Bare It All


NEEDING SOME AIR, Reese got out of the car and walked toward Rowdy’s beat-up truck. Was it stolen? No, he didn’t think so. Put to the test, Rowdy was certainly capable of boosting a ride, but he’d only do so if necessary to keep his sister—or probably any innocent—safe.

This wasn’t one of those times.

When Rowdy joined him, Reese said, “How many vehicles do you have?”

“Five. I told Pepper to pick one to drive.” Hands in his back pockets, he gave a small grin. “Logan looked ready to blow a gasket.”

“You weren’t offended?”

“That he loves my sister enough to feel territorial? No.”

Good attitude. “He doesn’t want to change the dynamics of your relationship. He just wants Pepper to have a better life.”

Rowdy laughed. “Save the pep talk, Reese. Logan doesn’t need your help, and I don’t need you to explain things to me.”

Two women walked by, cutting close to them, full of sly looks, their hips rolling in an attention-grabbing sway.

Rowdy smiled at them, said, “Ladies,” and then dismissed them. “So, tell me, Reese. You going to make the smart move here?”

Before he could answer, a dark-haired woman lifted her cell phone and took a pic of them. Rowdy looked her way, and she blew him a kiss. Her girlfriend giggled behind her.

Rowdy just winked.


With a lift of his shoulder, Rowdy discounted the attention. “Focus, Reese. You need to let me hit up that tattoo place. The a*sholes inside have already seen me in the area, so they won’t think I made a special trip to check them out. And even if they’re suspicious, they won’t be after I meet with the chick tonight—”

“Not happening.”

“—at my own damn bar.”

After soaking that in, Reese strolled over to stand in the shade. Cash would probably like this place. He saw other people with dogs, some of them chasing Frisbees. “So you bought it?”

“Yup.” Rowdy sat on the front bumper of the truck and continued to check out the flirting women. “There are drugs at the bar already.”

“Most bars.” Did he dare let Rowdy walk into danger?

“Yeah,” Rowdy agreed, “but Avery says it’s a big problem there.”

“Avery?” That got Reese’s attention.

Rowdy turned away. “She’ll be the new bartender.”

Since when did Rowdy Yates avoid eye contact? “A woman as bartender?”

“Your sexism is showing.”

That was so ludicrous that Reese laughed. “Who is she?”

“I told you. She’s a waitress who will replace the bartender.” Suddenly Rowdy looked struck. “Son of a bitch.”

That whispered curse alarmed Reese. “What is it?”

“I just realized...” He turned to face Reese. “Avery was telling me the women she wouldn’t date.”


He waved that off. “Inside joke. She’s not gay, thank God.”

“Okay.” Where was Rowdy going with this?

“The thing is, she pointed out the smokers and the complainers—and a woman with unusual tats. I didn’t see the tats because, at the time, it didn’t matter to me. But Avery described them as ‘not pretty.’ She said the woman had her calf and her shoulder inked.”

This was getting too close for comfort. “At the bar you just bought?”

“Yeah, and Avery said the drug use there was an issue.” He shook his head, saying in an aside, “I promised her I’d clean that up, but I never imagined....”

“Your bar could be an exchange point.”

Quick to change the subject, Rowdy pushed off from the truck. “The thing is, I’m to meet DeeDee there tonight, and I officially own the place. So this is on me, whether you like it or not.”

Damn it, he hated feeling like things were out of his control. “You know, DeeDee is setting you up.”

“Yeah, probably. But I can handle myself. And maybe the plan is just for her to feel me out a little, to see if I’m onto them. The way I figure it, I can lead her on, admire her tattoo and tell her that I’ve been thinking of getting one, too. Maybe she’ll tell me what it means, but probably not. Either way, it’ll explain why I was at the parlor, looking around, maybe throw the hounds off the scent a little, you know?”

Though it had merit, Reese hated that plan. Unfortunately, he didn’t have a better one. “Normally I’d want you to sit on meeting with her, at least for a day or two. Give me time to look into it, maybe set up something so we could throw out a net and get everyone involved. Not just the muscle, but the main people, too.”

“Yeah, I know. And if everything wasn’t coming together this way, I’d agree. But with Cheryl calling, we need to gain some ground before Alice gets compromised.”

“That won’t happen.” Even thinking about it set Reese’s muscles in spasms and made his chest feel too tight. “I won’t let it.”

“I know.” Hands low on his hips, Rowdy said, “But I’ll be helping to keep an eye on her all the same.”

He surprised Rowdy by saying, “Appreciate it.” Hell, the way he felt right now, he wouldn’t mind having the National Guard standing at her door.

After everything Alice had been through, he knew he’d gladly give his own life to ensure she never got hurt again.

“I’ll hit up the tattoo parlor in a bit,” Rowdy said, unaware of his dark musings. “Then I’ll meet with DeeDee tonight and, hopefully, we’ll find out something useful before Cheryl calls Alice back.”

It was a horrible conflict for Reese. Never in his life had he turned a blind eye to injustice. But the idea of Cheryl reaching out to Alice made him sick with an urgent need to shield Alice from any and all possible danger—especially the danger posed in assisting a desperate young woman.

He couldn’t take the phone from Alice; not only wouldn’t she allow that, but it could be the only lifeline left to Cheryl. Neither could he insist on answering the call himself, because they all knew Cheryl was a tool being used to get to Alice.

His head throbbed, and his vision tried to narrow to Alice, only Alice. He was a damned cop, a detective, and he had a duty to serve and protect.

But in every second, Alice dicked with his concentration.

When two of the flirting women walked past again, eyeing him without reserve, Reese gave them an absent nod of greeting.

They reacted as much over that as they had Rowdy’s attention, and he frowned. He preferred that they keep their sights on Rowdy and off him.

In an effort to focus, he said to Rowdy, “You know I should be paying you.”

Rowdy barked a disbelieving laugh. “F*ck that.”

But Reese couldn’t let it go. “Police work with civilians all the time. And we pay.”

“I said no.”

So damn proud. Off to the side, Reese saw the women plotting. Shit. Rowdy wasn’t the only one familiar with flirting females. Before Alice, he might have relished the fun distraction.

But was a mere annoyance.

Before they interrupted, he said to Rowdy, his tone surly, “You think it’s any easier for me? You think I like asking for your help? That I like owing you? Well, I don’t.”

Taken aback by the quiet attack, Rowdy scowled. “Didn’t say that.”

“Then let me even it up a little.”

“Given the drug deals Avery told me about, it looks like you and Logan will already be lending me a hand. I can only do so much to keep out the criminal element.” He grinned, because not that long ago, he’d been considered part of that element. “The rest is up to the boys in blue.”

“That’s my job. It’s a given that I’ll be there for that.” He gave Rowdy a direct stare. “You know, with your background what it was, you might not realize this, but people—good people—like to lend a helping hand to those in their inner circle. And now, with Pepper marrying Logan, who happens to be my best friend, that circle includes you.”

“Inner circle, huh?”

“Whether you like it or not.”

With a half grin, Rowdy gave it considerable thought before making a quiet admission. “I have plans to renovate the bar. Right now, it’s pretty shitty. Buying it didn’t completely strap me, but it’s going to be tight for a while.” He gazed off at the playground area where kids kept the swings going high. “When I was solely responsible for Pepper, I couldn’t...”

“Cut it too close?” Reese offered. He knew that Rowdy had looked out for his sister in every way imaginable, including keeping a store of cash on hand in case they needed to make a fast getaway.

“Yeah.” The grin widened. “I never wanted to be caught without an escape plan.”

Because Pepper had depended on him.

But who could Rowdy depend on? Back then, no one.

At such a young age, a ton of worry had been dropped on his shoulders. He’d had to grow up fast, and overall, he’d done an inspiring job—with everything. “I’m impressed you had enough for a cash deal. Few could swing it. As to manual labor, count me in.”

“You like to sweat, do you?”

“Do I look like I avoid a workout?” Reese was big enough and muscled enough that not even Rowdy—who wasn’t a physical slouch himself—could downplay his strength.

Rowdy laughed. “You’re a f*cking hulk and you know it.” He nodded toward the women. “Seems to me they’re noticing, too.”

Reese ignored that reference to their female audience. He plain and simple didn’t care. “Once Logan knows your plans, he’ll want to help, as well, and since Dash owns a construction company, he’ll probably have all kinds of useful input.”

“Jesus, round up a posse, why don’t you?”

“They’re your family now. You’ll get used to it.” Or at least, Reese hoped he would.

Slowly, Rowdy nodded. “All right, then. It’s a deal. I’ll keep you posted on what’s happening and when.”

The women chose that auspicious moment to intrude. The dark-haired one led the pack, coming up to Rowdy first. “Hi.”

“Hi, yourself.” Rowdy included the rest of the ladies with a smile.

The woman turned to Reese with a dreamy look. “Are we interrupting?”

God, he knew that smile, knew that look in her eyes and what it meant. He needed to get home to Alice, not play games with...well, beautiful and sexy women who weren’t Alice.

Disgusted, he rubbed his face, knowing he was whipped, without much effort on Alice’s part. All she’d done was accept him, and he’d fallen headlong into monogamy.

Last night she’d wanted confessions from him, but damn it, this was all so new. He wasn’t even sure what he felt. He only knew that he felt it in spades.

When Reese just stood there, probably looking dumbfounded, Rowdy brought the woman’s attention back to him with a touch on her chin. “Sorry, darlin’, but he’s newly taken and still fighting it. And, yeah, we are sort of busy at the moment. But if you like, I can give you my number, and maybe we can hook up some time.”

She sighed. “It was a little unrealistic to think you’d both be available.”

Rowdy laughed. “Should I be insulted that I was second pick?”

A blonde pushed her way around the brunette. “I’ll take your number, no problem at all.”

Grinning, Rowdy dug out a card.

Reese eyed him. He wasn’t yet a businessman, so was the card strictly for hooking up with women? Probably.

“I’ll be busy tonight,” Rowdy told her, “but ring me tomorrow and we’ll see what we can cook up.”

Another woman asked, “All of us?”

“Works for me.”

More than a little put out, Reese crossed his arms over his chest. Even before Alice, he wasn’t in the habit of setting up orgies, yet Rowdy appeared to take it in stride.

It drove home just how different their lives had been.

The brunette gave him another sultry look, then daringly reached out to stroke his shoulder. “It’s a shame you’re unavailable. I’d have shown you a real good time.”

“It’s my loss,” Reese told her.

“If things don’t work out, let me know. We’re at the park here nearly every day.”

Doing...what, he wondered. Picking up strangers? “I’ll keep that in mind.”

Rowdy gave her a swat on the ass. “Move it along now, honey. We’ve got business to complete.”

Laughing, she rubbed at her backside and led the others away.

“That one’s going to be a handful,” Rowdy murmured. “I like that. Doesn’t even bother me that I was second pick.”

Reese watched them go, until Rowdy gave him a nudge. “You having regrets, or looking for tattoos?”

“Tattoos.” His only regret was that he was away from Alice right now. She’d be worried about Cheryl, anxious, and he didn’t want her alone. “Other than a butterfly on one ankle and a rose on a shoulder, I didn’t see any ink.”

“Me either.” Rowdy lifted one brow. “And I was looking real close.”

Understandable, given the women were all hot. So, why didn’t Reese care, damn it?

Rowdy laughed. “You’re in love, dude, just go with it.”

“F*ck off, Rowdy. We—or at least I—have work to do.”

Unfazed, Rowdy watched him. “Why is it a problem? Alice is a sweetheart.”

Why was it a problem? He had to keep a clear head, be unbiased, analytical...and he couldn’t, not with Alice involved.

Rather than spill his guts to Rowdy, Reese came to a decision. “All right. You can go check out Killer Designz.”

Brows up, Rowdy said, “Was that still in question?”

“But you’re not going alone, and not without backup.” To get things arranged, Reese pulled out his cell and put in a call to the lieutenant. After he explained what he wanted to do, he expected her to argue.

He expected her to refuse.

Lieutenant Peterson surprised him by enthusiastically agreeing.

Seemed everyone enjoyed going undercover except him.

* * *

SLUMPED IN THE corner of the small motel room, Cheryl suffered in miserable silence.

Her wary stare annoyed him. “Relax, will you? I’m not going to drown you.” Yet. But after that debacle of a phone call, he was in a killing mood.

Unfortunately, in order to keep that pain-in-his-ass Alice from slipping through his fingers, he needed Cheryl alive. “I thought she would care about you.”

“She—she does. She will. Let m-me call her back. I’ll convince her, I sw-swear.”

Studying her, Hickson rubbed his chin. “You’re sure you don’t know her last name?”

Cheryl shook her head hard.

Hmm... “Maybe she needs to hear you suffering to make her realize the enormity of the situation.” He strode to her, kneeling down and grabbing her hair when she tried to scamper away. “Maybe she needs you doing a little wailing to know that your life is on the line here.”

Cheryl did indeed wail, so loud and pathetic that he wanted to strike her. Instead, he tightened his hand in her hair, pulled her head back. “Just like that, Cheryl. You need to be that authentic when you call tomorrow. Do you understand me?”


He looked into her eyes, saw the stark terror there, and knew she would do as told. Releasing her with a shove, Hickson gained his feet again. He needed a foolproof plan, one that would ensure Alice showed up alone, without the law, without enforcements.


Easy prey.

“Here’s what we’ll do.” Pacing in front of Cheryl, he detailed every step, and he felt confident that in the end, he’d get what he needed.

He’d get Alice. His life depended on it.

* * *

REESE GOT HOME sooner than Alice expected. She’d just stepped out of the shower when she heard Cash bark.

Not that long ago, alarm would have overtaken her if someone had entered her apartment. Even if someone had knocked on her door.

But she’d learned to recognize Cash’s different barks. She knew when he was afraid, protective, suspicious, and—like now—welcoming. She made the easy and comfortable assumption that Reese was back.

Wrapping a towel around herself, Alice came out of the bathroom. She smiled to see Reese on one knee, holding Cash by the face and talking softly to him while Cash’s tail thumped hard in joy.

When Reese kissed the dog on top of his head, her heart expanded, getting so full that it threatened to break. To fight off the excess of sentiment, she strode closer to man and dog.

Her man and dog—whether they quite realized it yet or not.

“Rowdy is okay?”

“Up to his ears in female adoration, but otherwise fine.” Reese stood, looked her over, and a familiar heat burned in his beautiful green eyes. “How are you?”

“I’m all right.” She unpinned her hair and let it drop down to her shoulders. “Worried, of course. I mean, I keep thinking about what Cheryl is probably going through right now. How scared she must be.”

Instead of coming to her, Reese shoved his hands into his pockets and continued his perusal of her person. “Until she calls back, there’s really nothing we can do.”

“But I assume you have a plan.” Blind faith had never been her forte—not until Reese. She needed to know that he had things in hand, that somehow he’d make it all okay. “You do, don’t you?”

“Working on it.” He tilted his head and studied her body. “How is it that every time I look at you, you get hotter?”

Alice felt a blush rising. “You’re...” Well, she couldn’t say smitten. In lust? Maybe. She settled on, “A charmer.”

Cash looked between them, then trotted to the kitchen, hopeful for a treat.

Reese’s slow smile made her toes curl. “Cash assumes we’ll be having sex.”

Because usually they were. But...maybe not this time.

Despite the warm way Reese looked at her, Alice could tell that he had more than sex on his mind.

“You’re going back out, aren’t you?”

His gaze cut to her face, and a cynical smile twisted his mouth. “So astute.”

That sounded almost like an insult.

Or a complaint.

Alice held the towel a little tighter. “Obviously you have other plans or...” You’d have already been on me.

No, that was another thing she couldn’t quite say.

She lifted her chin. “Or you wouldn’t be waffling around, acting out of character.”

“Waffling?” Taking his hands from his pockets, Reese closed the space between them, lifted her chin with the edge of his fist, searched her face. “It’s almost scary how you do that. How you so easily read me.”

Ironic, because if she could read him better, she’d already know if he loved her. “You’re in cop mode,” she explained. “Anyone can see that.”

If anything, that made him look more forbidding.

“I understand,” Alice rushed to reassure him. “With Cheryl’s call and then Rowdy needing you... What was that about, by the way?”

Instead of answering, his thumb caressed her chin, and he bent to take her mouth, startling her since he hadn’t looked in a kissing mood.

Despite everything going on, all the threats and her worry, she couldn’t remain immune to his mouth on hers. She groaned a little, reached for him...

But he ended the contact as abruptly as he’d introduced it.

Alice whispered, “Reese?”

He headed to the kitchen to give Cash a treat.

“Only half,” he told the dog. “I don’t want you getting spoiled.”

Cash took the treat and went to his favorite spot in front of the balcony doors. Reese stayed in the kitchen, just looking out the window, silent and somehow distant.

Alice didn’t know what to do. “How much time do you have before you have to go back out?”

Bracing his hands on the kitchen sink counter, he dropped his head forward. Alice took two deep breaths—and removed her towel.

Though he had his back to her, he seemed to sense the moment she was naked because his head slewed around and his interest burned all over her.

On the pretense of drying her shoulders, Alice avoided his gaze. “It’s okay to tell me, you know. I won’t kick up a fuss. I can tell it’ll be something dangerous, and of course I’ll be anxious. But I’m not the type to—”

She squeaked when Reese suddenly scooped her over his shoulder.

“Reese!” The towel slipped from her grip to land on the hardwood floor.

His hand covered her backside, holding her still as he strode toward the bedroom. He told Cash, “Stay,” as he passed him.

So Cash was right? They would have sex?

Smart dog.

In her ignominious position, Alice could do no more than hang on and wonder what had gotten into Reese. One minute he’d been distant, then austere, then all over her.

She felt his hand moving, sliding down to her inner thigh, tucking in between for a fleeting touch.

“Reese!” she said again, but she didn’t really struggle. What would be the point?

“Hush.” He stepped into her room and kicked the door shut behind him.

“But...what are you doing?”

His hold was rougher than usual, and she could feel him shaking when he said, “I need you.”

“Oh.” Well, of course that was okay. Hanging over his shoulder, Alice said, “I need you, too.”

He gave a dark laugh. “Always so agreeable, Alice.” He dumped her sideways onto the bed and stood back to look at her.

She came up on one elbow but didn’t bother to close her legs.

Peeling his shirt off over his head, Reese stared at her breasts, then down to her sex.

Alice licked dry lips. “Are we doing something different?”

“I’m going to get my fill of you.”

Her heart skipped a beat and she went still. She didn’t like the sound of that. Oh, God, please don’t let him mean that the way it sounds.

But she had to know. So, she drew in a breath, shored up her courage and whispered, “Do you mean...for forever?”

Lori Foster's books