Dark Nights

Chapter Nine

Joie stood in the doorway of the lounge, her gaze scanning the crowd as she always did, getting a feel for the throng, picking out the ones most likely to cause trouble and the ones who might be interested in more than they should. She noted a tall, dark-haired man in the corner who looked up when she walked in with Traian. He quickly glanced away from them, taking a sudden interest in his drink, but she could tell he was watching them carefully. A second man drew her interest. He sat in one of the high-backed chairs near the fire, a newspaper in his hands. He was short and slender and wore reading glasses. He was looking over the top of the thick rims at Gabrielle.

Joie glanced up at Traian’s inscrutable face. He, too, had assessed the room in one quick glance and she realized he had moved slightly to put himself between her and the tall, dark-haired man pretending interest in his drink.

Who is he?

I do not know, but he is very interested in your family. This is a dangerous place for travelers who may have mage blood running in their veins, he warned. Deliberately he didn’t look at Jubal when he sent him a quick command. Make certain no one in the bar can see the weapon that came to you in the caves.

Jubal turned, very casually and waved to them both. Gabrielle looked up, gave a glad cry, and jumped up from the small table she was sharing with her brother near the lit fireplace to run across the room to them. Behind her, the flames leapt and danced, glowing orange and gold and red. The taller man put down his drink and turned his head to follow Gabrielle’s progress.

More predator than man, Traian’s instincts sent an alarm sliding down his back. He reached out very carefully and touched the man’s mind. He liked the look of Gabrielle, but there was something about her that made him believe she was far more than she appeared and he was looking for . . . the undead. It was very obvious to Traian that the man was attracted to Gabrielle and he justified his interest by fitting the criteria given to him by others in his secret society of vampire hunters.

Women were said to be more beautiful, drawing interest wherever they went. They came out at night looking for men to seduce to do their bidding. The only women who could ever be vampires were human women who had no psychic ability that had been turned by vampires. They were clearly deranged and no one could ever mistake one. As far as Traian was concerned, they were pitiful creatures in need of sympathy and a merciful dispatch to the next realm.

Clearly the man hadn’t seen Joie yet, he was too busy ogling Gabrielle. Traian’s blood would enhance Joie’s beauty in a subtle way. He didn’t want attention drawn to her family, especially when Jubal wore the mage’s weapon. Before he stepped away from Joie, he made certain to shield her enough that she wouldn’t appear interesting to the stranger.

Joie prepared herself to be practically bowled over as her sister embraced her, hugging her with her usual enthusiasm. Looking over Gabrielle’s shoulder, she noted the man in the glasses looking past her to Traian. Recognition immediately flickered across his face, and he carefully folded the newspaper and laid it on the small table in front of him.

Traian, Joie warned. The one in the glasses, with the newspaper. Do you know him? He recognized you.

Traian sighed. Two members of the vampire hunting society in the small village close to where the prince of the Carpathian people made his home? That was too big of a coincidence for him to swallow. One might be a scout, but two meant they were hunting. The last time there was a hunt, men, women, and children were murdered, both human and Carpathian.

Joie shifted slightly to keep Gabrielle just a little behind her, her posture protective, but the two men were split, one on one side of the room while the other could control his side. Traian let his gaze drift naturally to the slender man with glasses who raised a glass to him the moment their eyes met.

He scanned the man’s mind. Clearly human, he recognized that Traian was not. To Traian’s amusement, the moment she noticed the stranger’s interest in them, Joie again shifted, gliding slightly in front of him, even as she tried to keep an eye on the taller, dark-haired man.

The rush of joy and affection, a lightening of his heart and soul, made Traian tremble. He couldn’t remember if anyone in his long lifetime had worried about him or tried to protect him. That small gesture meant the world to him because it revealed her faith in him. She’d made a leap of faith, committing herself to his life, his world.

He is not an enemy, he assured. Did we forget to discuss the fact that I am not certain I want you guarding bodies?

Really? She arched an eyebrow at him. Not even yours? I’m pretty good at it.

Traian’s eyes were on the dark-haired man, but he lifted his hand to hip level, palm down and waved off the man with the glasses just as he’d started to rise. The man immediately sank back into his chair and reached for his newspaper.

He was going to talk to you.

Not yet. I have to deal with someone else first. Visit with your brother and sister for a few minutes. Keep an eye out for trouble.

Don’t worry, Traian, I’ve got my eye on you all the time. She flashed a saucy grin at him.

Traian couldn’t help the little glow warming his insides. She believed he wanted her happiness above his own, and she wanted to give him happiness. He had a mad desire to scoop her up and run back to her room, where he could make love to her all over again. He looked at her, allowed the thought to shimmer in his mind, to glow hot in his eyes.

Joie laughed. “Stop that.”

Gabrielle looked from her sister to Traian and made a rude noise. “Oh, no. Joie, we leave you alone with him for a few minutes and you seduced him, didn’t you?”

Joie shrugged unrepentantly. “You have to admit, he’s pretty hot.”

Gabrielle’s eyes widened and her hand went up to cover her open mouth. “I was so joking with you, but you really did. You totally slept with him. I’m telling Mom.”

“Well, you tattletale, if you say one word to Mom, I’m going to tell her you were thinking of taking that job researching the Ebola virus. You know what she’ll do when she hears that. And, for your information, there was no sleeping involved whatsoever.”

“You’re in such trouble, you hussy, and you wouldn’t dare tell Mom on me,” Gabrielle said. She pushed at Joie’s shoulder, looking at the man so studiously reading his newspaper, trying unsuccessfully to move her sister aside for a better look. “Now that is a hottie, Joie. There’s more to a man than muscle.” She grinned at Traian. “No offense or anything.”

“None taken,” he assured her.

“Your tongue is hanging out, Gabrielle,” Joie whispered. “Stop ogling him. For you to be falling at his feet, he must have an IQ of two hundred.” She glanced up at Traian. “No man she’s ever looked at could carry on a normal conversation. I think she can see straight through to their brains.” She nudged her sister. “Your eyes are popping out of your head.”

“I was just looking,” Gabrielle hissed back. “At least I didn’t throw myself at him and show off by doing in underfed trolls fresh out of the grave. I’m discreet.”

“I was happy she did that,” Traian pointed out. “She did rescue me.”

“Yes, well, I suppose you would have been happy, under the circumstances,” Gabrielle conceded. “But she has a major hickey on her neck. If Mom saw that, there’d be consequences.”

Traian bared his strong white teeth at her. “I think I can handle your mother.”

Gabrielle and Joie looked at each other and burst out laughing. “It isn’t possible, Traian, even for you,” Joie said.

He laid his hand very gently on Joie’s shoulder. “You will have to excuse me for a few moments. Please stay warm by the fire.” He guided both women back to the table where Jubal sat observing the room. “I have a couple of things to do.” He maintained eye contact with Jubal who nodded almost imperceptibly. “Do not draw undo attention to yourselves while I am gone.”

Joie caught his hand. “Traian, we can help.”

“Not with this. Just be safe until I return.”

She bit her lip and nodded.

Traian bent his head and brushed her mouth with his before walking over to the bar. He took his time, making his way across the room, shoulders straight, allowing himself to be seen only as slightly intimidating as he approached the man with the dark hair. He leaned onto the bar beside him and lifted one finger toward the innkeeper, who hastened over. He glanced toward the stranger. “What are you drinking?”

The man gave him a tentative smile. “Vodka.” He spoke with a slight Hungarian accent.

Traian held out his hand. “Traian, I am visiting my parents, and you?”

The man looked a little relieved. “Gerald Hodkins, just a tourist. I wanted to see this part of the country. I’ve heard so much about it from various family members.”

Traian sent him a friendly smile and ordered two vodkas. The innkeeper, Mirko Ostojic, met his eyes and gave him a brief nod. Traian lifted the glass toward the other man and they drank. Cool water slid down his throat.

“It is beautiful country,” he ventured.

Gerald nodded. “Dangerous to travelers who don’t know their way around though.”

Traian’s eyebrow went up. “Not so much anymore. My parents moved to this region about ten years ago. They bought a little farm just up the road, basically to retire, but they like to raise sheep. They told me there was virtually no crime here.” He injected a note of worry into his voice. “I work in Sri Lanka, so I do not get to visit often.”

Gerald shrugged his shoulder. “This place was cleaned out some time ago, from my understanding, although there might be pockets left.”

Traian signaled Mirko over for another round. “Pockets of what?”

Gerald glanced right and left as if someone might be listening. He’d been drinking quite a bit already and he waited until the innkeeper had poured another drink. He raised the glass to his mouth. “Have you heard the rumors of vampires in this region?” He took a healthy swallow and regarded Traian steadily over the rim of the glass.

Traian frowned. “Sure. Everyone has. This is reputed to be vampire country, but everyone knows that’s just a myth. I have read that in some of the more remote villages residents still believe that after someone dies, if a member of the family becomes ill, that they have to dig up the body, cut off the head, stuff the mouth with garlic and drive a stake through the heart in order to insure the supposed vampire is dead. That practice has been documented around the world in various countries, but it isn’t widespread anymore and these locals certainly don’t do such things.”

Gerald took another swallow of his drink. “Don’t be too sure. It wasn’t that long ago that there was a huge purge right around this area.”

“I know what you are talking about. I did research into the history of the region when my parents were first considering settling here, but the investigation determined those ritualistic killings were outsiders who murdered a number of people in some sort of misguided belief that vampires exist. It really is safe for tourists and travelers here.”

Gerald tossed back the rest of his drink and signaled the innkeeper to refill their glasses. “On my tab,” he instructed and then studied Traian over his drink. His face was flushed, his eyes a little bloodshot. “Did you ever consider that there was a cover-up? That maybe those men really had found something?” He turned his back to the bar and surveyed the room. “Maybe all those myths and legends aren’t just stories.”

“Scary thought,” Traian said, allowing interest to creep into his voice. “History is always interesting because if you read various accounts of anything, the stories change depending on who is telling them.”

“Exactly,” Gerald agreed, slurring the word slightly.

Traian very carefully began to raise the temperature around the man. “There generally is a grain of truth to many of the legends, but most of the time, I have found there is a scientific reason behind unusual occurrences.”

Gerald grinned at him as if catching him in a compromising statement. “You half believe the stories about vampires.”

Traian looked uncomfortable as he shrugged his shoulders. “No, of course not.”

Gerald nodded toward the Sanders family. “Look at that beautiful woman. The one with the long hair. She’s the type, you know. She came in early in the morning, slept all day and is up now.”

“You mean Gabrielle?” Traian laughed. “She’s a researcher for hot viruses on vacation with her sister and brother. They like to climb mountains—mostly during the day.” He wiped his forehead. “I think I’ve had a bit too much to drink. It’s getting hot in here.”

Gerald took the suggestion. “The innkeeper keeps adding wood to the fire. They never seem to realize the more people are in the building the less they have to heat it.” He clapped Traian on the shoulder. “Let’s take a little walk outside and get some fresh air.”

Obligingly, Traian set his glass on the bar and followed Gerald around the tables, taking one more sweep of the room, tuning in to the various conversations to make certain there was no whisper of conspiracy before he left his lifemate and her family. He stepped out of the inn and allowed the door to swing closed behind him.

Fog slid through the surrounding trees, entering the village with long fingers, pulling a gray veil over the houses and businesses, draping them in the thick, cool mist. Wind blew gently in from the south, a steady stream that brought with it information of night creatures moving in the deeper woods. Aromas of food cooking drifted to Traian, and he heard the whispers of conversation in buildings he passed as he walked with Gerald along the narrow sidewalk toward the deeper shadows.

“I grew up hearing stories of monsters,” Gerald offered. “Of course all of us kids thought our parents were a little crazy because it was obvious they believed in vampires and ghouls. They called them human puppets, flesh-eating fiends who do the bidding of their masters.”

“Great bedtime stories,” Traian commented, taking Gerald’s arm when he stumbled on the uneven ground as they entered the dark space between two buildings. “No wonder you half believe the fairy tales.”

“Oh, I believe them all right.” Gerald lowered his voice. “There’re quite a lot of believers now. But we cleaned them out of this area.”

Traian turned, his body blocking the way so that Gerald was forced to halt his staggering progress. Tainted alcoholic blood was never a choice for any Carpathian, but sometimes—like now—it was necessary. He had to be able to monitor Gerald Von Halen’s activities. Gerald might have been more resistant to his voice had he not been consuming alcohol, but the amount allowed easy entrance into the man’s mind.

Traian bent his head to Gerald’s neck and drank, the vampire hunter’s mind docile and accepting, following Traian’s low, murmured instructions. The hunter probed the society member’s mind for information on their next hunt. There was some disagreement, but most seemed to be turning their attention and concentrating efforts to wipe out vampires in South America.

“Leave this place as soon as you can pack. It is urgent that you go,” Traian commanded and forced drops of his own blood into the opened mouth. He would always be able to whisper to Gerald, to speak across some distances and ensure he did no harm to any Carpathian. “You will forget the women you saw tonight and remember me only as a drinking buddy you have great affection for.”

They were at the entrance to the inn before Traian allowed Gerald to become aware of his surroundings, planting memories of laughter and the slow, vague idea that the society members were taking his dues money and making a fool of him. They patted one another on the back like old friends and Gerald stumbled up the stairs to his room. He waited until Gerald had gone into his room before he returned to Joie’s side. He hadn’t realized how strong the pull of a lifemate was until he had left her side the morning before. He was anxious to complete the three blood exchanges and bring her fully into his world so he wouldn’t have to leave her when the sun rose.

“Is everything all right?” Jubal asked.

Traian toed the chair closest to Joie around and sank into it, his arm sweeping around her shoulders, needing to touch her, to feel her warmth and know she wasn’t a fantasy he’d dreamt up there in the cave when the vampires had tortured him.

“Fine. I believe our friend in the glasses is about to join us. Be careful what you say.” He directed the comment mainly to Gabrielle. He could tell by her heightened color and the light in her eyes that she found the man very attractive.

The slender man stopped in front of them and held out his hand to Traian. “I’m Gary Jansen. Mikhail Dubrinsky sent me. He asked me to convey his apologies, but unforeseen circumstances prevented him from coming himself. Should there be need, he asked that you put out a call to him and he will send Falcon. Mikhail’s brother is in Italy at this time, so I was sent to aid you in any way I can.” He chose his words carefully, obviously very aware they were not alone.

Traian gripped Gary’s hand firmly. “I am Traian Trigovise. This is my lifemate, Joie Sanders, her sister, Gabrielle and brother Jubal. I trust the prince and his lifemate are well?”

“Raven has been ill,” Gary said briefly. His gaze strayed to Gabrielle, but he quickly reined himself in. “If we could go somewhere private, it would be better,” he added. “I offer whatever you need freely.”

If Traian had any doubts about Gary, that single offer immediately put an end to them. He was offering blood, a way to ensure he could not lie to Traian. The man’s mind was without a shield, although when Traian touched it, he knew Gary could have kept him out. A Carpathian had carefully constructed a thick barrier so others could not probe the human mind. Gary had set it aside, in order to gain Traian’s trust. He had to be of great value to the Carpathian people for any of them to have protected him with such strength.

Traian nodded. “We do need to speak somewhere quiet. I have news of great importance that must reach our prince as fast as possible.”

“My room’s just down the hall,” Gary offered.

All three of the Sanderses stood. Gary hesitated and looked to Traian for guidance. He nodded and Gary, with a small shrug, led them through the narrow hallway to unlock the door to his room.

“Nice,” Jubal commented. “We’re on the second story with small balconies. This is great.” He looked out the double doors to the spacious verandah. “Joie, we should have asked for the ground floor.”

Gabrielle looked around. “This is a nice room. Our rooms are much smaller.” She smiled at Gary.

A dull red swept under Gary’s skin as he hastily cleared clothes from a chair. “Sorry about the mess.”

Gabrielle’s smile widened. “You should see my room. We were in a cave, and our clothes were filthy. All I could think about was taking a hot shower.” She blushed, turning away from Gary to study the verandah Jubal seemed so interested in.

Gary nodded toward the Sander siblings. “Forgive me for asking, but are you certain everyone in this room can be trusted?”

“I am more certain of them than I am of you,” Traian answered.

Gary smiled, relaxing for the first time. “That’s good enough for me. I can give Mikhail your news, although he asked me to have you return home as soon as you are able. He has called in the ancients his father sent out. He needs their knowledge to make informed decisions in the ongoing war with the undead.” He glanced at Gabrielle as he added the last.

She shuddered and moved a little closer to her brother. “I never, ever, want to meet another one as long as I live.”

“You encountered one?” Gary asked, obviously shocked. “And lived through it?”

Gabrielle nodded. “Jubal . . .”

“Perhaps that discussion is best left for another time,” Traian interrupted. He didn’t know Gary Jansen. He believed him an emissary of the prince, but he needed to protect Joie’s family from all possible harm. The last thing he wanted was for the mage weapon to be brought out into the open. “Suffice to say, we escaped and hurried here to give Mikhail the news. Is he well? In danger?”

Gary shook his head. “Raven was pregnant and she lost the baby.”

Traian met his eyes. Joie caught the echo of his instant sorrow. Somehow that baby had meant the world to all Carpathians, representing hope.

“That is sad news. I had thought perhaps, with her having been human, and carrying successfully once, she would escape the fate of our women.”

“What fate?” Jubal asked, shifting protectively toward Joie.

Traian sighed. He’d hoped to avoid repeating the subject in front of her family, but honor compelled him to answer Jubal’s direct question. “Over the last few centuries, fewer and fewer babies survived. Those that did were usually male. It became very rare to have a female child. When our prince found his lifemate in a human psychic, the males had renewed hope. She gave birth to a female child—the first in a very long time. Unfortunately, miscarriage is common and if the child is born, more often than not, they do not survive beyond their first year.”

Joie pressed her lips together tightly and looked at her sister. Gabrielle looked as if she might cry.

“How terrible,” she whispered.

“I’m doing research,” Gary said. “Hoping to find the cause.”

“Have you discovered anything that might point you in a direction?” Gabrielle asked, real interest in her voice. “I might be able to help.”

Gabrielle, Jubal cautioned. Slow down. We don’t know anything about this man.

Gabrielle stuck her chin out. If Traian is discussing important things with him, he obviously trusts him.

Traian ignored the sibling debate. “I came across a group of vampires traveling together. Not one master and a puppet, but at least three master vampires, each with their own following, even several well-seasoned ones—all traveling and hunting together with an actual battle plan. I have never seen such a thing before. There is definitely something brewing and the conspirators are determined to assassinate the prince. I managed to kill a couple of them, but was wounded, and instead of killed, taken prisoner and used for a food supply, but I had the feeling they wanted to use me for something else. What that could be, I do not know.”

“Mikhail wanted me to ask you why you did not simply give him the information when you requested that someone join you here,” Gary said.

“Had I used the common telepathic link, the undead would have heard what I had to say,” Traian said. “I have never exchanged blood with the prince and do not have a private telepathic link. I believed the news of vampires banding together was far too sensitive for them to know I was passing the information to our prince. I wanted to keep the news as confidential as possible until we had time to assess things.”

Gary nodded. “Unfortunately, I fear things are going to get worse before they get better.”

“Where is Mikhail’s second in command? Why is he not guarding our prince? Our people cannot afford the loss of our prince and his lifemate. I do not like the fact that the undead dare to gather so close to our homeland.”

“Gregori is in the United States but will be returning soon. Falcon and Jacques stay close to Mikhail, although he doesn’t like it. He says he is quite capable of defending himself.”

“Perhaps it is so, but a master vampire is too powerful for any experienced hunter to take on alone and if they are banding together, even the prince and Gregori are in danger. He has not had to deal with so many of them because they spread out to other countries to grow in power and keep from being brought to justice by a hunter,” Traian objected, an edge to his voice.

Gary shrugged. “I’m afraid I don’t know much about master vampires. I’ve had a little experience with the undead and have found them difficult to kill. I, of course, go armed at all times and have developed a few weapons more suited to a human defense against them.”

“You might share your discoveries with Joie, Gabrielle, and Jubal,” Traian suggested. “No doubt they will be exposed again to the undead if they stay in this area long.”

His gaze rested on Joie. Had she changed her mind about coming fully into his world? He should have disclosed that the possibility of losing children was very high. He’d discussed Carpathian history with her and had revealed the lack of women and children, but he hadn’t actually told her what the reality would be.

Joie sent him a reassuring smile, one fist bunching in the back of his shirt, joining them together. I’m not going anywhere, Traian. If you and the rest of your people have to face the problem and look for solutions, I can too. And Gabrielle wasn’t just talking. She’s very good at what she does. She might be able to help Gary if he’s really doing what he says.

Traian turned toward her, unable to help himself, sweeping her under his shoulder. “I was on my way back in answer to the prince’s summons when I was attacked by a group of the undead. I killed two of them, but was wounded. They dogged my heels for weeks, nipping at me, wounding me and retreating. Vampires have too big of egos to get along, yet the fight was coordinated. After I killed a couple of them, I expected them to leave, but instead, they redoubled their efforts, attacking and running, but never allowing me to rest. First one master and his followers would attack and then the next. The third, the one I believe pulling the strings, never showed himself to me, but I felt him and he was very powerful.”

Worry crossed Gary’s face. “You’re right. That’s very unusual behavior. I’ve never heard of it either in all the time I’ve been with Gregori and Mikhail.”

Traian was astonished that a human was so trusted that Gregori, guardian to the prince of the Carpathian people, would allow him to get so close. It was obvious, from the familiar way Gary spoke, that he was in the inner circle. Traian had been away from his homeland for centuries and when he’d left, the ruling leader had been Mikhail’s father. Traian had yet to swear allegiance to Mikhail, so in some ways, Gary was more trusted by the prince than he would be.

“I went to ground in a network of undiscovered caves in the mountains not far from here,” Traian said. “At first I thought the vampires had followed me into the caves, but they were hunting for something there beneath the earth. They were so frantic to find it, instead of avoiding me as would be usual, they engaged me in a series of battles. I was able to kill one master, Gallent, but got no information about the powerful one who was coordinating the fights.”

Gary rubbed his jaw. “New behavior in an enemy is always indicative of planning. Someone out there is definitely orchestrating a major battle.”

“I believe that to be the case as well. I was severely wounded after one of the battles, and they found my resting place. Instead of killing me, they decided to use my blood and continue searching. Joie, Jubal, and Gabrielle found me. Joie killed one of the vampires.”

Gabrielle stirred as if she might give her brother credit as well, but Jubal laid a restraining hand on her arm and she closed her mouth.

“Sort of,” Joie corrected when Gary looked at her with admiration. “The darn thing fried my favorite knife. Traian had to incinerate it before it was really gone.” He knows a lot, don’t you think, for someone human?

Few humans are trusted with the knowledge he has of our people. He must be much respected for Mikhail to send him to me.

“How did you get involved with all of this?” Gabrielle asked Gary curiously.

He looked sheepish. “I’m embarrassed to admit I developed a compound to paralyze the system of Carpathians, thinking, of course, they were vampires. The compound was twisted into a poison and used to torture and dissect whomever the human society of vampire hunters deemed one of the undead. When I tried to expose them and rescue one of their victims, I met Gregori.”

“What’s he like?” Gabrielle asked curiously. “You must have been shocked.”

He shrugged. “I can’t describe Gregori or what meeting him was like, but it changed my life. The society would like to see me dead, so as a protection, Gregori brought me here to help with research. I like it here and have developed strong friendships, so I stay.”

Who is Gregori? There was so much respect in Gary’s voice, Joie was curious.

He is second in command to the prince—his guardian and the one tasked with keeping him alive. He is a great hunter and healer. His lifemate is the daughter of the prince.

Joie looked up at Traian. “I can see the Carpathians have a complex society. Why didn’t we know of its existence until now?”

“We take great care to blend in to the human world. It has been our way for centuries and has worked well for us. Unfortunately, our race is on the verge of extinction.” Traian gathered Joie to him. “Without lifemates, we will not survive.”

“Lifemates?” Jubal echoed. “You said Joie was your lifemate before, what does that mean?”

“We mate for life. Once a male finds the woman who is his other half, he binds her to him, as you do with a marriage ceremony. If she is a human and does not live fully in our world, it can be very difficult. Lifemates cannot be parted for long periods of time. We have a strong telepathic link and must touch each other’s minds frequently or one begins to grieve for the other. As Carpathians cannot walk fully in the human world, it is usually best for the human to walk in our world,” Traian explained.

Jubal and Gabrielle exchanged a long, apprehensive look.

“What exactly does that entail?” Jubal asked suspiciously.

“Jubal—” Joie protested.

“No, Joie, I want to know what he’s talking about.” Jubal didn’t look at his sister but rather at Traian. Man to man. Expecting an answer. Demanding one.

“Joie has consented to come fully into my world, Jubal,” Traian said, his voice low and without inflection. “I will protect her and watch over her and see to her happiness at all times. The conversion will not take her from your family. She would never be happy apart from you. I hope you and your sister and your parents will be able to accept me into your world, and your family, in the way I know my people will accept Joie into mine.”

Jubal swore softly and turned away from them to stare out into the night. “Joie, did you think this through? Do you know what he’s asking of you?”

Joie went to her brother, and put her arms around him. “I’ve never felt as if I truly belonged, Jubal. I accepted that I was different, and yes, I’ve been happy because I like the work I do and I love my family dearly, but I want more than that. Traian offered me more, and I grabbed the opportunity with both hands.”

“Do you hear what he’s saying to you? This isn’t like a human marriage, Joie, where you can walk away if things don’t work out.”

Traian stood beside Joie, his fingers laced with hers. “Lifemates not only want to be together, Jubal, they need to be. They find a way to work things out. A male Carpathian knows what makes his lifemate happy and does everything within his power to do it for her. And it works both ways. We always have telepathic communication open to us, so, in a sense, we are used to living in each other’s heads. I know that is a big adjustment to make, and I am doing my best to give Joie as much space as she needs. But she is already learning quickly.”

“It’s what I want, Jubal,” Joie said. “Be happy for me.”

“I know you, Joie. You aren’t going to be satisfied sitting on the sidelines while vampires are hanging around. You’re going to go save the world.”

Joie couldn’t lie to her brother. “Probably. On the other hand, I have no intention of giving up my business. I thought Traian might work with me.”

“This is where it is necessary for you to have faith in me, Jubal,” Traian said. “I cannot allow anything to happen to Joie.”

Jubal laughed without humor. “You don’t know Joie if you think you’re going to be protecting her. More than likely, it will be the other way around.”

“Forgive me for butting in, but I’ve been around the Carpathian race for some time now,” Gary said. “Traian is an ancient Carpathian male. He is far more powerful than you can imagine. They do not allow their women to come to any harm.”

“But then you haven’t met someone like Joie before,” Jubal pointed out. “She’s the guardian of the world.”

“At least I go after people, not little organisms that you can’t see and can’t do anything about.”

“Hey now,” Gabrielle objected, “don’t turn the spotlight on me.”

A small smile curved Traian’s mouth. “I think you are misjudging me because of our first meeting, when I was being held prisoner. I have survived countless battles with the undead, Jubal. A master vampire is every bit as powerful as our greatest hunter.”

He turned his attention once more to Gary. “Mikhail must know they are traveling in packs, and that they are planning something big. I also believe it is important to discover whatever it is they are seeking in those caves. Vampires always seek power. They would never waste time working the way they are unless it resulted in more power. That cave now belongs, or once belonged, to a powerful mage,” he added in warning. “There are items of great power in the caves, guarded by a shadow warrior.”

“I don’t know what that is.”

“Mikhail and Gregori will know. No one wants to meet a shadow warrior.”

Gary nodded. “I’ll tell him.”

“I’ll be returning to the cave just before sundown tomorrow. I hope to surprise them before they rise. In any case, I will do my best to discover what they seek.”

“Well, of course I’m going with you,” Joie said.

Traian brought her fingertips to his lips, breathed warm air over her hand. “I can travel faster on my own, Joie. And you have not yet learned to prevent them from reading your mind. I would be at risk because of your unguarded thoughts.”

Joie’s gaze flicked to Gary. The man nodded. “They are adept at reading our thoughts and even controlling us. Traian can go in without their being aware of his presence, but they would know the moment you were near.”

Joie frowned. “I don’t like the idea of you going in alone. There are several of them, and you’ve admitted there’s more than one master vampire. I might be able to help. Could you block them from reading my thoughts?”

“Probably, but the more tasks I have to perform, the more energy I expend. I have to go in fast and hard and get out the same way.”

Jubal immediately stepped to his sister’s side. “What if we were nearby, waiting just in case you run into trouble?” he suggested.

Gabrielle nodded. “I think that would be best, Traian. We might be able to slow them down and even incinerate the things for you.”

Traian looked at the three of them. Family. Solidarity. Jubal and Gabrielle might not agree with Joie’s choice. They might be afraid for her. But when it counted, they stood with her. He bent his head and kissed Joie right in front of them. It was that or humiliate himself with tears shimmering in his eyes. As it was, a lump threatened to choke him.

“Thank you for letting me be a part of your family, Joie. They are wonderful.” He looked at Jubal. “I appreciate the offer, but it is safer for me if you are here, a distance away, where the undead cannot perceive a threat to them. Should I have need, I will contact Joie immediately.”

He looked at Gary over their heads, and the prince’s messenger nodded carefully. He would watch over Traian’s lifemate and family. A matter of honor in the Carpathian world.

Christine Feehan's books