Fighting For You (Danvers #4)

Declan turned to Ella and pulled her into his arms. “Thank you for that, baby. I don’t even have the words to tell you how much it means to me.”

She pulled back and tenderly stroked his handsome face. “I know. You don’t need the words. I’m just glad you aren’t mad at me for not telling you. I talked to Amy last week, Mac gave me her number. She doesn’t blame you, she never has. She is so happy that Craig had you. He thought of you as a brother.”

Declan kissed her nose before nuzzling against her neck. “I could never be mad at you. You are the only one in my life who has ever understood what I need. You saved me, baby. Your love has made me the man I never thought I could be.”

“Oh, Declan,” she whispered, “You were already that man. That’s why I fell in love with you. I saw the real you, I always have.”


After dinner and a toast from Suzy that had everyone laughing, the brides cut the cake and the floor was cleared for dancing. Suzy had booked a band that she often used for special events at Danvers.

Ella laid her head on her husband’s shoulder and sighed in pure bliss. She smiled as Claire and Jason passed by in each other’s arms with Suzy and Gray not far behind. Julie and Graham gave them a happy smile when they danced by. Ella was happy that they seemed to have worked out their problems and she figured that another wedding was right around the corner. When Beth and Nick got near, she reached out and clasped hands with her best friend, both of them still emotional. When Beth gripped Ella’s hand with all her strength, both couples came to a halt.

Nick patted her on the back and joked, “Princess, you need to let go. I’m all for a little girl-on-girl, but at our wedding and you pregnant, it just seems a little wrong.”

Declan chuckled. For the most part, he had gotten used to Nick’s sense of humor.

Ella looked closer at Beth’s face, finally noticing the pale color. “Beth . . . ?”

Nick suddenly jumped back, looking down in horror. “Honey, did you just . . . pee on me?”

All of the dancing in the vicinity came to a halt and Nick’s voice seemed to echo off the walls. “I think my water just broke!” Beth squeaked out.

Claire and Suzy rushed over, while Nick paled an even lighter shade of white. “Oh, shit, the suitcase is in the car. Let’s go.”

They all gaped at him as he took off toward the exit without Beth. Suzy put her hands on her hips, “Where is that fool going? Unless you two are playing switch the baby, he kind of needs you in the car.”

Jason smirked, “Yeah, hopefully that will hit home before he actually leaves.”

Ella put her arm around Beth and Suzy took the other side. Claire cleared a path. The men followed behind, clearly at a loss as to how to help. Gray stepped around saying, “I’ll, um . . . go find my brother.”

They had almost made it to the door when Gray came back in with a harried-looking Nick. “Princess, I’m sorry. I lost my mind there for a minute.”

Gray shook his head. “He was actually backing out of the parking space when I found him. I think he would have continued on to the hospital.”

Suzy rolled her eyes and stepped back for him to take Beth’s side. Nick was trying to be calm, but still looked ready to pass out. Suzy and Beth’s parents walked up behind them with Beth’s mother stepping forward. “Your father and I will take care of your guests here, if you need to leave now.”

The whole conversation felt a little awkward to Ella, but she had mother issues of her own so she couldn’t really throw stones. Beth nodded her head, adding a quick “Thanks,” as they separated and went to their cars.

By the time they made it to the hospital, Beth was gasping in pain and Nick was in danger of losing his mind while he tried to do breathing exercises with her. Gray and Nick’s mother planned to be in the delivery room. She had also invited Ella, but Ella felt like it should just be their families. Brant and Emma were the last to arrive at the hospital. They came down the hallway arguing. Brant was shaking his head saying, “Where on God’s earth did you learn to drive? You almost killed us three times.”

“Well, you should have driven yourself, Mr. Dictator,” Emma huffed. “Oh wait, your car was blocked in so you couldn’t. Wow, it seems like I did you a favor.”

“You call almost killing me a favor,” Brant said incredulously.

“Please tell me you aren’t staying,” Emma moaned.

“Fuck me,” Declan whispered, “What’s wrong with them?”

Jason shook his head while Claire smiled. “I think they’re kind of cute.”

Ella nodded in agreement.

Sydney Landon's books