Pleasure Unbound

She knew, because she felt it, too.

Tayla and Eidolon’s peace was short-lived. The sounds of battle and screeches of pain rang out in the night. She didn’t even have time to fully explore the way the markings on her arm had darkened and set, shimmering on her skin. Quickly, they dressed. At the door, Eidolon stopped her with a hand on her shoulder.

“You weren’t a last resort.”

Emotion nearly choked her as she reached up to cup his cheek, where no sign remained of the facial tattoo, though there was a new one on his neck, two connected rings circling his throat. “I know. And for what it’s worth, I’m sorry about Roag.”

“Shh.” He made a sound, a near-purr, and his hands came up to hold her palm against him in a gesture so tender and loving she felt it in her soul. “The future is what matters now. Because of you, I have one.”

“Because of you, I feel like I finally belong somewhere.”

He crushed her to him, his mouth finding hers in a demanding, dominating kiss that nearly made her forget where they were. The hold he had on her, a cage of safety and devotion, anchored her love for him firmly in her heart.

This was what being wanted felt like.

“We have to go,” he murmured against her lips, and she nodded.

Reluctantly, they headed for the zoo entrance, where, they hoped, Gem would be waiting with her parents. Instead, they found Lori, arms wrapped around herself and looking lost, standing beneath the gate arch. When Lori saw them, she paled, and Tayla watched the woman who had been her leader, her mentor, as she backed up against the wall of the abandoned gift shop.

“Leave me alone,” she said. “You don’t understand.”

Tayla snorted. “You’re right. I don’t understand how you could cheat on Ky.”

Shame flashed in Lori’s eyes. “I didn’t mean to hurt him—” She blinked at Eidolon as though she’d just noticed him. “You . . . you look like Wraith.”

Eidolon nailed her to the wall with hard eyes. “How do you know Wraith?”

Lori didn’t seem to hear. “Are you an Elder, too?”

“Elder?” Tayla asked. “As in, all-powerful Guardian Elder? A member of the Sigil? You think Wraith is an Elder?”

“He charged me with organizing a team to bring in demons. Our orders came directly from the Sigil. It was to be kept secret . . .” Crimson splotches mottled Lori’s pale skin. “Why am I telling you anything?” She turned to Eidolon. “She’s a demon. A traitor. She infiltrated The Aegis.” She turned back to Tayla. “You’ll be executed for that, you know.”

Tension cracked in the air around Eidolon, snapping so she could almost see sparks. “What made you believe Wraith is a Guardian Elder?”

Lori huffed. “He said he was.”

Eidolon and Tayla exchanged glances, and she knew they were thinking the same thing; that Wraith could have used his mental powers to make Lori think he was whoever he said he was.

“Anything else?” Tayla asked.

“You don’t speak to me, demon bitch.”

“Okay,” Tayla snapped. “I’ve had it with you. Eidolon, do you have some sort of truth serum at your hospital?”

“We have something better,” he ground out, but he didn’t finish, because Wraith burst out of the foliage—apparently the roads and walkways were too easy—brushing off his hands.

“Wraith,” Lori whispered. “Thank God.” She moved toward him, shooting a withering glare at Tayla. “They don’t seem to understand. And someone is releasing all the demons. Were you aware that Tayla is a demon?”

Wraith glowered at her. “What are you babbling about, human?”

A patient, worshiping smile curved Lori’s mouth. She reached for him, and he leaped away from her with a hiss. Frowning, she advanced. He retreated.

“Let her touch you,” Eidolon said.

“What? Hell, no.”

“Wraith! Do it.”

Wraith let loose a nasty curse, but he planted his feet and braced himself, going stiff as a rod, as Lori folded herself against his chest. She seemed to be in an almost druglike stupor, melting into him, as loose as he was strung tight.

So. Weird.

“Is it him?” Eidolon asked quietly, and whoa—thanks to their bond, Tayla felt his fear like an icicle in the heart. He was terrified that his brother might be involved in the black market organization. “Is he the one who enlisted your help to capture demons?”

Lori rubbed her cheek on his chest, ran her hands up and down his body, each touch making Wraith grow even more rigid. “Touch me like before . . .” She sounded intoxicated, and Tayla suspected she was affected by the incubus magic that seemed to emanate from them. Tayla knew the feeling.

“E . . .” Wraith said, his voice a strangled plea.

“Just hold on, bro. It’ll be over in a minute. Lori, is it him?”