A Lover's Vow

Dalton glanced over at Jules and smiled. “Excuse me, guys. I need a little private time with my lady.”

He then crossed the room and pulled Jules into his arms. “Everyone seemed fascinated by your wall.”

“I am fascinated by the man who has a Cocoa Puffs tattoo and enjoys making love to me with my boots on.”

Dalton threw his head back and laughed. “And I am deeply in love with a woman who looks totally gorgeous in red and who can make my heart throb with any outfit she wears...especially with a pair of stilettos.”

Taking her hand, he pulled her into the supply closet next to her office and closed the door. “Privacy at last.”

“Not much and not for long,” Jules said, smiling up at him. “I love you.”

“And I love you.” Dalton then leaned down and laid one hell of a kiss on the woman he loved.


The next morning the following headlines appeared in papers across the country:

Virginia Socialites are Ringleaders in a 5 Billion Dollar Computer Fraud Operation.

Arrests Made in Fifteen-Year Computer Network Scandal.

Senator John Monroe Arrested as Part of Computer Fraud Scheme with More Arrests to Come.

Fifteen-Year-Old Murder Solved—Sheppard Granger Set to be Released from Jail.


The last article was what held Dalton’s attention while sharing breakfast with Jules the next morning. He had refused to let her out of his sight. They had had to go to FBI headquarters to give statements, and afterward, they had gone to his place. The moment he had closed the door behind them, he had taken her into the bedroom. There, he had undressed them both, licked every inch of her body, buried his head between her legs and given her an orgasm like no other. He’d then joined their bodies together while telling her over and over just how much he loved her.

Jace, Caden and their wives were on their way over to his place. And then, in what Dalton thought of as a Granger Convoy, they would caravan to the prison to bring their father home. Warden Smallwood had already contacted Jace. Both the FBI and Homeland Security had delivered papers overnight for Sheppard’s immediate release. Others would join in the convoy with them, including Stonewall, Striker, Quasar and the other men whose lives Sheppard Granger had helped turn around.

A huge celebration was planned at Sutton Hills...and a wedding. Sheppard had made it known that he wanted to marry Carson as soon as it could be arranged. Already, his friend and former cellmate, Reverend Luther Thomas, had been contacted, and Hannah was busy preparing a wedding feast. According to Warden Smallwood, the media was camped outside the facilities, and a call from Hannah that morning to Jace confirmed the same thing was happening at Sutton Hills. Roland assured Jace that his men would protect the Grangers’ privacy.

“You talked to your dad, right?” Dalton asked Jules.

“Yes. There is more good news. He’s excited that the doctor confirmed yesterday that Mona’s sight is returning. He expects it to be at one hundred percent in a month or so. Maybe before then. And he’s glad everything turned out the way it did for your family. He sends his best regards to all of you.”

He reached out his hand and captured hers. “Our family.”

He then slid out of his chair and onto his knee in front of her. “Juliet Bradford, will you marry me?”

She stared down at him, not believing what he was asking. “B-but...but...”

“Just say yes.”

She threw her head back and laughed. “Yes!”

Brenda Jackson's books