The Dark



Ethan almost knocks me over with his greeting. I grip his shoulder with one hand while hanging on to Isabel’s with the other. I’m finding it impossible to let her go, even for a second. And she hasn’t tried to pull away.

‘I thought I was never going to see your ugly face again,’ Ethan says.

‘It probably would have been better if you hadn’t,’ I tell him as we pull apart. ‘Lathenia will be back for you.’

‘Don’t say things like that,’ Isabel mumbles softly.

I turn to her and see Matt for the first time. Matt! So Matt is the third person on their journey. Oh no! This has got to mean trouble. I wonder why Sera couldn’t identify him? And how did they get Matt’s inclusion past Lorian? A sickening thought takes hold at the growing look of discomfort on all three of their faces. ‘I can’t imagine Lorian agreeing to Matt coming along.’

‘Well,’ Ethan says, looking at the floor, ‘Lorian didn’t exactly.’

Just what is he saying? Something isn’t right. He looks too uncomfortable. ‘Which one of you is in charge?’

No one answers, but it’s not difficult to guess what they’re trying to conceal. ‘The Tribunal didn’t sanction a rescue attempt, did it?’

Ethan says softly, ‘No, but I’m sure they would have. It was Lorian who gave the direct command against it.’

Sadly this action I understand. ‘All three of you risked too much for me.’ No one meets my eye, and I tell them what I think will happen. ‘Lorian won’t punish you all. Not during a time of such crisis. But one will have to be made an example of. Who will be held responsible?’

They remain silent as their eyes skim around each other. Finally Isabel says, ‘I guess that’ll be me.’

My hand squeezes hers tighter. ‘You went against a direct order?’

‘Yes, and I would do it again!’

Her courage is breathtaking, but it will be her downfall. ‘Isabel, we humans can’t presume what’s in the minds of those who are above us. They know more, they understand on a higher level.’

Stubbornly, as only Isabel can be, she pushes her argument, ‘This time Lorian was wrong!’

‘You did this for me?’

She nods and I pull her closer to me. Would I do the same had it been Isabel taken to this world? I don’t even need a second to think. I would fight the devil itself to get to her.

In an attempt to lighten the tension, Ethan introduces me to their ‘friend’ John Wren. My first instinct is wariness. But it’s clear by just looking in his eyes, that this wren is unlike Marduke’s disciples. He grips my hand in a firm shake.

The second he releases it, I take Isabel’s again, just to make sure she stays close.

Matt’s keeping his distance and I’m getting an inkling of why. I catch his eye and we nod our heads by way of a greeting. Then his eyes drift downwards to where my hand is linked with his sister’s. It’s as if this sight disturbs him. He moves to my other side. ‘Look, I don’t know you like Ethan and my sister do. And, as I’m not one to believe in rumours or take notice of hearsay, tell me in your own words. Is it true that you’re six hundred years old, and that your body will never age?’

I see where he’s heading, it has me squeezing Isabel’s hand tighter again. Her eyes fly up to my face, then fasten on her brother’s. I hear her sharp intake of breath when I give Matt the answer to his question. ‘Everything you heard is true.’

His eyes bore into mine. ‘Then where can this possibly lead?’

I whisper back, ‘All my life I’ve been empty inside. When I’m with Isabel I am whole.’

‘But you don’t live in our normal world. It’s impossible!’ He glances at my blue hair as if to make a point. ‘What sort of life would Isabel have in your world, growing old and watching you stay young? Listen to me, Arkarian, you have to stop this now before my sister’s heart is broken. I’ve never seen her look so lovesick or so driven, not even when she had that crush on Ethan. This is serious. It can’t continue!’

The reality in his words explode through me.

While Matt’s words stem from brotherly love and his strong sense of protection, what he says is true. But seeing Isabel beside me, feeling her, it’s just too hard to let her go.

She peers at us both carefully. ‘Stop whispering! I want to know what you two are talking about. What the hell are you saying, Matt?’

I raise my hand to the side of her head. She leans her face into my palm. I want so much for her, to love her with an open heart. And it’s because of this love that I can … I must do what Matt bluntly points out.

So, after one final caress, I force an impersonal tone into my voice. ‘Matt is concerned that too much time is passing.’ The sound of lions roaring outside proves timely. ‘And he’s right. We have to hurry and find our way out of here.’

Without giving her a chance to say anything in return, I spin away, pretending to look for something. I don’t want Isabel to see through my façade. Right now I’m nothing but a fraud. It’s then I see Sera, still hiding under the table, still trembling.

I hold my hands up to the others. ‘Wait here, don’t move.’ Bending down, I try to coax Sera out.

She twists her head sideways. From her position on the floor she would only be able to see their legs, but it’s Ethan’s legs her eyes are glued to. ‘Come on, Sera, how long have you waited for this moment?’

Taking my offered hand she comes out and totters on unbalanced feet to stand before the others. She lifts her eyes and catches sight of the wren that accompanies them and starts screaming and gripping me so hard her hands go almost all the way through my arm. John screams too, leaping towards the door. Matt grabs him before he makes an exit, dragging him back.

Seeing Sera, Isabel gasps softly in surprise. Ethan simply stares. With eyes fixed on his sister’s spiritual presence, he comes right up close. ‘Sera?’

Calming down a little, but keeping a watchful eye on the wren, Sera peels herself off me. Turning to her brother, she flings herself into his arms.

Ethan embraces her back, but stares up at me alarmed when his arms go slightly through her, and her body comes to rest slightly through his. I smile and give an encouraging shrug. ‘It seems to be the way.’

She stands on tip-toes and he lowers his head to the top of hers. Now it appears as if their bodies are melded as one.

Isabel looks at them with tears in her eyes. She too knows how much Ethan has suffered. ‘Will we be able to help her, Arkarian? Release her from this prison?’

‘If we can get her out of this world with us, then her spirit should be free to go wherever it was meant.’

A distant lion’s roar and the sounds of yelping remind us exactly where we are. ‘Do you think you could lead us back to the rift that brought you into this world?’ I ask hopefully.

Isabel and Matt share a strained look, while Ethan gives his head a thorough shake. ‘No way. I’m not going through that mountain again.’

‘Why not the mountain?’ Matt asks.

It’s the wren, John, who decides it for them. Peering suspiciously at Sera, he leaps over with a flap of his wings. ‘There’s another rift that joins with your world. Unfortunately, I don’t know where it is.’

Sera’s eyes grow huge and she grips her brother’s arm tightly again at the sight of the wren so close. ‘It’s all right, Sera,’ Ethan explains. ‘John is our friend.’

Sera looks at John sceptically, and Ethan says, ‘Trust me. For this once, you can rely on me.’

With a tremor in her voice she asks, ‘What does this rift look like?’

‘A black flash in the sky,’ I tell her.

She thinks for a moment, her forehead creasing deeply. ‘I’ve seen this rift when the blood moon rises.’

The hounds draw nearer. Ethan’s illusion must be breaking up. We have to hurry and get out of here.

‘Can you lead us to this other rift?’ Ethan asks.

Sera nods excitedly. ‘I know exactly where to go. It’s right in the middle of—’

Her words are interrupted by a loud bang near the door. Someone is there, half hanging on to the doorway. I take a closer look. It’s Bastian, battered and bleeding, his clothes torn to shreds. I run over just as he slides to the ground. ‘Isabel! Quickly, you’re needed here.’

Before the others arrive, Bastian holds his hands up. ‘No,’ he heaves. ‘It’s too late. But …’ He tries to take a breath. ‘The other rift … you can’t. It’s over Marduke’s garden.’

Ethan and Matt arrive and recognise him instantly. ‘Dillon!’

‘Ethan? Matt!’

Matt gets down on his knees. ‘What happened to you?’

Ethan, on his other side, is more cautious. ‘What are you doing here?’

Isabel pushes both Ethan and her brother to the side. ‘Don’t ask him any more questions until I’ve finished.’

It takes her a few minutes, but eventually Bastian – no, his real name is Dillon – is healed. He gets up, still looking shaken, and grips Isabel’s hands. ‘How can I thank you?’

She tugs her hands out. ‘Are you one of them?’

‘Yes,’ he says. He flicks a look quickly over his shoulder. ‘Lathenia will be back soon. I have to get out of here. But I just had to tell you, the rift over Marduke’s garden is inaccessible.’

‘Why?’ I ask.

‘It’s drugged. You can’t go near it. It will numb your mind and you won’t be able to think for yourselves.’

‘Hell,’ Ethan exclaims. ‘Then how—’

John Wren runs in from outside, making a high-pitched squeal. ‘Hurry. The master is coming!’

Dillon looks around frantically. Seeing nowhere safe, he closes his eyes, preparing to use his wings. I grab his arm before he takes off. ‘Where will you go?’

His head shakes. ‘I have no idea. But I can’t stay here. She’ll kill me.’

‘You will come with us,’ I tell him.

He gives me a wary look. ‘Why? So the Guard can kill me too?’

‘You have my promise you will not be hurt.’

‘Will I be interrogated?’

‘Yes. Thoroughly. But you will also be protected.’

The hounds come bounding in, scattering us from the doorway. As before, they remain just outside the inner octagon. The rest of us take sancturary within it. Marduke walks in close behind them. He sees Dillon and stops. ‘So this is where you are! Lathenia has been running through the tunnels herself looking for you! What are you doing with them?’ His eyes shift to John. ‘It seems we have a room full of traitors! And look at you, old friend.’ He attempts to mock me. ‘Your healer has troubled herself in vain. But my mistress will be pleased. For you are all together now. And this temple will soon become your tomb.’

Marianne Curley's books