Siege (As the World Dies #3)

Striding over to the bed, Katie hugged Jenni tightly. “It’s because we didn’t stop living.” Jenni kissed the growing baby bump and snuggled into Katie’s embrace. “I know. Hell, I think I kinda went apeshit crazy trying to feel alive those first few months.”

At the memory of some of Jenni’s more insane shenanigans, Katie had to smile. “Oh, yeah. Definitely.”

“Fuck zombies.”

“Fuck ’em.”

“You’re right, you know. About going on. Hell, look at me and Juan. And you and Travis. And lots of other people around here. The people who stopped trying to live their life are dead now. Like that chick who took a header into the zombies off the crane.”

Katie nodded solemnly. “Yeah. That was awful.”

Jenni shook her head. “Seriously fucked up.”

They lapsed into silence.

“Seriously, what else were we supposed to do?” Katie asked after a few contemplative seconds. “Just freak out all the time, be afraid, mourn the world and just stop trying to live?” Jenni turned to gaze at her friend, her fingers sliding over Katie’s. Holding her hand firmly, Jenni said, “We have all done what we had to do to survive.”

It was hard not to think of Lydia at times like these. Hard not to want to feel her soothing touch and her calming voice. Lydia always had a way of making her feel solid and safe. Much like Travis did now. In her heart, she believed that Lydia was watching over her and was proud of her. Much to her chagrin, tears fell down her cheeks.

“Oh, Katie, don’t cry!” “It’s okay! Stupid fuckin’ hormones!” Katie laughed as she wiped her tears away. “I am damn sure I’m doing the right thing. I know it.”

Jenni smiled and squeezed her hand tighter. “I’ll teach the baby to be loca. And it will do fine kickin’ zombie ass.”

Kissing Jenni’s cheek firmly, Katie felt her love for her friend fill her completely and totally. It was almost overwhelming. “I know. I know you’ll always be looking out for me and the baby.”

“You mean Jenni Junior.”

Katie rolled eyes. “We’ll see.”

“It’s totally the best name,” Jenni assured Katie. Despite her tears and her overwhelming emotions, Katie found her composure. “We’ll all be okay. One way or the other. We’re going to take back this world one little bit at a time.”

“Now you sound like Travis.”

“I am married to the guy.”

“And it’s so cute!” “Don’t start!”

“He is all adorable with you and-”

Katie punched Jenni’s arm. “Don’t start!”

Jenni rolled around on the bed laughing, scattering the baby clothes.

Chapter 4

1. A little Taste of The Old World

Ken was in a fabulous mood. The air was filled with a combination of the harsh scents of bleach and hair dye and the fruity fragrances of shampoo and conditioner. His dark hair now had blond tips and his fingernails were carefully manicured. He felt more like himself than he had in ages. The big room that had been reluctantly turned over to him for his beauty salon was buzzing. Music played softly from a big, ancient boom box in the corner. Next to him, Lenore twisted Yolanda’s hair into a tight French braid that wound around her head while Yolanda flipped through a year old copy of a fashion magazine. They were both sassing Felix, who was trying to ignore them as he read his book. With ebony skin and dark eyes, Felix was a good-looking guy, but painfully straight. Ken had tried flirting with him to no avail. He had been down in the dumps about his single status, but now that his beauty salon was up and running, he felt better. He was much happier doing hair than working on the construction site. Besides, he felt he was helping raise the spirits of the people in the fort.

Now, nothing could dampen his mood, not even the sleet pinging against the curtained windows. Another storm had blown in during the morning and was still going strong. But it was nice and warm in the hotel and the nastiness of the deadlands seemed far away. If only Curtis would sit still so he could give him a decent haircut, all would be well. “Sit still!”

“I think you took too much off the side,” Curtis complained.

“No, I didn’t. Sit still!” He was having a horrible time trimming Curtis’ hair. The boy kept fidgeting nervously in the chair. He had asked for Lenore to do his hair, but she was halfway through a ten hour marathon sewing in Yolanda’s new extensions. The young police officer had finally submitted to letting Ken do his hair. Ken considered poking at the guy’s homophobia, but decided against it. He was working hard to make friends and find acceptance in the fort. Riling Curtis wouldn’t do him any favors.

Curtis grumbled under his breath, watching Ken’s scissors like a hawk.

Yolanda flipped through the magazine for the fourth time. “When are you going to get the stuff so I can get rid of these damn press on nails? I need some decent nails, Lenore. I’ve glued them onto my nails so many times, they’re wearing thin.”

“Maybe next time. I can’t grab stuff unless the coast is clear or I’ll get in trouble. Don’t need no Vigilante tossing my fat ass over the wall.” Lenore’s nimble fingers kept braiding as she spoke. Ken marveled at her patience and stamina. Curtis squirmed around his chair. “You’re taking too much-”

Ken grabbed Curtis’ head firmly between his hands and aimed his gaze straight forward. “Stop moving.”

“Your ass is fine,” Felix drawled from behind his book. There was a pause as everyone looked at him and he slowly lowered it to peer over the well-worn edges. “I meant that it’s not fat. Not that it’s...” “You saying my ass ain’t fine?” Lenore shot him a cross look, her fingers still braiding.

“I didn’t mean that!” Felix sighed heavily.

“So it is fine?” Yolanda arched both her eyebrows, gazing into the mirror in front of her at his reflection. Ken giggled.

“Just don’t answer them, Felix. They got you trapped,” Curtis advised. “They’re just being wicked.”

“You have no idea how wicked I can get.” Yolanda winked.

Ken was amazed at how red Curtis’ scalp turned under the golden strands of hair. “You made him blush, Yolanda!”

“It ain’t that hard. Curtis is our sweetie, ain’t you?” Curtis blushed even more.

Ken wondered how red he could turn. “He’s always making sure everyone minds themselves and he is always super sweet and gets me coffee when I’m on duty in the communication center.” Yolanda smiled affectionately at Curtis.

“It’s no big thing,” he answered awkwardly. “Maybe he’s sweet on you,” Ken teased.

“Nah, he’s sweet on Linda,” Yolanda answered.

Curtis darted out of the chair so fast, Ken almost stuck him with his scissors. “Hey!”

“ can’t pay nothing and can’t tip you. I feel bad about that. Maybe I can get Bill to let Lenore get more supplies-” “Just gimme a kiss and we’re even,” Ken said, trying to sound and look serious.

Rhiannon Frater's books