little and covered her face with her hands. I glanced at her every so often during the five minute drive back to my apartment complex. I parked in my usual spot, then Aideen and myself got out of the car. After I locked it we quickly scurried across the car park and into my apartment building. We took the stairs two at a time until we got to the fifth floor where my apartment was located. I opened my hall door with lightening like speed because I didn't want to be caught by Mr. Pervert again dressed in just my nightdress.

Luckily, we got inside with no one seeing us. Aideen and I then went into the bathroom where I got out my first aid kit while she pulled her dress off then pulled down her underwear and sat on the toilet.

I was opening an antiseptic packet when I glanced up at her through the mirror and snorted, "Do you reckon lads do this?"

Aideen opened her eyes and lazily smiled at me as she said, "Willingly go to the toilet with another lad in the room? Nah, they would call each other gay."

I chuckled and looked back down to the first aid kit while Aideen finished up on the toilet. I turned when the toilet flushed and waited for her to wash her hands before I began cleaning her face up. She was four inches shorter than me now that her heels were off, so it made holding her head still a lot easier.

"Ow!" Aideen suddenly hollered which earned a bark from my bedroom.

"Go back asleep you fat shite!" Aideen shouted when I swiped the antiseptic wipe over a small cut above her eye.

I hissed at her, "Leave him alone, he isn't fat. He just has a thick coat!"

Aideen laughed through her hissing. "Yeah, a thick coat of blubber."

I gave her a firm look. "Don't slag me baby when I'm cleanin' you up. Me finger might slip and jam into your eye."

Aideen gave me a wary look and closed her mouth which made me inwardly grin as I finished cleaning up her face. When I was finished, she went into my bedroom to get some of my pajamas to wear while I went into the kitchen to get a glass of water. I turned on the kitchen light then moved to the sink and filled up a glass and quickly gulped down the water. I looked to my left and noticed the envelope Mr. Pervert gave to me earlier, still unopened on my kitchen table.

"Storm, get off the bed... or at least move over!" Aideen's voice shouted from my bedroom.

I roughly rubbed the back of my neck and sighed. I glanced at the envelope once more before I shook my head and walked over to the kitchen light switch and flipped it off. I turned and walked towards the sounds of growling and shouting coming from my bedroom and decided that dealing with Storm and Aideen was enough to deal with for one night.

Whatever was in that envelope could wait until morning.

I've done it. I've written my first novella, and I loved every second of it.

My crew has gotten a lot bigger since Dominic was first published, I've a lot of people to thank, and a lot of people I am grateful for.

First and foremost I want to thank God, through Him all things are possible.

My mini me, I love you so much. Everything I do is for you.

My family, your ongoing support has blown me away. To all my aunties, uncles, cousins, and second cousins, thank you!

My sister, you get your own shout-out because you're that great. You help me figure out a plot with even releasing that you're doing it. I love you.

My lasses, you're all the best street team members a girl could ask for and I really mean that. Not only do you promote me and work on a daily basis, but you have all become my friends. Those bonding sessions over pictures of half-naked men really sealed the deal for us. Thank you so much for everything you do, I love you all!

Mayhem Cover Creations, again thank for you for creating a cover I am in love with.

C.P. Smith, you saved my arse with formatting. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

My beta readers/editors/proof readers Yessi and Jill, you ladies both helped me on this novella. You both aged years with me as I cut it close with time. Thank you both!

Jill, you're quite honestly the best PA out there. Not only are you so dedicated and hardworking, you're also a lovely human being who I'm glad you call my friend. Thank you for everything you do, I love you!

And of course, I want to thank my readers. Without all of you none of this would be possible. You have all made my dreams come true and I can't thank you enough for it <3

L.A. Casey's books