The Guest & The Change

chapter 5

Sarah woke up. She smiled as she realized Daniel was still holding her. Peeking through her sleepy eyes, she met his with a cheeky grin.

‘Hi,’ she said.

‘Hi,’ he replied. ‘I think your kids might be awake.’

Sarah groaned. No matter how much she missed them, the novelty quickly wore off when the hard work kicked in. She snuggled into Daniel, basking in his presence for one last time, before forcing herself out of bed to go and get Megan and Bea.

Sarah pulled a dressing gown off the back of her door and wrapped herself up in it. She looked up at Daniel hesitantly, not sure if she should invite him down for breakfast.

‘Hmm, I probably shouldn’t let my kids know you slept in here…’

‘Don’t worry,’ he smirked. ‘I’ll stay up here - probably best if I don’t intimidate your kids this early in the morning.’

‘OK,’ Sarah replied.

She opened her heavy wooden door and snuck out into the hallway. She poked her head around Megan’s door, with a grin on her face.

Megan jumped out of bed, full of early morning energy, and ran into her arms.

‘Mommy, Mommy. I love you Mommy.’

‘I love you too sweetheart,’ Sarah replied, hugging her tightly.

Sarah took her slender hand and walked to Bea’s room. Bea slept in a cot, and when Sarah entered she was still lying down and hugging her teddy.

‘Mommy, I thought you were asleep Mommy,’ Bea said in her cute baby voice.

‘I’m awake now little one,’ Sarah said.

Sarah let go of Megan’s hand and stretched out her arms for Bea as Bea clambered to her feet, her duvet and teddy falling by her side. Sarah lifted Bea out and she gave her a snuggly hug.

‘Big hug,’ Bea said. Sarah hugged her even tighter.

‘I love you sweetheart,’ Sarah said to Bea too.

‘Oatmeal’ said Bea.

‘I want Krispies,’ said Megan.

‘What do you say?’ Sarah asked, the frustration instantly kicking in.

‘Please can I have Rice Krispies Mommy,’ she said reluctantly.

‘No!’ Said Bea, ‘Oatmeal.’

‘Mommy,’ said Megan - whining.

‘You can both have what you want,’ Sarah said, trying to maintain patience.

She wondered what Daniel thought of their typical morning exchange. She betted he could hear everything they said with his super vamp hearing.

Sarah sighed, and walked downstairs holding Bea tight. Her diaper was overfull but dealing with that could wait until after breakfast. Megan ran down the stairs ahead.

She made them their breakfast while they squabbled over toys at the table. They were finally quiet when she gave them their food, so she started to prepare her coffee and oatmeal. She stirred in some raisins and jam, and tucked in, leaning against the counter while she waited for her coffee to be ready.

She thought about the following days of staying in and shuddered. She already felt restless at the idea. She was brimming with energy and wanted to walk in the woods, to let Megan run riot between the trees. That idea was out though - somehow she didn’t think Daniel would classify that as safe.

Maybe she could drive to her parents and let Megan and Bea play there for a little bit. Or she could visit her friend Melanie who had three kids - it was even more chaos than at Sarah’s. It meant she was an easy person to see though; very understanding of life with kids. There was also Megan’s school - they would call if she didn’t turn up.

Sarah rolled her eyes at herself; she couldn’t believe she had nearly overlooked school - maybe she wasn’t coping as well as she’d thought.

‘Megan, hurry up with your breakfast - we need to get you ready for school!’

What followed was an hour of running around getting ready, Sarah trying hard to control her temper and to be patient with her children. When she returned upstairs to get dressed Daniel was up and fully clothed. He was wearing his black jeans and shirt from the previous night. He looked like he had already showered as his hair was wet and messy. He looked hot.

‘Sorry about all the noise,’ she said, laughing at herself.

‘Don’t worry, it’s a nice change,’ he called in a hushed voice, as she was already in the bathroom - hurrying to ready herself. She could hear Bea starting to whine downstairs and she wondered what they were up to.

Daniel poked his head around the door as she was brushing her teeth, not yet fully dressed. She blushed instantly, and wished she was made-up and looking sexy. He didn’t seem to mind though; he was looking at her very appreciatively. Sarah wondered if he would object to her plan to leave the house, but was relieved that he didn’t.

‘I think I’ll come with you, and escort you home - if that’s ok?’ He asked.

Her breath caught as he smiled at her. ‘Yes,’ she answered, and quickly rinsed out her mouth -‘but could you just sneak out and pretend you’re just turning up. Sorry - I don’t mean to be rude. You know, I’m just worried about…’

‘Don’t worry - I understand,’ Daniel interrupted soothingly.

‘Thank you,’ Sarah answered - relieved her kids wouldn’t see she had slept with Daniel, when they still didn’t know about Jo.

‘When we get back I’d better go straight back to my hotel and get ready to go to New Orleans.’

‘New Orleans? Is that where Heather lives?’ Sarah asked. She hadn’t realized he was going that far, and felt a renewed sense that she was losing him.

‘That’s where she did live, the ten or so years ago that I last saw her. It’s a place to start anyway.’

‘Do you have a phone?’ Sarah asked.

‘No, sorry - I haven’t had a reason to use one. But if I’m going to be away for more than a couple of days I will call you,’ he reassured.

‘I’ll give you my number…’ Sarah started to move towards her room, planning on finding a piece of paper and pen, but Daniel stopped her.

‘Don’t worry - I already have it,’ he said. At Sarah’s confused look, he added - ‘Your father gave it to me, in case you weren’t in - that day I first came over.’

Daniel quickly kissed her on the cheek and left her to get ready.

Sarah felt her heart rate slow at his absence. If it wasn’t for her rush, and Bea’s whines carrying up the stairs, she wouldn’t have been able to resist him.

When they were all dressed and ready; they hurried out, trying not to be late. Daniel had done as she asked and snuck out - she hadn’t even noticed him leaving. He gave her a wicked grin as he pretended to ‘just turn up’.

Sarah watched as Daniel looked about, wondering at his wariness. They couldn’t be in that much danger, or could they? If they were he wouldn’t be leaving, would he?

She supposed there wasn’t much that he could do without more information, and it would definitely be best if Sebastian did not return. Anything he could do to prevent that would be worthwhile.

She shuddered at the thought of Sebastian’s anger should he somehow come back - he would surely want to exact revenge for what Daniel had done to him.

Megan and Bea were quiet in the back seat with Daniel in the car. They hadn’t spent much time with him yet, and weren’t used to him at all.

Sarah drove through town and pulled up in the school parking lot. She only just found a space at the back. Maybe more people were driving due to worry over the missing people, Sarah thought.

Daniel waited in the car while she went in with Bea on her hip to drop off Megan. She entered the hustle and bustle of the classroom and read Megan a story to settle her in. Then she gave her a big kiss on top of her head and said, ‘See you later little one.’

She picked up Bea from the home corner and waved to Megan as she left. Megan ran off with a couple of friends into the depths of the classroom.

When they were walking back to the car Sarah saw Daniel through the window. He was leaning back against the head rest with his eyes shut. She felt sadness well up within her; he wouldn’t be with her for much longer.

As she opened the door he gave her a wicked grin but she couldn’t manage to return it. Tears welled up in her eyes and she looked down, concentrating on strapping in Bea.

As she sat in the driving seat Daniel reached over and placed his hand on her leg.

‘Hey Sarah - what’s wrong?’

‘You know, you leaving. I’m worried you won’t come back.’

‘Mommy go! Go Mommy,’ came Bea’s voice from the back.

Sarah started her car as Daniel leant over and kissed her cheek.

He whispered in her ear, ‘Don’t worry - I will come back for you…’

She blushed at his close proximity and quickly met his eyes before driving off.

The drive home went quickly, every second until his departure speeding up.

Once they were back at her house, and Bea was playing happily with her doll house, she walked with Daniel to the front door. He stood there and gazed at her, before taking her chin in his hand and kissing her hard.

He broke away, leaving her unsteady.

‘I will come back as soon as I can. You stay safe, ok?’ He said.

‘Yes. You too. I will miss you.’

He brushed away her tear with his lips, but this only increased Sarah’s sadness.

‘Bye Daniel.’


She watched as he walked down to his car and drove off.


Sebastian stretched and looked about. It was morning and light was shining through the curtains. It was dazzling him. What the hell? He must have passed out and slept the entire night.

There were certainly some disadvantages of a human body.

He rubbed his sleepy eyes and sat up. As he looked about he saw a plainly decorated room without much character. The bedding and curtains were flowery and it reminded him of England, of people trying to achieve a dated elegance beyond their means.

He climbed off the bed. He must have collapsed onto it in exhaustion as he hadn’t bothered to remove his clothes or climb under the covers. He stretched again, experimenting with moving his new body.

It was nice to be able to feel again.

He opened the curtains and light streamed in - bathing him in cool winter sun.

He walked over to a mirror and inspected his new body for the first time. He was still a bloody mess and would have to deal with that soon. He looked young, maybe nineteen years old. His hair was scruffy and blond, his face still had the rounded cheeks of youth. Slightly comically he also had fine stubble on his chin - it was almost soft. His body wasn’t very muscular, yet he could feel he had power. It obviously didn’t come from his physical form but from the energy he had taken from his victims.

He went into the bathroom and quickly washed off the blood, while thinking about his plans. He would need to try and regain his original form. This body wouldn’t last forever after all. He would need to take more lives, more power. He would need to track down Daniel and find out what he had done with his ashes. Then he would need to find a witch to do the necessary spell.

He would also be able to use that witch to find out what Daniel did to him; so it could not happen again.

Then he would be able to destroy Daniel. Daniel would leave him alone for good.


Sarah slumped down on the sofa and watched as Bea played.

She was feeling entirely normal again. She had wondered if she had gained extra power from her experiences, whether she had gained any of Daniel’s abilities from consuming his blood. She was feeling a creeping depression consume her. How she felt must have been the after effects of all her experiences. Now she felt healthy, but weak. Her vision was good, but average. She could hear well, but not beyond the limits of her humanity.

She had liked the energy the power had brought her. It had most definitely felt good. She had felt like she could do anything. Achieve anything.

Now she felt whole-heartedly human, and constrained by her limited abilities.

Daniel was strong - he could do anything. And now she was here without him.

What was she supposed to do if a vampire attacked them? Daniel had left her some stakes just in case - but she had not even managed to wield one of those against Jo, and he was a newly turned vampire.

How was she going to protect her family as a human?

Maybe they weren’t in danger anyway. Maybe Daniel was just being paranoid, and cautious.

It was good he was going to make sure Sebastian couldn’t return. Plus Sebastian may not have turned any more vampires. After all - he had been keeping close tabs on Jo, looking after him. She didn’t think he had been looking after any other new vampires.

They were probably safe.

Then why am I trying to convince myself? She thought.

Sarah pulled out her book and tried, ineffectively, to distract herself with an adventure story - while Bea played with toys at her feet.


Daniel hit the road and headed for the nearest large airport: Vancouver.

He finally got there and boarded a plane to New Orleans. It wasn’t crowded and he managed to get a window seat. He stared out at the broken clouds without really taking in what he saw, concentrating instead on his thoughts.

What if there was some trace of Sebastian still lurking around?

He hoped Sarah wasn’t in danger; that she would be ok.


His heart ached at leaving her. He pictured her in his mind; her beautiful hair and soft skin, her sparkling blue eyes that he got so lost in. He had not wanted to leave her - but she would never have agreed to come with him; not with her children to look after.

He thought about Heather, the witch he was off to find. He remembered when he had met her. He had been living in New Orleans at the time. Of course he was there because of Sebastian. Since Daniel had turned into a vampire, everywhere he had been had been because of Sebastian.

Daniel had been in yet another dark alley - fighting a vampire that Sebastian had turned. That one had been strong and Daniel had fallen back. That was when he had realized someone had been watching them fight. A middle aged woman with dark curly hair and heavily lined eyes had stepped out of the shadows, stretched out her arms and pinned the young vampire to the wall.

Without getting anywhere near him.

Daniel had leapt up and slammed the stake into his chest, finishing him off.

Heather had approached Daniel inquisitively. She had never met a vampire who fought for good. She had taken him back to her home to tutor, and shared with him the very basics of magic.

Daniel remembered her home well. It was quite the ram-shackled old hut, but she had made it home and it was full of quirk.

The main spell she had taught him was lighting fires with his mind. This had taken a lot of concentration - and plenty of mishaps - to learn.

The downside was he could only use magic when he was strong. If he was weakened from fighting, or days without blood, he didn’t have enough energy to summon any magical willpower.

What were the chances of her still living in the same place? It seemed doubtful - but it wouldn’t hurt to check. He might get lucky and it would mean he would be back with Sarah that much sooner.


Sarah looked up at the clock. It was two thirty - time to get ready to pick up Megan.

She snuggled into Bea who was sitting on her lap watching children’s television; her eyes fixed on a friendly green dinosaur.

Sarah reached to the floor for Bea’s tiny pink shoes and strapped them on; as Bea held out her feet ready. She put her on her feet and wrapped her up in her fluffy coat, hat and gloves. She was ready to face the chilly outside air.

Sarah found her own jacket and checked the stakes were still within, and easy to access. Just in case.

Sarah liked to get to school early, to ensure she got a parking space. If she turned up anywhere near leaving time the car park was so jam packed she would be late in picking up Megan. Megan would not be happy. Sarah visualized her face and imagined her saying ‘All the other Mommy’s came Mommy, but I didn’t know if you were coming Mommy.’

Sarah picked up her keys and headed for the door. She picked Bea up and was just stepping out when she saw a young man approaching. Well, more of a teenager really. His hair was short and blond and he had youthful stubble on his chin. A chill crept up Sarah’s spine in warning, and she hurried to put Bea inside her house.

‘Stay inside Bea - Mommy will be just here and I won’t be long.’ She didn’t like doing it but she closed the door with Bea still inside.

Sarah looked up at the approaching man and saw his eyes flash black. They instantly reminded her of Sebastian and she felt nausea threatening to rise. She swallowed quickly, trying to look confident.

‘Can I help you?’ She asked.

What was she supposed to do - ignore him? There were no other houses in sight so he must be there for a reason.

‘Yes Sarah,’ he said leering at her.

Her heart began to race, how did he know her name? And why did that look remind her so much of Sebastian? He couldn’t be…

She took a deep breath. ‘How do you know my name?’

Ignoring her question he continued to advance. Sarah started to step back, holding onto the door handle. She glanced inside and Bea was running around the hallway in circles. She was pretending to be an airplane.

‘I’m looking for Daniel. Where is he?’

Anger radiated off him and Sarah’s foreboding magnified.

‘He’s not here, he’s gone.’

‘Where is he?’ He repeated.

‘I don’t know.’

Sarah wasn’t going to tell him either. She wasn’t going to put Daniel in danger.

Her fear was just about to get the better of her, she started to push on the door handle, but before it opened the blond man was before her.

He had moved so fast she hadn’t seen him coming.

‘Where is he?’ He breathed onto her face.

Sarah could smell blood on his breath and she really had to fight her nausea now.


He pushed against her, flattening her against the door.

Panic rose in Sarah, she tried to push him away but he was strong. Tears threatened to fall down her cheeks.

‘Tell me,’ he glowered. He touched her chest and ran his hand down over her right breast and around her back. He grabbed her bum and pulled it hard against him.

Revulsion and anger coursed through her, and she was overcome as power returned to her. It swarmed inside her, bursting from her heart through her veins. It radiated from her cells and she felt strong.

She had no time to process what was happening, but reacted on instinct.

She yanked her hands free and pushed hard against his chest.

He hadn’t been expecting a fight, and was not prepared; he soared back towards the fence.

This gave Sarah a second to process what was going on. A small smile graced her face. She hadn’t lost her power after all. But the smile soon left as she saw him rise to his feet and look at her wearily. He was eyeing up the situation, wondering how strong she was.

Sarah wondered too. Although it looked like it wouldn’t be long until she found out. She drew a stake out of her pocket and held it up - she was ready to strike.

Sarah hoped she would manage better than the last time she had tried. An image of stabbing a stake into Jo’s side flashed into her mind, and she pushed it aside, concentrating on the here and now.

She heard Bea start to whine inside and her anger at the man increased. How could he do this while she was looking after Bea?

Sarah stepped down, taking the fight further from Bea’s field of vision.

What was this man anyway? He obviously wasn’t Sebastian. He looked completely different, boyish and chubby. Sebastian had been tall and handsome.

Was he a vampire that Sebastian had changed? Was that why he reminded her of him?

That was when he raced in again - taking her feet out from under her with a well placed leg. Sarah fell on her butt, feeling her spine jar at the impact.

She leapt back to her feet and swung around to protect herself from his next assault.

When he came at her again she was ready. She stuck her foot out and kicked him hard in the chest. She was astounded at the effect - he flew back instantly; she couldn’t believe her strength. It gave her the courage to advance while he was still down.

He had fallen against the grass and was just rising up. His dark eyes were flashing black. She felt waves of dark power penetrating towards her.

She dodged and raced at him - moving faster than she ever had of her own power. She rammed the palm of her hand up, striking him under his chin, pushing his head back. She heard a snap and rejoiced as his head lolled and he fell to the floor. She brandished the stake and slammed it into his heart.

Blood spurted out and darkness evaporated out of the body. It came together, swirling, taking shape.

Sarah watched in horror as it turned into Sebastian. He looked angrier than she had remembered him in life.

He swooped into her.

She struggled against him - he was trying to take over her body. Power swelled in her cells, pushing back against his dark energy. She mustered all her energy together and pushed hard against him.

It worked.

She opened her eyes, which had been closed for the internal battle, and watched as dark mist swirled towards her house.

No! Bea.

Sarah darted forwards to protect her, but the mist found resistance and didn’t penetrate her house.

Bea was safe.

The darkness moved back towards the trees.

Sarah ran into the house and picked up Bea, whom now was crying profusely.

‘It’s ok my love, he’s gone now.’

She hugged her so tight. She had been so frightened for that second; she had thought that Sebastian would take her.

‘You will have to stay in for another minute sweetheart. Mommy has to check something.’

She sat Bea down at the bottom of the stairs, still crying, not wanting her to go.

Sarah walked out to see the body. She felt nausea engulf her again and this time she couldn’t control it. She vomited onto the grass, next to the body that was still there. The body that hadn’t burst into flames. The body that hadn’t been a vampire, but was human.

She had killed a human.

Sarah didn’t know what to do - Bea was screaming for her from within the house. She had to act quickly as she still had to get Megan. She dragged the body, fighting being sick again, around the side of her house and out of sight.

She would have to deal with it later.

She returned to Bea and again held her tight. She picked her up and went with her to the bathroom to clean herself up. She quickly washed out her mouth and brushed off her clothes, checking there were still more stakes in her jacket.

She had three left. She hoped she wouldn’t need them.

She would get Megan and then they would stay in until Daniel returned. She wouldn’t take Megan to school again until it was definitely safe. She would put up with the solitude, and the stress, and she would look after them at home.

She just hoped Daniel would be quick.

But what if he didn’t return at all?

Sarah bundled up Bea and left the house, quickly getting in the car and driving off. She picked up Megan without talking to anyone, and returned home in a rush.

When they were in, and Megan and Bea were playing with their toys, Sarah made sure every door and window were locked. When she was finally sure the house was secure; she let herself crumple to the floor. She gave in. Tears streamed down her face and sobs wracked her body.


Sebastian screamed as he retreated into the forest. He had achieved nothing. He didn’t know where Daniel was and he hadn’t got Sarah. She had kicked his butt and killed his body. What was she - a vampire now? Sebastian shrieked. He didn’t know and didn’t care what Sarah was, he was just furious she had killed him.

The power he had gained had dissipated as that body had died. He would have to start again, and kill more people this time. Gain more power.

The darkness in the woods simmered and broiled as Sebastian fumed and thought of death.

M. D. Bowden's books