The Problem Child (The Sisters Grimm, Book 3)

"Look!" Sabrina shouted. "The final clue appeared."


"I've never heard of anyone with that name," Daphne said.


"And I've never come across it in the journals," Sabrina said.


"Maybe it's not a name. Maybe it's a word puzzle," Daphne said.


Sabrina grabbed her sister and gave her a hug. "Daphne, you're brilliant!" The embrace gave Sabrina the same kind of charge she felt when she had held the Wand of Merlin.


"Of course I am," the little girl said.


"And we both know someone who likes word puzzles a lot," Sabrina said. "Come on!"


The two girls rushed up the steps and Sabrina unlocked the door that led to Mirror's room.


"You stole Granny's keys," Daphne cried.


"No, she gave them to me. I'm babysitting you," Sabrina explained.


Daphne wrinkled up her nose. "That's crazy talk!"


Sabrina grabbed her hand and the two stepped inside the room. Sabrina braced for a bolt of lightning or a threatening ring of fire, but when Mirror's forbidding face appeared, two slices of cucumber were over his eyes.


"Who dares enter my domain!"he bellowed.


"Mirror! It's us!" Sabrina said.


Mirror reached up, removed a cucumber, and peered at the two girls. The clouds behind him quickly disappeared.


"Well, howdy, Grimm sisters," Mirror said. "Sorry about all the theatrics. I'm in the middle of my skin-care regimen. These cucumbers are lifesavers for my bags, but it's a two-hour ordeal every morning. Do yourself a favor, girls, and don't get old."


"We've collected all the pieces of the Vorpal blade," Daphne said.


"Impressive," Mirror replied.


"Each of the pieces had a clue on it to how to find the next," Sabrina explained. "Unfortunately, the last piece had no hints," she added. "Until we put the pieces together on the table. Then they glowed and some of the letters lit up like fireworks."


"We don't understand them but we thought you might," Daphne said.


Mirror looked surprised. "You want my help?"


"Well, I know you love word puzzles," Sabrina said.


Mirror grinned. "Wow! This is exciting. You know, most of the time I feel like I got stuck managing the supply closet while everyone else is out doing the exciting stuff. I don't think you Grimms have ever asked me for my help. Oh, I've been waiting for this for such a long time. Wait right there!"


Mirror's face disappeared from the reflection, but moments later he returned, wearing an old-fashioned hat and chomping on a pipe. He looked like a supernatural Sherlock Holmes.


"I'm sorry," Sabrina said. "We're in a bit of a hurry."


"Of course! What are the letters?"


"L-F-E-H-A-U-R-B-R-A," Sabrina said.


The letters suddenly appeared in the reflection. "What do you think it's supposed to tell you?" Mirror said.


"Who the Blue Fairy is," Daphne said.


Mirror's eyebrows rose in surprise. "Indeed! Well, let's have a look."


Suddenly the letters jumbled and were reformed into the words "Brael Rufha."


"I've got it!" Mirror said proudly "The Blue Fairy is actually Brael Rufha!"


"Who?" the girls asked.


Mirror studied the name. "Let's try that again."


The letters jumbled and collected themselves into a new name. "Harrab Fuel."


"I'm pretty sure there's no one in Ferryport Landing named Harrab Fuel," Sabrina said, trying to sound encouraging.


"I'm pretty sure no one in the world is named Harrab Fuel," Daphne added.


Mirror frowned at her and the letters swirled a final time. They rearranged into the word "blue," leaving the F, H, A, R, R, and A on the other side alone.


"All right, Blue Fharra," Mirror said. "Anyone know someone named Blue Fharra in this town?"


Sabrina jumped.


"You know, don't you?" Daphne said.


"Could you move the H to the end?" Sabrina said.


The letter floated over, making two new words: "Blue Farrah."


"The waitress!" Daphne continued. "Uncle Jake is not going to believe it. He's known her for years!"


"The Blue Fairy is a waitress?" Mirror said.


"Yes," Sabrina said. "At the Blue Plate Special. We met her yesterday. No wonder she was so relaxed when the Jabberwocky attacked. We've got to find her!"


"But how? Granny and Mr. Canis are gone and Uncle Jake took a hike," Daphne said.


Sabrina reached into her pocket and took out a business card--the card Rip van Winkle had handed her after he had driven the family to the school. "I know someone who can get us there."


"What about Puck? We can't leave him here alone," Daphne said.


"Mirror! You can look after him," Sabrina said, then turned to her sister. "Help me move Mirror into Granny's room."


The girls reached down and lifted with all their might, awkwardly carrying the enormous mirror out of the room.


"Girls! Be careful!" Mirror cried. "If you break me, it's going to take more than some cucumbers on the eyes to make me right."




When Rip van Winkle's cab pulled into the driveway, the girls ran out to it and jumped into the backseat. Elvis tumbled in as well and the girls shut the door.


"Take us to the Blue Plate Special," Sabrina shouted.


Michael Buckley's books