A Hard Man to Love

“I love you anyway.” She rose up on her toes again to give him a kiss.

“That’s all that matters.”


Within an hour, family filled the great room, everyone dressed in holiday colors of red, green, and gold. Hired servers circulated with hors d’oeuvres and drinks, and the instrumentals of Christmas carols poured from hidden speakers.

Derrick walked over to Roarke, who stood near the fireplace, watching the activity.

Roarke sipped his drink. “Well, how does it feel?”

He remembered being asked the same question months ago. “Pretty damn good.” He smiled and held up his glass. Roarke touched his against it.

Lucas Baylor, a good friend of Roarke’s, came toward them with Matthew following close behind.

“What’s in this?” Matthew asked, holding up a cup of steaming glogg. The mulled wine contained aromatic spices and several different kinds of spirits. “I’m a big guy. I’ve only had two glasses, and I’m starting to buzz.”

“Be careful. It’s some kind of secret Icelandic recipe Svana makes every year around the holidays. Don’t be surprised if you end up having to spend the night because you can’t drive.”

“I’ll let you know if I need to.”

Derrick looked at Lucas. “Who invited you to this family gathering?”

“Come on, I’m practically family,” Lucas said with a laugh. “I hate I couldn’t attend the wedding, but congratulations. Beautiful wife, beautiful baby. You’re a lucky man.”


“I just want to know one thing.”

“Oh boy. Here we go,” Roarke groaned with a shake of his head.

“No, I’m serious. I’ve been thinking about it ever since I found out Derrick was getting married.”

“What’s that?” Derrick asked.

“What the hell is going on with you Hawthornes? Three weddings in less than six months? Is it something in the water? If so, who’s next?”

All eyes turned to Matthew.

“Hell no!” he said.

Roarke threw his head back and laughed. “It’s only a matter of time, little brother.”

“There’s nothing you can do about it,” Derrick added. “One minute you’re going through life minding your own business. The next . . .” His gaze settled on Eva across the room. She sat in a chair holding Violet, and three family members crowded around her, smiling and cooing at the baby. His chest filled almost to bursting. “The next minute you can’t imagine your life any other way.”

The four of them fell silent.

“Well, it won’t be anytime soon,” Matthew said after a long pause. “Not if I can help it. But I’m happy for you.”

The sound of a fork hitting the side of a glass drew everyone’s attention.

Cassidy stood in the middle of the room. “Can I have everyone’s attention? I’d like to make a toast.”

The room filled with groans.

“I’ll be quick this time, I promise.” Her mouth turned down in a hurt frown.

“Somebody wake me when she’s done. I’ve heard that before,” Matthew said. “Antonio, talk to your wife.”

“Leave my baby alone,” Antonio fired back.

Cassidy bestowed an appreciative grin on her husband. “I’m so happy that we’re all here together like this. Derrick and Eva have a new baby, and Roarke and Celeste are pregnant.”

Next to him, a startled Roarke started coughing. When he caught his breath, he looked at Celeste. “I thought we weren’t going to say anything yet.”

“I didn’t.” She looked equally stunned.

“She didn’t,” Cassidy confirmed. “But I’m not an idiot. She didn’t have any glogg, and when I offered her some wine, she refused to have any. One plus one equals three.”

Derrick shook his head. Laughing, he patted his brother on the shoulder and joined in with the rest of the room in congratulating him and Celeste.

“As I was saying . . . I’m so excited. Our family’s growing. I want to make a toast to Derrick and Eva. Congratulations on having Violet. And keep ’em coming. I want more nieces and nephews!”

Delaney Diamond's books