The Steele Wolf


I felt as if I had been punched in the stomach. Where had the time gone? Somewhere deep inside I had secretly hoped to be farther along in our search and possibly had even found his sister by now so that we could drop the whole charade of being engaged and go back to the way things were. But a week had passed and here we were on the day that I had been dreading.

Grabbing Joss’ sleeve I pulled him aside. “Joss, are you seriously still thinking of going through with this? We are supposed to be faking so we can find your sister.”

The mask of joy fell from Joss’ face and a sterner, more serious one replaced it. “Thalia, we are, don’t doubt that. But if you could see what this is doing to my parents you would understand. They need this. They need a moment, no matter how brief, to forget their grief and find happiness. Even if it is a lie.”

Joss’ face looked pained and that’s when I realized how much of his hurt he was hiding from me, his family, everyone. He was doing it to spare his family pain, by pretending to be the same old carefree Joss that they knew and loved.

“Joss, I don’t th—”

“Can you do this for my parents, for me?” The silent ache that I saw deep inside him silenced any forthcoming arguments and all I could do was nod my head in agreement. He reached out and cupped my cheek, placing a quick kiss on my forehead. “That’s my girl.”

What was wrong with me? I must be the only girl my age not dreaming about finding a lifemate and starting a family. Maybe everything that had happened to me in the last year has made me more wary of happy endings and true love. Learning my mother was murdered when I was a child, being kidnapped the same day that Fenri asked to be my lifemate, and being tortured and almost killed on numerous occasions could definitely skew a young girl’s heart and mind.

Sighing in defeat, I grabbed a crate of fruit and followed Joss up the stairs. It was only when I saw that I was carrying passion fruit that I felt a pang of remorse that I never got to say goodbye to Avina and Berry or tell them why I had left to follow my father. Concentrating on them must have somehow conjured them because when I entered the Jesai family’s main hall I heard two screams fill the air. Shocked, I dropped the crate and watched as the passion fruit rolled across the floor to stop right in front of Avina’s boot.

“Thalia!” she screamed and ran to hug me.

“What? How?”

“Joss sent a messenger to the castle to get us,” Berry spoke up, coming to give me a hug as well once Avina had disentangled herself from me. “Although he never told us why.”

“Yes, Thalia, is everything all right?” Avina stopped flittering about the room and paused.

“Why, umm yes, I mean no.” I stumbled over the right words to say. But Joss came to my rescue and wrapped his arms around me, placing his chin on my head.

“Why, of course it is. We couldn’t have an engagement celebration without Thalia’s friends here, now could we?” More screams filled the rooms as they both jumped up and down in excitement, congratulating me.

“You’re going to let me make the dress for the ceremony, right?” Berry trilled joyously.

Avina and Berry chattered together and not much could be understood between the two as their excited, buzzy babble faded to the background. I saw Mona on her hands and knees picking up the passion fruit I had spilled. Her back was to me but it was stiff in anger. Apologetically, I quickly dropped to the floor and started to help pick up my mess that I had created. Gently, I touched her shoulder to hand her my fruit to put in her basket. But she stood up abruptly, turned on me and I saw hate burning there.

“Don’t touch me!” She snarled and whirled out of the room, her dark braid swinging after her. Mona must know about what happened to her brother, or she is jealous about the celebration tonight. I scanned the room for Joss and saw him and Hemi deep in conversation and I could see the pale look on Joss’ face. Hemi must have just told him the events of this morning. Joss’ worried glance towards me that dropped to my torn shirt confirmed it.

“Girls, we have much to discuss but I think it would be better if we went to my room first,” I said.” The whole way up the stairs they couldn’t stop talking. They found everything fascinating.

“Can you believe the giant bird that flew the Skycage up to the city? I positively thought it was going to eat me for dinner. I have never been more scared in my life,” Berry gushed once we had entered my room.

What had started as a joyous reunion turned solemn as I explained the long chain of events that have led me to Skyfell and to lie about being engaged to Joss. It took hours and the afternoon sun became twilight.

“Oh, Thalia, we didn’t know,” Avina sympathized.

“Not many do, but I think we are close to finding the Septori and what happened to Tenya. I don’t know how, but I feel it in my bones.”

A knock came at my door. Avina rushed to answer it and came back with a sour expression on her face.

“Who’s the girl with the dark hair and eyes, the pretty one?”


“Yeah, what bit her in the butt?”

I laughed out loud, “What are you talking about?”

“She came to the door all high and mighty and demanded that you be ready for the dinner that starts in an hour.”

“Oh my goodness! I completely forgot to get ready.” Jumping off of my bed, I rushed to my closet and changed out of my dirty clothes and did the best I could with the pitcher of water to clean the dirt off of my face.

“Relax.” Berry chimed in. “We’re here to help you. Plus, I brought a surprise for you.”

Berry’s surprise turned out to be a pale blue short dress trimmed in silver. Avina worked wonders on my hair and I entered the main hall with confidence and grace. My entrance caused quite a few heads to turn to me in surprise and a few positive nods my way. The main room had been turned into a joyous reception hall filled with colorful silk streamers that danced across the ceiling and blew gracefully in the wind. Silver bells and chimes were attached to them and added a simple melody to the night air. All of the seating, pillows and chairs had been removed to create standing room only. Torches lit the wall and along the outside veranda creating a soft ambiance.

Many hands reached out to congratulate me, all of them strangers. I swallowed my nervousness at being touched and smiled politely at them, weaving my way through the room looking for a familiar face. Where was Joss? Kael? Nero? There must have been over fifty people on this level alone.

A cold hand grabbed my elbow and I turned in surprise to see Talbot, Mona and Xiven’s father. I breathed in sigh of relief at the sight of someone familiar.

“I don’t know if I congratulated you last week when Joss first made your announcement.”

“No, I don’t think you did.”

“Well, I would like to extend that now.”

“Thank you, that’s very kind.”

“By the way, have you seen my son?”


Talbot threw his head back and laughed. “Why of course, Xiven. Who else would I be speaking about? I have no other sons.”

Thinking quickly, I tried to tell him the truth without diverging everything I knew. I didn’t want to be the one to tell him his son had run away. “Umm, not since this morning?”

“Really?” He drawled out slowly. Talbot’s eyes narrowed thoughtfully and studied me closely. “And what was he doing this morning when you last saw him?”

“I was exercising with Hemi and Xiven challenged me to a sparring match. We both ended up pretty beat up in the end.” It was the truth, but I didn’t elaborate more.

Talbot’s firm mouth twitched. “Who won?”

“What?” I asked confused.

Talbot ran his thumb down his jawline thoughtfully, his dark eyes boring into mine. The gesture made me feel slightly sick to my stomach. “I asked you, who won?”

“Oh uh...” He had caught me off guard and all I was able to squeak out was, “Tie,” I turned my back on him and tried to disappear into the crowd of strangers. But Talbot’s arm snaked out and grabbed me again. Pressing painfully, he leaned into me and whispered in my ear.

“We both know that’s a lie.” With a shake he released my arm and walked away. Talbot left me with a feeling of unease and I tried to shake it off.

Mona was walking around with a tray of the chai and I reached for one to calm my nerves when Kael’s hand shot out and grabbed my wrist, stopping my hand midair. Mona’s tray rocked as my hand collided with it. She desperately tried to settle her tray and was only at the last minute able to keep it from dropping to the floor.

The liquid in each of the cups sloshed over the rims and made little pools around each cup. Her eyes flashed a warning and she opened her mouth to say something to me but her eyes flicked over my shoulder and whatever she saw made her bite her tongue. I was almost positive that what was going to come out of her mouth was an insult.

“I’m sorry. I was clumsy.” Mona lowered her eyes and offered me the tray to have my pick of a drink. Again I reached for one but Kael’s grip on my arm tightened in warning. Pulling my hand back, I nodded to Mona. “Maybe later.” Her eyes shot venom at Kael and she walked away. Turning around, I tried to see who or what she saw in the crowd but was unable to.

“Kael, what’s going on?” I pulled my wrist out of his and rubbed it to get the flow of blood back into it. My fingers had started to go numb.

“Don’t drink any chai. Not tonight,” he whispered into my ear.


“I’m not sure, but will you promise to not drink any?”

“Only if you come and tell me later what’s going on.”

Kael drew back from me with a nod and almost instantly faded into the background, something he was extremely talented at.

Nero came into the room and invited all of the guests to the observatory for dinner. Joss appeared at my side almost instantly and took my cold shaky hand in his, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

“Where have you been?” I hissed out between clenched teeth, while trying to smile politely to another guest. “I’ve been left here to the wolves.”

“Sorry, I was taking care of some last minute details. But I’m here now and I promise to not leave your side the rest of the night.” He rubbed his thumb against my hand and tucked it in the crook of his arm.

Joss looked ravishing. He looked every inch the leader’s son. His jacket was dark blue with gold and he wore a gold vest and cream-colored pants. I felt drab in comparison but he must have seen my face because he leaned over and whispered.

“You look beautiful.”

My cheeks flushed. “Thanks.”

Joss led us to the observatory; a room that I hadn’t known existed before now. This was unquestionably the largest room in the house; the floor was white marble with a high-domed glass ceiling. Rows of tables had been laid out displaying a vast array of food. I saw that someone was already seated at the table that Joss was leading me to. She was pale with blonde hair—Gloria.

So this was Joss’ last minute business. He had gone to assist his mother in coming to the celebration dinner. I gave Gloria a small smile and she looked at me as if through a veil of nothingness, her eyes unfocused and blank. A moment later the veil lifted and she started as if seeing me for the first time. She paused in confusion before returning a hesitant smile. Her attempt at amity was miles above the obvious disdain she had previously displayed towards Joss and I as a couple.

The seating arrangement put Gloria on my right along with Mona who watched over Joss’ mom protectively. Joss and Nero were seated on my left and across from us sat Talbot, Darren and an empty seat, which weighed heavily upon my conscience, as it was obviously reserved for an absent Xiven. Berry, Avina and Darren were seated farther down our table.

I craned my neck around the room looking for Hemi and Kael. Joss, sensing my distress, nodded to the pair who stood off in the shadows watching silently. Hemi, who was clearly trying to blend into the background, stood out awkwardly as if he was trying to hide his large bulking frame behind a small pillar. An uncontrollable chuckle escaped my lips and drew the direct gaze of Talbot whose eyes turned hard as he studied me under the candlelight. Dropping my eyes, I looked at my clasped hands in my lap until I felt his gaze move elsewhere.

Keeping my eyes downcast, I tried to search the same area that I spotted Hemi in for Kael. Kael blended easily and my eyes skimmed over him twice before noticing him leaning casually against a window. The look Kael was aiming at our table unsettled me; it was a mixture of resentment and suspicion. My mouth went dry with nervousness as I toyed with the possibilities of who he resented at our table. Was it me, because I refused to tell him where to find Fanny? Was it Joss? I tried to concentrate on reading Kael closer but he had gotten a tighter rein on his feelings and I couldn’t discern any darkness around him.

My nervousness made my stomach roll in protest at the smell of food in front of me and I desperately wished for the leaf that Kael carried to settle my stomach. When Nero made his celebration speech and everyone began eating, I made the motions of eating. By cutting my food and moving it around on my plate to make it look like I had eaten.

Reluctantly my eyes found themselves drawn to the empty chair where Xiven should be sitting. If I had only been able to refuse sparring with him earlier. Guilt weighed heavily upon me as I replayed the day in my mind and desperately wished I had found another outlet for my temper. If I had though, neither of us would have been injured. Then he wouldn’t have felt the need to run away. But I also would never have met Fanny, who could possibly lead me to the man who had ordered the Iron Butterfly. Could this man be the leader of the Septori? Could he be the Raven? The questions ate away at me.

Gloria noticed my odd behavior. “Is there something wrong with the food? I find the beef to be quite delicious.” She took a small petite bite and chewed slowly as if savoring every bite.

My stomach cramped uncomfortably and started to burn. I bit my bottom lip until the pain made it disappear and licked my lips nervously before answering her back. “No, everything’s delicious; it’s just my nerves are getting the better of me.” I took a bite of the beef, chewed, and smiled, giving her my best attempt at looking like I enjoyed what I was eating.

She nodded encouragingly at me. “Yes, see, it is good, isn’t it? You know, you are quite pretty; I think you would make a good match for Joss. Give us fine looking grandkids. Yes, yes, you would.” Her voice drifted off dreamily.

Taking advantage of the moment, I turned away and did my best to make myself swallow the meat. A slight pressure began to build in my side and I identified the poke of a hand. Recognizing the presence immediately and without drawing attention or turning around, I slipped my right hand nonchalantly under my left elbow as strong fingers pushed a few dried leaves into it. I waited a few heartbeats before opening my hand to recognize the same leaf Kael had given me while on the road. Slowly I lifted each leaf to my mouth and chewed them until the pain in my stomach went away.

I stared at the window, which was now empty and waited until I saw his form take up his spot again. Kael had taken care of me; he was still watching over me as he promised my father and had noticed that I was in distress. This small act of kindness proved that he wasn’t angry with me. When I felt sure he was looking in my direction I slowly mouthed the words “Thank you.” Kael nodded his head once in answer. I felt heat rush to my cheeks.

The conversation at our table traveled from weather, to dorabill racing, to crops. Gloria spoke very little and seemed to forget I was at the table. But when she did speak to me it seemed as if she had forgotten her animosity towards me. It wasn’t until a tray of chai drinks was brought to our table that I once again remembered Kael’s warning. Mona filled Gloria’s cup to the brim and the pale haired beauty drank it down greedily as if it was the essence of heaven in a cup.

Mona’s hands rested lightly on Gloria’s arm as if giving her a reassuring pat. A cup was placed enticingly in front of my plate and I slowly pushed it out of reach. Gloria watched me; her back stiffened and she turned on me, eyes blazing.

“Do you think you are too good to drink with us? This was specially made for your party tonight. The least you could do is to honor our guests with a toast.”

What had I done? Why the sudden change in tone and demeanor within a few minutes? I thought fast. “Oh yes, a drink sounds lovely but my hands are shaking so badly with nerves that I’m scared to even take a sip for fear of spilling on myself and embarrassing you or your family in public.” The words came rushing out in an awkward attempt to appease Gloria. It seemed to do the trick as I saw her eyes take on a glazed look and she seemed to calm down again.

“Yes, that is smart. You mustn’t embarrass us. No, never.” Gloria looked off into the crowd and seemed to get lost in thought.

Breathing a sigh of relief, I looked over at Joss to see if he had seen any of that last exchange with his mother, but he was leaning towards his father and was in a deep conversation.

“Oh, no!” I thought to myself. I had forgotten to tell Joss not to drink anything either. Grabbing his cup, I lifted it to feel that it was already emptied. Whatever had gotten Kael on edge, he obviously wasn’t concerned enough to share his suspicions with Joss.

Mona had gotten up and brushed past Gloria to stand behind Joss and personally refill his cup. Her hand brushed his arm as she placed the drink very carefully on the table. Mona’s eyes met mine over Joss’ head in a challenge and then she left the room. Joss had barely given Mona a glance during this whole silent scene but no sooner had she left than he started to reach for his cup again. I had no choice.

Reaching out quickly I beat him to it and knocked his cup over in an awkward attempt at pretending to hand it to him. The brown gold liquid spilled out of the cup and all over Joss’ pants. He jumped up, covered with the chai, and gave me an exasperated look, which pierced my heart.

I had disappointed him. He didn’t understand. How can I tell him in front of all of these people about Kael’s warning? Would he believe me? Joss looked at me sadly and touched my head before promising to return as soon as he changed.

The whole room had stopped to stare at the young girl who had spilled a drink on their lord’s son and had embarrassed him. My cheeks burned in embarrassment. Berry shot me a worried look and Avina looked horrified. I felt tears burn in my eyes. Nero just looked at me and tried to tell me it was fine. That he’d had drinks spilled on him numerous times at dinner. His try at consoling me only made me feel worse. What I was most surprised at was Gloria’s reaction. Once no one was looking at me, she leaned into me and whispered in my ear.

“Leave. You are not wanted here,” Gloria whispered.

“I’m not going to leave,” I shot back quietly. “I have no reason to.”

“Even if I told you that he is only doing all of this to make Mona jealous?”

I looked at Gloria to see if she was serious, to see how much she could possibly know. Joss and his father had decided to not tell her about our pretend engagement, so. So what was she talking about?

A small knowing smile played around her lips as she went on. “He talks to me you know, when he thinks I’m sleeping. I listen and I hear him pour out his unrequited feelings for her. He’s tried to court her but she’s refused. He brought you home to try and make her jealous and change her mind, which I think she has. You’ll see.”

“No, you’re wrong.” My heart felt like it was in a vice and doubt, that ugly thing called doubt, began to creep in. Our relationship was still new and we really hadn’t known each other that long. But my insecurities made it all seem perfectly plausible. Why would Joss be interested in someone like me when he could marry someone as beautiful as Mona?

“Am I?” she challenged. “If that’s so, then where is Joss right now? Hmmm? You see, he doesn’t really care about you.”

“He went to change, that’s all. He’s coming right back.” He had to. I couldn’t stand to be here one more minute defending him to his mother. My first impression of her had been wrong. She wasn’t a beautiful angel; she really was a vengeful dragon.

“I know that all of you are lying, pretending. I’m a mother and I know my children. I know when they try and deceive me.” Gloria’s eyes burned angrily and she shuddered in anger at me. “I don’t like liars and they are not welcome in my home.” It was unbelievable how much venom she could spew forth in such a cultured voice. But each word found its target deep within me.

My hands shook from hurt and the deep insecurities she was flushing out, but the doubt was becoming most prominent. It was as if she could read my mind.

“Poor, poor Thalia. Can’t you see? You are even lying to yourself.” Gloria reached her hand out and touched my skin and I felt an onslaught of mixed emotions, though muted. “It’s Mona; it has always been Mona. It would be better if you left now, quietly while no one is the wiser.”

I couldn’t take it. Pushing out my chair, I slowly stood up. Talbot’s eyes shot to my face and watched me quietly. Raising my chin up high, I walked out of the observatory and down the hall, taking the first set of stairs that I came to. At first I wandered aimlessly, trying to fight back any fear and doubt I had as I replayed the conversation with Gloria over back in my head. When I had thoroughly cooled down and felt composed, I decided it was time to go back to the dinner. By now Joss would have changed and could even now be waiting for me. But with all of the different levels in the tower, looking, I was lost as to which floor I was on. I decided to open a random set of double doors to find which floor I was on.

Opening the first set of doors I came to, I found I was in the library. I was about to close the door when I saw two people locked in a tender embrace by a window. Small feminine hands could be seen locked around strong male shoulders.

Once again embarrassed, I tried to avert my eyes and quietly close the door but something about their silhouettes looked familiar. Pushing the door open wider, I let it slam against the doorjamb on purpose; hoping that one of them would look up. They both did and I felt my heart hit the floor.

It was Joss and Mona.

Chanda Hahn's books