Lush (A Delicious Novel)


There were photographers on the sidewalk outside the hotel. Adrian cursed and looked to Gillian. “English, you’re going to have to run the gauntlet. I’m sorry.”

She sighed. “Comes with the territory now.”

Mary watched, worried, though sure he’d protect her. Damien had ended up in the other cab with his brothers and they’d been a light ahead so they’d most likely gone through the mess already.

Admittedly she was glad. The last thing she wanted was to be photographed with him going into a hotel.

Levi and Daisy got out first and he glared at them, holding Daisy to his side. Mary took Miles and dared anyone to do anything. They pushed, taking pictures, but she held her bag in front of his face so they couldn’t get any good shots.

But it was nothing compared to the furor when Adrian got out with Gillian.

They shouted his name, shouted questions at them. Shouted Gillian’s name. The doorman held the door open for them and hotel security made sure no one got in, though the flashes kept on even after they got inside.

“You okay?” she asked Miles.

“Mum’s going to be upset. I hate that.”

Mary kissed his cheek. “You’re such a sweet boy. Your dad made sure no one got near her. She knows his life comes with this. She chose it to be with him. It’s okay.”

They headed to the elevators and Mary overheard Adrian speaking with Gillian about bodyguards. “English, you know I have to. Erin is arriving soon with the guys and Alexander. That scene out there . . . well, she won’t handle it well. And I don’t want you to get hurt or jostled.”

The baby. Mary knew he was thinking of Gillian’s pregnancy. Knew he was worried about her emotional and physical state. Erin, his sister and the bass player in his band for these shows, had been involved in a horrific stalking and kidnapping years before that had ended with her daughter murdered and her life shattered. Crowds and paparazzi were one of the reasons she didn’t tour with him and had semiretired from music. She still wrote with him and did his studio work, but aside from special shows like this short tour she didn’t go on the road.

“I know. Stop worrying. I’ll get used to bodyguards someday, I suppose.”

He kissed the top of her head and looked to Miles. “You okay?”

“Yeah. I don’t like seeing Mum upset though.”

“Me either. We’ll make it better for her. Maybe with ice cream.”

Gillian snorted but smiled. “Oh, my men.”

“This is my floor. I’ll see you in the morning. Call me when you wake up.”

She hugged Adrian quickly and Gillian, kissing her cheeks. “Love you.”

“Love you too. I’m so glad you’re here, Mary. Makes everything better.”

Mary whispered in Gillian’s ear. “You’re having a baby.”

Gillian squeezed her tight. “I’m so glad I could share that with you. See you in the morning.”

She headed to her room. She figured Damien would call her or show up at some point. He knew the number.

* * *

It was Daisy waiting at her door though, with Levi. “Are you all right?”

“Um? What do you mean?” She slid the card into the slot and invited them inside.

“The crazy media outside. You were with Adrian and Damien too right?”

“Ah. Not with Damien. They got into a different cab. But with Adrian, Gillian and Miles, yes. She wasn’t pleased. But she’s all right. This is her life.”

“Could be yours too.”

Daisy was her friend and so she understood the concern. But she didn’t want to discuss this yet again and she sure didn’t want to discuss this in front of Levi.

“Thanks for coming by.” She went to the door. “I’ll see you guys in the morning.”

“Oh. You’re mad.” Daisy looked back over her shoulder to Levi. “This rarely happens.”

“I really can’t tell the difference. She’s still smiling.”

“She’s right here.”

Daisy paused to hug her. “I’m sorry. I worry.”

“I left you alone. For the most part. When this one was making you crazy.” She gave the eye to Levi, who had the good sense to cringe a little. “I already said all I want to say this trip about Damien.”

Daisy grinned. “All right. Fair enough.”

“Love you.”

“Love you too. I was just worried.”

“I know. Don’t give me puppy eyes, they don’t work on me.”

Daisy laughed as they left the room. “Yes, they do, you big softie.”

She managed to get back inside and lock up before her phone started buzzing again.

“You amenable to a visit?”

She grinned. “Is this how you open all your phone calls?”

“Only to hot brunettes with curls for miles and a mouth made for sin.”

“You’re so good at this.”

“Does that mean I’m invited?”

“Are you a vampire then? I need to invite you in?”

There was a tap at her door and she looked through the peephole to find him standing out there in a hoodie with a baseball cap on.

She opened up. “You look like the Unabomber.”

“Paps out front.” He shut the door after putting out the DO NOT DISTURB sign. “Don’t want that headline tomorrow.”

“Yeah, I saw. I don’t know how you deal with it, to be honest.”

He tossed the hoodie and cap aside before drawing the drapes. “You deal with it.” He shrugged. “It’s part of the gig. I don’t like it, but over time you adjust your life around it. Learn ways to cope. Let’s speak of it no more because I’m here to f*ck you.”

“Well, I certainly approve of that topic change.”

“I’m a little dirty.” He waggled his brows.

“You’re a lot dirty. It’s one of your best qualities.”

He laughed, prowling her way, pulling his T-shirt off as he did. “That was my not-very-subtle way to suggest a shower. I like you wet.”

“You don’t need a shower for that.”

Damn, she made him laugh.

“However.” She turned and walked toward the bathroom, tossing her shirt and bra in a nearby chair. “I think shower sex is pretty nice, so I won’t argue.”

He loved to look at her naked body. He hadn’t realized it so much while he had it to look on three weeks ago after Adrian and Gillian’s wedding. But in the time since he’d thought about it a lot.

She stepped into the huge shower enclosure and he followed, tossing his clothes to the side when he did.

“I wish my shower was this big,” she murmured as she stepped under one of the many showerheads.

“Mine is. You can come use it after the tour ends.” Even if he didn’t have a huge bathroom at his home, that she wanted one would have him making calls back home to have one put in.

She smiled, her eyes closed, head tipped back. Water rushed over her curves as her nipples tightened, darkening.

“You have freckles.” He stepped to her, banding an arm around her waist to haul her closer. He kissed her shoulder, over the freckles he’d just noticed.

“I do. I used to worry about it. Of course Cal has nothing like a single freckle. So much pretty on a man seems unfair.”

“Oh, Curly, your freckles make my mouth water.”

“Mmm. Thank you.” She reached around his body, grabbing two handfuls of his ass, and pulled him even closer.

“I’ve thought of pretty much nothing but seeing you naked for the last three weeks. Now that you’re here, naked and slippery, I’m so stunned I’m not sure where to start.”

Her eyes opened as a smile curved her lips. “I’m sure I have a few suggestions if you’re really at a loss.” She let go and squeezed some soap into her palm and the scent of oranges hit his nose.

“That’s what I’ve been smelling!” He copied her, sliding his palms over her breasts and down her belly as she found his cock, wrapping her fist around it, sliding up and down until he made a sound he hadn’t intended to make.

“There’s a bench in here. Handy. I think you should f*ck me.”

“I plan to. But I want to taste you first. Make you come a few times. Then.”

She frowned a moment and he laughed.

“Turn around. Hands on the tile. Stick your ass out.”

She did and he looked his fill at the bounty of her back and that ass of hers. Mmm.

He slid soap-slick hands all over her until she’d relaxed. She was greedy. Wanted it all and right then. But he liked long, slow f*cks. So he’d tire her a little with some orgasms and then they’d get to the f*cking portion of the program.

Her breasts fit in his palms perfectly and she arched into him when he rolled and tugged her nipples.

“Sensitive nipples.” He kissed her shoulder, sliding his teeth over that sensitive skin until gooseflesh broke over her. He wanted to learn her. Their coupling back in Washington had been fast and furious. Intense. Now he had the time and he planned to take it. Every last moment he could.

He sent his free hand down her belly, between her legs. All while he crowded her from behind. It was enough to slide his cock against the lush flesh of her ass, slick from soap as he found her * hard and ready.

He teased her until she thought she would lose her damned mind. Slowly ramping her up and then backing off a few beats. And then starting over. She lost track of time as the water beat at them, as he slowly stroked her *, brushing his cock against her butt. One hand still pinching her nipple.

He was so very good at this.

And finally, he pinched her * between his thumb and middle finger and there was no holding back. She leapt into climax as it swallowed her up, holding her under. She hadn’t even noticed that he’d rinsed her off and turned her.

“Now then. I need you in that bed in there so I can eat your cunt.”


Funny how easy she went from discomfort at the word to the sound of it from his mouth sending a wildfire of heat through her system. Like Pavlov’s dog. Only for sex.

She dried off, tossing the towel over the rack, and headed to the bedroom. She’d been sort of shocked at the size of the bed. It dominated the room, which wasn’t overly large. But it worked, gave the bedroom a very cozy feel.

The bedding was soft and very fluffy, which was good because he bent to pick her up and toss her on it.

“You like to do that.”

He grinned, looking like a rock-star pirate. “You’re small enough to make me feel like the Hulk or something. Plus, you jiggle in all the best parts. What’s not to like?”

Holding up some foil packets, he placed them on the nightstand and joined her on the bed. “Now then.”

She wanted to kiss him awhile. So she moved close, leaning in to get one eyelid and then the other. Across his brow line. Down his jaw. Over his chin and up again. Against the blade of each cheekbone and over the bridge of his nose. He relaxed into her touch, accepting her kisses easily. His fingertips traced each bump of her spine.

He opened to her immediately, his taste rushing back through her as if it hadn’t been absent for those weeks. He was a bold kisser. He knew what he was about. He used his lips, his tongue, his teeth. He didn’t just kiss, he tasted. He seduced and then he feasted. By the time she realized it, he’d already taken over the kiss and made it his. She had no complaints about that part. Not at all.

She found herself on her back as he kissed over her eyes. Each step was an echo of what she’d done. The tickle of his beard added extra sensation against the skin of her neck.

He found his way to her nipples. Those kisses and licks took on an edge as he bit. Just barely shy of pain. Shivers exploded through her. He nibbled, licked and bit over each breast until she writhed into his touch. Needing more.

Damn, she was responsive. Beautiful in the way she arched, demanding more. Each place he kissed told him more about her. She sucked in a breath when he kissed the hollow at her hip. Made a weepy sort of gasp when he’d bitten her nipples. The spot beyond her jaw had made her moan. She liked having her belly kissed, especially around her belly button. He filed it all away for next time.

And there would be a next time.

He licked down the seam where her leg met her thigh, spreading her wide open so he could get at her p-ssy.

He hummed his delight as he took a long look. So pretty. Slick. Ready for him.

He took a lick and she shivered.

Responsive here too. Ready to come again after the short recess from that orgasm in the shower. He liked that too.

She tasted so f*cking good. And the noises she made shot straight to his cock. He tried not to think of it, but it was difficult when she punched the mattress, digging her heels into the bed on either side of his body.

Demanding more.

So he gave it to her.

Gave it to her hard and fast, glorying in the way she came so hard against his lips and tongue. In the way she tasted and felt beneath him.

He kissed her gently as she recovered, trying to get his control back into place before he got inside her again.

He flopped to his back and she got to her elbow, looking down at him. “You should get a platinum record for that.”

He grinned, his eyes still closed.

“Glad to be of service.”

“Now it’s my turn.”

She kissed his belly and he stopped her. “Curly, I’m very, very close. If you put those lips anywhere near my cock, it’ll be over. I very much want into your p-ssy. I want to f*ck you until your tits jiggle.”

“Oh. Well then.”

He opened up to find her grabbing the condom, holding still as she rolled it on.

And then she straddled his thighs and he nearly blacked out.

But he managed to keep his cool as she got into place, angling him to slowly sink back, taking him deep.


She wore that smile he’d been thinking of. She smiled a lot in general, but this was a sex smile. A private Mary smile she only gave him while they were like this. He didn’t care if anyone else had seen it before. It only mattered that he saw it then. That this Mary was his delicious secret.

And she began to ride.

Slowly, she rose to her knees, nearly coming all the way off, and then she reversed course, sliding back down to take him in fully.

Over and over until beads of sweat popped out on his brow. He knew he had a thin sliver of control left.

“You’re killing me.”

Again her smile. “Nuh-uh.”

She felt so good. Her body right around his cock. The heat of her burning against his skin, even through the latex. Her hair had begun to dry and curl up again. It flowed around her face and down her shoulders like a wild river.

Her skin gleamed with the sweat of a good, hard f*ck. Her breasts swayed just so. Her expression was open, candid. A woman who liked to come. Who liked sex and wasn’t afraid for him to know it.

For some reason this got to him in ways no other woman had.

She swiveled when she came back down on him and the last threads of his control wisped away. He was so close he could already feel climax sliding through his system.

His fingers dug into the muscle at her hips, holding her in place as he rolled his hips to thrust up as he came.

She fell to the bed beside him as he managed to roll out. “Be right back. Don’t go anywhere.”

When he returned she snorted. “Where would I go? I’m naked, pretty boneless and I have an equally naked man in my room. I have everything I need right here.”

“Want a beer? I didn’t order one at dinner, but after the day with my brothers looking at houses, my god.”

“I haven’t even looked in the mini fridge but you’re welcome to whatever is in there. Or we can order some. Was it awful, then? I thought you got on with your brothers.”

He laughed as he padded from the room to poke around in the mini fridge. As he suspected, Adrian had taken care to stock it well.

“Adrian is a good host,” he called out, but she moved out to join him, now wearing a bright yellow short robe thing that showcased her tits.

“Wow, that’s my favorite robe ever.”

“Daisy gave it to me. She does that.”

He cracked open the beers, handed her one and clinked his to it. “Cheers. Welcome to New York City, Mary Whaley. I’m sure glad you’re here.”

They settled on the couch. He pulled her legs up over his. “I am close with my brothers. But the process of looking for a house is stressful enough. Paddy kept getting calls and Vaughan chatted up the real estate agent and I just wanted to look at the one house and come back. But of course Vaughan wants to nail her so we had to look at other houses and really, a few we saw were also pretty awesome and great options, so that meant calls back to Ezra. Herding cats. That’s what our mom says we’re like. She’s right.”

“I can’t even imagine being a real estate agent and having you three show up. My lord. All that charm in one place. It’s lucky she didn’t pass out. Did you choose one?”

“I think so. I sent pictures to Ezra. He’s going to look them over and get back to me in the morning.”

“Ezra is the oldest, right? He runs the ranch with your dad, you said?”

He nodded, wondering if she knew the story.

“He’s the stable one? Ryan is the stable one in our family. Cal is a hothead, though not at work. I’m the artsy one. My dad—who is a retired ironworker, by the way—says I’m flighty. But he smiles so it’s not an insult. Ryan is a schoolteacher. Math and biology. At a middle school. I don’t know how he does it. But the kids love him. He never loses it with them. He’s the one I talk to about my business stuff. Cal sets up my business paperwork, but Ryan gives the best advice.”

Being with her was . . . surprisingly normal. He didn’t sit around after sex, drinking beer and talking real estate with other women. He couldn’t have told anyone about their backgrounds or what their families were like.

“Ezra used to be in the band. He started it actually. But it was not easy for him. He decided to leave and focus on the ranch. It was his idea to start the hay crop. He and my dad are a lot alike. He’s a hell-raiser. Or he was, he’s mellowed.” Since he got out of rehab and worked all day long on horseback or in a truck. The physical nature of the job seemed to fill a need in him.

“It’s nice you guys can do this for your parents.”

“It’s one of my favorite things about fame. Having the money to do things for my parents like this. They’ve done so much for us. It’s a good thing to take care of them.”

Later that night, as she fell asleep against him, he realized he’d gotten used to her awfully fast.

Lauren Dane's books