Sisters Grimm 05 Magic and Other Misdemeanors

Mirror cried out in pain.


"Leave him alone!" Daphne shouted.


Angry clouds began to gather around Mirror's head. "You are not my master."


"Every walking and talking person in the world is your master," Bunny said quietly. "I created you. I know what the rules are. Now, I'm going to ask you again and this time I want you to give me a thorough answer. Mirror, Mirror, can you tell, how to break the sleeping spell?"


Mirror curled his lip and looked embarrassed. Sabrina wasn't happy either. Mirror was her friend and she didn't like strangers being mean to her friends. She was fully prepared to step between the two of them when the Wicked Queen took her hand off the mirror's reflection, leaving a bright red handprint that quickly faded away. As it disappeared, so did Mirror's face, and another image replaced it. Sitting in a cafe on a cobblestone street was a blond woman with short, curly hair. She was sipping coffee and writing in a journal as a waiter in black pants and a white apron tried to get her attention. He smiled at her and said something funny, but she seemed to be in her own little world.


"There's your answer," the Wicked Queen said.


"Who's that?" Daphne asked. "Goldilocks," Uncle Jake whispered. "Goldilocks," Granny repeated.


"Goldilocks indeed," Bunny said, eyeing each member of the Grimm family suspiciously. "It seems as if she has found a way out of our happy little town. Lucky, lucky girl."


"Bunny, I appreciate the help," Charming said as he escorted her out of the room.


"Is she the one Dad was in love with before he met Mom?" Sabrina asked.


Granny shuffled her feet.


"Tell her, Mom," Uncle Jake said. "It's her birthday."


"Well, is she the one?"


Granny nodded. "Yes. Now, let's say good-bye to our guest."


Everyone piled out of the room except Sabrina. Mirror's face appeared in the reflection. He looked as if he had just been in a prizefight. "Starfish--"


"Have you known all along?" Sabrina said, her voice trembling with anger and hurt.


Mirror shook his head. "No. That's not how it works. I don't know anything."


"Were you keeping it from us?" She felt like a volcano bubbling over with emotion.


"It's hard to explain, Sabrina. If the question isn't specific, the answers don't come to me. I'm not omnipotent. I'm just a magic mirror, and I do what I was made to do. Ask a question. Get an answer. If I had known there were more answers, I would have told you. Bunny forgets that I wasn't one of the deluxe mirrors. I was the first, the test product. She forgets she didn't give me all the bells and whistles she gave the others."


Through her anger, Sabrina could hear the pain in Mirror's voice. It made her feel sorry for him, and her rage faded away. "It's OK," she said. "There is nothing wrong with you. Don't let her get to you."


Mirror looked as if he might cry. His face faded from the reflection.


Sabrina looked down at her mother and father, still slumbering soundly in the queen-size bed in the center of the room. "Now all we have to do is find Goldilocks," she said.


She joined everyone at the bottom of the stairs. Bunny was saying her farewells, though Granny and Mr. Canis were keeping their distance. She turned and opened the door. Standing on the porch was Snow White. The teacher was so stunned, she dropped a glass carousel she was carrying, cracking it into several pieces.


"Snow," Bunny said.


"Mother," Snow replied as if in shock.


"Mother!" the girls shouted in unison.


"Billy?" Ms. White cried when she noticed Prince Charming through the doorway. She looked back and forth at all of them, confused. "Where have you been?"


"I've been busy," Charming said coolly. Sabrina was shocked at his attitude, but she knew the prince didn't want to see Ms. White. He said he was hiding from her to protect her. Being aloof must be part of the plan.


"I've been worried," Ms. White stammered. "I left messages. I've searched for you."


"Then you're a fool," Charming said. "You think I would want you? You left me at the altar. You humiliated me in front of my family and friends."




"Go home, Snow. You're embarrassing yourself."


Sabrina expected the teacher to turn and run off in tears, but instead she reached back and socked Charming in the jaw. He stood his ground, but it was obvious he was in pain.


"You sorry excuse for a man!" Ms. White said. "How could I have been so blind?" Then she turned on Granny Relda. "And you! Now you're befriending my mother? I thought we were better friends than that. You of all people know what she has done."


"Snow, I didn't--"


"And you've been hiding Billy here all along while I suffered?"


Granny never got a chance to explain. The lovely woman stormed down the porch steps and raced off in her car before anyone could stop her.


"Well, that's another party I've ruined," Bunny muttered. She waved her hand over the broken carousel and it instantly reassembled, looking brand-new. She handed it to Sabrina. "Happy birthday, kid."


Michael Buckley's books