Soul Scorched

Con knew why Warrick had done it, but he wasn’t sure about Thorn. Not that Warrick’s excuse was acceptable, but a King would do anything for his mate. Fortunately Warrick was going to allow him to talk to Darcy for a bit. Ulrik had used Darcy, tricking all of them. He also had all of his magic returned to him, and Darcy no longer had any.


What she did still have was knowledge about Ulrik as well as his memories that she’d seen. Con was leery of digging into those memories, because there could be a chance Darcy had seen the one thing Con didn’t want anyone to know.


Now that she was Warrick’s, she was part of Dreagan. He still didn’t trust her. She could betray Warrick just as Ulrik had been betrayed, but Con would wait and see.


For now his attention was focused solely on Ulrik. But he would be keeping an eye on Darcy.


Con set aside the whetstone and polished his blade. His gaze jerked to the Silvers when one of their tails banged against the cage.


The battle he always knew would come between him and Ulrik was soon to arise.




Warrick anxiously waited for Darcy to climb onto his opened hand. The vicious grip around his heart loosened when she finally did. He gently closed his hand so that he held her securely without squeezing her. Darcy rested her arms along one thick digit and looked at him.


“My magic is gone.”


He blew out a breath and glanced away. The Warriors had told him as much. He wondered when she would find out. At least now he didn’t have to break that bad news.


“So you know,” she said. “What am I to do without magic?”


He suddenly leapt into the air, his wings stretching to catch the air. She let out a gasp, her hands clutching him.


Warrick wanted to show her what it was like to see the world from a different vantage point. He remained low, keeping out of the clouds. They were safe on Dreagan, but it was more about giving Darcy a few moments where she could forget what had happened to her and enjoy things.


He remained in the sky for over thirty minutes, flying over a large chunk of Dreagan, but staying far away from the manor. The rain lessened significantly by the time they returned to the cottage.


Warrick landed and set her down before he shifted. Darcy was staring at him, her lashes spiky from her tears.


“What happened? I don’t remember anything after Ulrik stabbed me.”


Warrick fisted his hands as he fought not to pull her against him and just hold her. Never had he been so terrified as when he’d felt the life draining from her. To be such a powerful being and not be able to save the person he loved was alarming.


“You were dying,” he said. “I can use my power to protect you, but I could do nothing to heal you. The Druids tried, but Ulrik used dragon magic. It was Con who saved you.”


Her eyes widened in surprise. “Con? The same Con who was going to kill me?”


“The verra one.”


“And my magic?”


“The Warriors can sense a Druid’s magic. They told me yours has faded. I’m sorry, Darcy.”


She looked down at the ground. “It seems mine has been gone for almost three years now.”


“What?” She couldn’t be right. Warrick frowned and took a step closer.


“The moment I unbound Ulrik’s magic, mine left me.”


“How did you no’ know?”


She shrugged and looked back at him. “I wasn’t exactly conscious afterward. Then I was recovering from that, so I didn’t pay attention. Apparently, there is an old woman who used her magic to supplement mine so I would assume I still had magic.”


Her face crumpled as more tears came. Warrick closed the distance between them and wrapped his arms around her. He held her as she cried, letting her get it all out.


Warrick guided her back into the house once the worst of the crying was over. He took her into the bathroom and undressed her. Then he turned on the shower and pulled her into the hot water with him.


“It was a client I trusted who didn’t just supplement my magic. She took what was left of mine from me and was able to use it to help Ulrik.”


Warrick squeezed his eyes closed for a moment. “I doona want to talk of him right now. Did you mean what you said when I was taking you to Ulrik? Do you really think there can be nothing between us?”


He held her with her back against the water. She looked up at him. “After what I’ve done, I’ll never be able to look anyone at Dreagan in the eye again.”


“I didna ask about everyone. I’m asking about me.”


She laid her hand over his heart. “I should never have questioned you. You’re the only one who has been honest with me. You deserve someone worthy of you. I’m not her. No matter how much I wish I were.”


“You are worthy,” he whispered and bent to place a light kiss on her lips. He leaned back enough to look into her fern green eyes. “I couldna imagine going through a day without you.”


She smiled sadly. “All I could think about after I was stabbed was you. I’ve been dreaming of a jade dragon for months.”


“Why does that make you sad?”


“Because I love you, and I’ve screwed things up.”


Warrick wanted to shout with joy. He held her tightly as she ducked her head in his neck. “Let’s revisit that first sentence. You love me?”