Queen of Sorcery

Not far from the dais, Sadi the eunuch cleared his throat. "Divine Queen," he announced, "the emissary of Taur Urgas requests a word with you."


"Of Ctuchik, you mean," Salmissra said, looking faintly annoyed. Then a thought seemed to cross her mind, and she smiled maliciously. The mottling of her skin faded. "Bring the Grolim in," she instructed Sadi.


Sadi bowed and withdrew to return a moment later with a scar-faced man in the garb of a Murgo.


"Give welcome to the emissary of Taur Urgas," the eunuch chanted. "Welcome," the chorus replied.


"Carefully now," the dry voice in his mind said to Garion. "That's the one we saw at the harbor."


Garion looked more carefully at the Murgo and realized that it was true.


"Hail, Eternal Salmissra," the Grolim said perfunctorily, bowing first to the queen and then to the statue behind her. "Taur Urgas, King of Cthol Murgos, sends greetings to the Spirit of Issa and to his handmaiden."


"And are there no greetings from Ctuchik, High Priest of the Grolims?" she asked, her eyes bright.


"Of course," the Grolim said, "but those are customarily given in private."


"Is your errand here on behalf of Taur Urgas or of Ctuchik?" she inquired, turning to examine her reflection in the mirror.


"May we speak in private, your Highness?" the Grolim asked. "We are in private," she said.


"But-" He looked around at the kneeling eunuchs in the room.


"My body servants," she said. "A Nyissan queen is never left alone. You should know that by now."


"And that one?" The Grolim pointed at Garion.


"He is also a servant - but of a slightly different kind."


The Grolim shrugged. "Whatever you wish. I salute you in the name of Ctuchik, High Priest of the Grolims and Disciple of Torak."


"The Handmaiden of Issa salutes Ctuchik of Rak Cthol," she responded formally. "What does the Grolim High Priest want of me?"


"The boy, your Highness," the Grolim said bluntly.


"Which boy is that?"


"The boy you stole from Polgara and who now sits at your feet."


She laughed scornfully. "Convey my regrets to Ctuchik," she said, "but that would be impossible."


"It's unwise to deny the wishes of Ctuchik," the Grolim warned.


"It's even more unwise to make demands of Salmissra in her own palace," she said. "What is Ctuchik prepared to offer for this boy?"


"His eternal friendship."


"What need has the Serpent Queen of friends?"


"Gold, then," the Grolim offered with annoyance.


"I know the secret of the red gold of Angarak," she told him. "I don't wish to become a slave to it. Keep your gold, Grolim."


"Might I say that the game you play is very dangerous, your Highness?" the Grolim said coolly. "You've already made Polgara your enemy. Can you afford the enmity of Ctuchik as well?"


"I'm not afraid of Polgara," she answered. "Nor of Ctuchik."


"The queen's bravery is remarkable," he said dryly.


"This is beginning to get tiresome. My terms are very simple. Tell Ctuchik that I have Torak's enemy, and I will keep him - unless-" She paused.


"Unless what, your Highness?"


"If Ctuchik will speak to Torak for me, an agreement might be reached."


"What sort of agreement?"


"I will give the boy to Torak as a wedding gift."


The Grolim blinked.


"If Torak will make me his bride and give me immortality, I will deliver Belgarion up to him."


"All the world knows that the Dragon God of Angarak is bound in slumber," the Grolim objected.


"But he will not sleep forever," Salmissra said flatly. "The priests of Angarak and the sorcerers of Aloria always seem to forget that Eternal Salmissra can read the signs in the heavens as clearly as they. The day of Torak's awakening is at hand. Tell Ctuchik that upon the day that I am wed to Torak, Belgarion will be in his hands. Until that day, the boy is mine."


"I shall deliver your message to Ctuchik," the Grolim said with a stiff, icy bow.


"Leave, then," she told him with an airy wave of her hand.


"So that is it," the voice in Garion's mind said as the Grolim left. "I should have known, I suppose."


Maas the serpent suddenly raised his head, his great neck flaring and his eyes burning. "Beware!" he hissed.


"Of the Grolim?" Salmissra laughed. "I have nothing to fear from him."


David Eddings's books