Rebel Yells (Apishipa Creek Chronicles)

Chapter 30


Neither could wait until they got home and Jack didn’t care how undisciplined he was. He had to have his lover immediately. He looked around quickly but the glut of the motels were on either end of the city and the traffic was too heavy. Rebel had one hand on Jack’s thigh and the other had his t-shirt pulled away from his chest.


“Let the shirt rub there.”


Rebel’s head fell back as he answered, “Come on, they are really sore!”


Jack chuckled as he pulled into a gas station, one with the bathroom on the side and it was happily open. He parked and pointed. “Get in there.”


Rebel’s smile was wicked as he opened the door. “Dirty, mmm yeah.”


Jack followed him inside, shut the door and engaged the lock before he pushed Rebel up against the door and smashed their mouths together. He knew he had to be somewhat gentle with the new piercings so instead of tugging on both of them, he pressed his chest into Rebel’s bringing a moan of pain from his lover. Pain and arousal like he couldn’t imagine.


“Now, right now! Fuck me Jack!”


Jack growled at Rebel, put his hand on his throat, roughly but not enough to cut off his air and hissed at him, “Mmm my beautiful sub is telling me what to do?”


Rebel’s eyes rolled back and his panting got even heavier. “Please Master. Use me! Use me!”


Jack almost lost all the feeling in his legs and he kissed Rebel harder, brutally before he turned him around and started working his pants open then Rebel’s.


“Fuck me hard, Jack, Master, give it to me please!”


Jack groaned again and looked around cursing the place for not having lube or anything he could use as such. He’d have to hope that the fucking from before had opened his lover enough because he couldn’t wait either. He held Rebel against the door and pushed into him in one strong thrust, cupping his hand over Rebel’s mouth to muffle the animal screeches coming from his sub.


“Shh we’re in public Rebel.”


Grunting anyway Rebel pushed his hips back wanting more and Jack was happy to give it to him. He kicked Rebel’s legs farther apart, pushing up into his boy, feeding him what he needed right then, feeding his lust and his beauty. There was no way he couldn’t. Seeing how Rebel had taken to the piercings, the flush that had come over him, the darkening of his light eyes, all his indicators that not only was he turned on but he was so turned on he was about to burst with it.


It wasn’t taking long, Rebel’s body was tense up against him, his hips jerking back to Jack and Jack felt the hard ache in his stomach as his climax neared. It was all he could do to hold off, to wait for his lover to come.


“Wait for it Rebel. Come when I say!”


A sob came from Rebel that was pleading, “No! I can’t hold it back!”


“Don’t tell me what you can’t do!” Jack stopped, pushed up far inside of his sub and he reached around to squeeze Rebel’s cock. “When I say and only when I say.”


Rebel went limp against him, nothing moving except his stomach rolling and quivering and Jack felt every bit of it. Jack let go of Rebel’s cock and reached up to brush over the tender nipple, growling in Rebel’s ear, “Good boy. Now when I say, you are going to come harder then you ever have. Right here in this dirty men’s room. You are going to show me with your seed how much you loved getting your pretty little nipples pierced.”


“Oh God, Master yes…oh fuck”


“Good job baby.” He pulled back and banged back into his lover, right into his prostate. He did it again and then again, taking Rebel’s breath as he did it. He watched Rebel’s face, saw the need there, the all-consuming lust his baby felt and he felt his cock straining to come. He wanted it together so he let go at the same moment he said, “Come my love.”


Rebel collapsed in his strong arms as he shot and Jack nearly collapsed with him, his orgasm rolling over him like an avalanche. He was hot and cold, his breath taken, his vision darkening but he felt Rebel there, leaning back hard against him and he pushed up, holding onto him tight, talking to him in a low voice.


“Let’s go home and finish this there.”


Rebel could only nod and turn in Jack’s arms. Jack almost fell to his knees again at the look of total devotion and love Rebel gave him then. A look that was mirrored in his own heart.


“Home. Take me home Master.”




The only place Jack wanted to be was home with his baby but Simon Roark had called needing he and Dennis to come in and give him the rundown on a few things and he felt obligated. The guy had been pulled in fast and had only a couple of days of Jack being there to show him around before taking over the county. He owed it to the man so he kissed his sub goodbye and went down the hill reluctantly, vowing to himself to get everything done quickly. He had a long night planned of making love to his Rebel.


Dennis was already there but that was no big shock. Dennis was always early for every appointment. He got out of the truck and absently felt for the hat he no longer wore because it had been a part of the uniform. Dennis walked over to him and shook his hand. “Feel weird not coming every day?”


Jack chuckled, “You should know.”


Dennis nodded, “I sure do. It’s not the same around here without you.”


Jack knew that Dennis had been going in a little more. He didn’t altogether trust the new guy but that wasn’t unexpected. Dennis didn’t trust many people. Smiling at his old friend he said, “Thanks Dennis.”


“Listen,” Dennis said stopping them at the main door before they made it in, “I would like to talk to you after we finish up with deputy dog in here.”


“Sure Den, no problem.”


Simon met them in the main office and shook hands with the both of them, greeting them in turn. “Welcome home gentlemen!”


Jack didn’t like the man no matter how great his qualifications were but it wasn’t forever and he was really grateful he’d been able to take over so fast. Still though, it made him want to cut his leave of absence short every time he met up with Simon but then he’d go home and be with his boy and all other thoughts left his head.


He couldn’t wait to get home.


“Well gentlemen I found some files I’d like to go over with you. I mean no disrespect but there are some discrepancies.”


Jack puffed up and was about to shout at the man but ever the vigilant peace maker Dennis stopped him. “Oh? Well we’d be happy to clear things up for you Simon.”


Jack want to explode at them both then watched as a pretty woman with long black hair came out of the back with a stack of papers, taking them to Jack’s former office. “Who is that?”


Simon looked over his shoulder and smiled. “The new secretary/dispatch. Her name is Melinda and she is great.”


Now it was Dennis’ turn to explode and Jack grabbed his friend’s upper arm, giving him a squeeze then asked Simon, “She looks competent but what happened to Patsy? She’s worked here for over ten years.”


Scoffing Simon asked, “Work? Did you really call what she did around here work?” Before either of them could push it further he said, “Come on. Let’s go into my office and look over these files.”


Jack felt his anger swell. The fuck was calling them in as if they were a couple of kids in trouble getting taken into the principal’s office. The motherfucker already had him pissed over the way he spoke to Rebel the day at the shop but now this. Jack felt his leave getting shorter and shorter.


They sat after Simon did, behind the desk. His desk, which Simon sat behind like he was some kind of fucking king.


“All right gentlemen, now there are at least forty files here of people who should have gotten arrested, prosecuted and put in jail or at the very least fined for what they did but it seems anyone who has drank a few beers with the two of you get off with a warning.”


Jack couldn’t believe his ears and Dennis was smiling. It wasn’t a smile of joy or happiness it was the sinister smile Dennis always got when he was ready to grab someone and beat the shit out of them. He spoke up before Dennis could follow through.


“Listen you asshole, now we appreciate that you came in here so fast when the town and county needed you but for you to judge us for the job we did before you won’t be tolerated by either of us. Those all were judgment calls. Why clog up the court for kids being kids or someone messing up and realizing they were wrong? I dare you to find one of those files that the person committed the same crime twice.”


The smirk on Simon’s face made Jack’s fist automatically clench. He kept himself calm and reached over with the hand that wasn’t in a fist and pulled the top folder from the desk. It took Simon by surprise but he kept himself composed well. Jack flipped it open and smiled before he handed it to Dennis who took it and scanned over it quickly. They exchanged smiles before Jack said to Simon, “This is the kind of thing that concerns you? Really Simon?”


Simon took the folder as Dennis handed it and opened it while staring into Jack’s face. His eyes only flitted to the page then back to Jack. “It’s all right with you that this boy stole?”


Dennis choked out a laugh and Jack shook his head. “The kid took a fishing boat. It was out for a day and came back. The kid worked for old man Levy chopping wood to make up for it. That is the kind of thing we like to see around here. I suppose it would have been better for everyone if he’d gone to juvie and learned the tricks of the real criminals?”


The look on Simon’s face shown that he wasn’t giving in. “Okay I’ll give you that one.” Simon thumbed through some of the files and pulled out another. Jack could tell it wasn’t random. “This one, yes. Very recent and very fishy. It concerns a B and E at the MacAbby residence. Quite funny the case is still open but not on the top of my list when you told me about things I would be responsible for when I took the position.”


Jack didn’t flinch like Simon wanted and he was glad Dennis sat perfectly still as well. “That’s because the case is still open but not expected to be solved. The damage was under five thousand dollars and there was nothing taken. We believe it to be kids from St. Martin or another nearby city who came up here and vandalized the place for kicks. Unless the kids come back and are caught there is little we can do and the case is still open, of course, but even the insurance company doesn’t expect it to be resolved.”


“That’s not how I run things. I’m putting this one back on the top of the pile and I am respectfully requesting your cooperation. Any leads you may have had, the pictures from your phone or the office camera as well please.”


This time Jack swallowed hard and the fucker saw it. “I will have to check to see if I still have them. They really didn’t show much of anything.”


The smirk was back. “I’ll get a court order if I have to.”


Jack stood then and Dennis did right after. “Do what you have to do Roark.” With that, he and Dennis left. Jack came up flush to Dennis as they got outside and Jack told him, “Meet me at LoLo’s.”


“You got it.”


Jack drove down the street and pulled into the parking lot quickly getting out and heading in while Dennis followed him. They sat at the same corner table they always did and ordered cokes. It went unsaid that if they had even a beer Simon may want to pull them over to check for a DUI.


“Thankfully Lonnie is gone. Even if he gets an idea, Lonnie isn’t here so have his fingerprints or shoe prints compared.” The moment he started talking about Lonnie Dennis tensed. Jack knew then something was wrong. “Are you going to tell me what’s up or do I have to start buying us drinks until I get it out of you? I can always have Rebel come pick us up.”


Dennis sat back in his chair and looked up at the ceiling. “Ah, fuck Jack it’s really not something I should tell you. I don’t even know what you can do with the information.”


Jack sat forward, pushing the drinks to the side and demanded, “Tell me! Fuck Dennis I don’t know either but I need to know!”


Looking him in the eye he said, “You care about him. You love Rebel, though. Sure, and it’s not fair to him to keep him thinking he may have a chance.”


Jack rolled his eyes and sat back, slapping his hand on the table gently a few times. “I know, but he’s my friend and he was there for me when I needed him. I can’t let him destroy his life.” He stared back at Dennis. “Don’t change the subject.”


“Well, seems a little more than a week ago he got drunk, well got drunk makes it sound like it wasn’t something that happened a lot, but anyway he was drunk again and he told a crowded room of people that he was gay.”


“Oh fuck.”


“Yeah his cousin Mel called me. I don’t think he would have if his girlfriend hadn’t insisted. They are pretty tight-lipped down there but he went out the next day and got jumped. A bunch of guys beat him pretty good.”


Jack stood up and barked down at him, “Why didn’t you fucking tell me? Fuck! Is he hurt, is he all right?”


Dennis looked around and the few patrons there were staring over them but Jack didn’t care. “Jack look I-“


“Fuck this, I’m going to go get him.”


“And do what?” Dennis asked and held out his hands pleadingly. “You are with someone!”


Jack shook his head once. “He’s coming home. He will just have to understand that I’m with someone but he needs to get out of there before that place kills him.”


As he stood Dennis nodded. “I hope he’ll come.”


“He will.”


Jack got into the truck and pointed it toward home. Home where his beautiful man waited for him. He didn’t know how the fuck he was going to explain this, explain to Rebel why he had to do this, but he was going. He had to. Maybe he and Lonnie would never be together but he still cared enough not to want Lonnie to throw his life away.


He walked into the kitchen and was struck with the smell of pot roast. He closed his eyes and started in, gathering up the courage to tell his love that he was going to retrieve another man. He just hoped Rebel could understand.


As he got into the living room Rebel was there, in the center of the room on his knees. Jack’s heart leapt and his smile couldn’t help but come. “Come here.”


Rebel got up slowly and walked into Jack’s arms, their lips meeting with passion, the passion they felt for each other and it made it all the harder to try to search for the words to tell Rebel what he had to do.


“Listen baby I need to do something and I’d like for you to tell me if it’s okay or not before I do it.”


Rebel looked at him, a smile paying on his lips. “Here’s a switch, you wanting my permission.”


The little smile Jack got faded quickly. “Please, let’s sit and talk huh.”


Rebel nodded once hard. “Okay but I have to tell you that you are really making me nervous here.”


Jack drew Rebel close to him and kissed his hair as he said, “Didn’t mean to baby. This is nothing about us. I know this is our thirty days and I had a lot of plans for tonight.”




“Yes had. We’ll have to postpone. Well that I if you give me the okay to go,” he almost whispered this and Rebel chewed his lip. Damn it.


“All right.”


Jack took in a long breath, knowing no matter how long it wouldn’t matter, he’d still have to do it, say it, ask it. “Someone is in trouble. Bad trouble and I need to go and get him.”


Recognition showed in Rebel’s eyes and he lowered his head. “Lonnie, right?”


Jack wished he’d never said anything but he had so he had to push through it now. “Yes. He’s been drinking every day and not long ago he got attacked.”


Rebel’s eyes finally met his and he loved seeing the concern there. “Attacked? How bad?”


Taking Rebel’s hand into both of his he said, “I am not really sure but bad enough. He needs to come back home but he won’t come unless someone drags him.” He squeezed Rebel’s hand and continued, “He’s not coming here. Not to this house and not to me. He just needs help, his family, his friends and I think I’m probably the only one who can talk him into coming back. I should talk to him about…everything anyway.”


He waited for Rebel’s response but Rebel didn’t give it for a long time. His boy chewed his lip and pulled away from him, which was enough of a heartbreak but when Rebel stood he thought Rebel would turn on him then and scream at him but instead Rebel smiled.


“Go on. Go get him. He needs your help. From everything you’ve told me he’s a good man but we all need a little help sometimes. You are the best man for the job, obviously. If you could help me then you could help just about anyone.”


God he loved this man. He thought his heart was completely full of him but at that moment he loved him a hundred times more. He got up and held Rebel while he said, “Thank you baby. I will be back later and we’ll celebrate our thirty days.” He kissed Rebel deep, his hands running over Rebel’s back. “Have the contract ready. As soon as I walk back through the door I’m signing it.”


Rebel looked into his eyes, exploring there. “Do you swear to me? Swear that no matter what happens you will walk in and sign it? No matter what, you promise me right now?”


If Rebel needed that he would have it. “I swear, I promise, I vow even. No matter what, I will sign it.”


“Then go and drag him back here.”






Rain Carrington's books