Murder on Wheels (A Tourist Trap Mystery, #6)

“Not our jurisdiction.” He hugged me. “But you’re trying to change the subject. What did you want to know from Austin?”

I told him about Austin coming into the coffee shop that night to offer the food truck for sale to Aunt Jackie. Then I told him about what he said about Kacey’s friends. “I met Ginny Dean at Linens and Loots a few days ago. She’s convinced Kacey was murdered.”

“I know. She’s been in the station a few times, demanding to know when I’m going to arrest someone. The woman is a pain in my behind.” He pointed to a grassy hill where Amy and Justin stood. “There they are.”

Justin waved at us and Amy turned away, looking in the other direction.

I sighed. “This is not going to be a fun day, I can tell already.”

“Just be your cheerful, bubbly self. She’ll come around.” He kissed me on the head. “Let’s go into the lions’ den, dear.”

When we reached them, Justin gave me a hug and slapped Greg on the back. “Welcome. Thanks for coming out, guys. This means a lot to the club. They are donating the profits today for Kacey’s funeral costs.”

“Now, if someone could just find her murderer,” Amy muttered. Justin had his arm around her and he squeezed her tightly, in what appeared to be a warning. She rolled her eyes, then sighed. “I mean, I’m sure you’re working hard to solve the case, Greg.”

“We’re not here to talk shop, right? I’ve been looking forward to today all week.” Greg nodded to Justin. “You ready to get started?”

Justin’s head bobbed like a two-year-old who had just been offered ice cream. “I sure am. But first, I got us all a present.” He dug into the bag and handed each one of us a device with a South Cove Rocks lanyard.

I stared at the item that looked like a cross between a cell phone and the old pager I’d found in Miss Emily’s desk drawer. “Thanks, but what is it?”

“It’s a handheld GPS locator. I know, we can all get an app on our phones, but this way, you can keep your phone free, like for Greg, and still be on the hunt. Cool, right?”

“This is great. I’m sure it will come in handy when we come out to these events. But you didn’t have to buy us each one, I’m sure we could have just followed your directions.” Greg hung the cord around his neck.

“What if one of us gets separated? Or you want to come up and do your own search without me? No, each of us needed our own, it’s only logical.” Justin grinned like he’d just given us the keys to the bank vault.

“Thanks again.” I put the item around my neck, hoping that this would be the last time our double date would lead us out to the forest to find caches. I’d rather be sitting on the beach getting a tan and reading a book than doing this. Once I ran, I was done with my workout for the day.

Justin beamed. “I knew you all would love them. Taylor helped me pick out just the right model, but I don’t think he realized I’d be buying us all one. The guy should get a commission from the company on this sale alone.”

A woman ran up to me. “I’m so glad you’re here.” Ginny Dean stood by my side. “I wanted to talk to you about Kacey’s murder.”

I glanced at Greg, but he and Justin had headed over to the registration table. Amy stood off to the side, ignoring me. I took Ginny by the arm and led her a few feet away from the group so we wouldn’t be overheard. “Do you know who killed Kacey?”

Ginny nodded solemnly.

“Can you tell me?” This chick was getting on my nerves. She needed to be telling this to Greg, but apparently she’d been causing so much trouble at the station, who knew if he would even listen to her at this point.

“I’ve left all the clues.” She handed me a slip of paper. “I’m trying to save my own skin here, you’ve got to understand. If he knew what I really knew, I’d be dead just like Kacey.”

“If who knew?”

She started to walk away and pointed to my hand. “Follow the clues. I’ve left a clear path.”

This was stupid. “Look, you need to just tell me what you know.” As I watched, Ginny’s eyes widened and she skirted away through the crowd. I muttered, “Total nutcase.”

“You got that right,” a male voice said from behind me. I twirled around and found Taylor Archer standing behind me. Way too close for my comfort. I wanted to take a step backward but decided not to give him the satisfaction.

“That’s not a nice thing to say about one of your members.” I hated that he’d heard the “nutcase” comment.

“You said it first. The girl was always hanging out with Kacey. I warned Kacey that she was mentally unhinged and to be careful, but she never listened.” He widened his eyes. “You don’t think Ginny killed her, do you? I hate to say negative things, but the girl is certifiable.”