Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye

Chapter Twelve

Shane, the chauffeur, didn’t like what was going on inside the building. Lights were going off and on and he heard some scary shit over his radio. Shane stepped outside the navy blue Mercedes. He walked over to the door of Lincoln House and stepped inside. His action was met by screams somewhere inside the place. One of them sounded like Irene. He continued walking toward the sound until he came to the main ballroom. He pulled on the doors but found them locked. Shane tried to ram his shoulders against it to open it but the door wouldn’t budge. He tried again but he still couldn’t open it.

Something lifted him from the floor. “What the hell?” Shane struggled but the force was too great and it threw him bodily toward the entrance of Lincoln House. His body slammed into the wall, knocking the wind out of him and sending pain through his body.

Shane dropped to the floor and crawled out of the door. People walking by in the neighborhood stood and looked at him but no one tried to assist. He crawled to the car and pulled himself up. He opened the door and slid himself in behind the wheel. He reached for his cell phone and punched in the number.

“This is Shane,” he told the party on the other line. “We need backup. Send Taj and Maestro to Lincoln House immediately.” He disconnected the call and slumped back in the seat. Whatever it was inside the building had the ability to do more than one thing at a time. He, on the other hand, knew his limitations.

* * * *

It was the ugliest thing she had ever seen in her life and Isabella had seen some doozies. It was big, light blue, with bulging eyes and tentacles. It looked much like a jelly fish/octopus combination, but had more layers. Something foul oozed from its pores. The others covered their noses with their hands…all except her.

The thing reached for Isabella with one of its tentacles but Ernie stepped in the way. The tentacle caught him across the arm, slicing through the skin. Ernie howled and grabbed for the arm to stop the flow of blood. “It’s razor sharp,” he warned the others. “Stay away from the tentacles.”

“You cannot stop me, mortals. I will have Isabella.” It reached for her again but Isabella ducked, escaping its grasp.

The room shook around them. “Do not toy with me, Vanquisher. I am the Soul Gatherer. It is your turn.”

Now, why didn’t the world end before this? Isabella wondered.

Collena pulled out her cell phone from her pocket and dialed. “Hello, Angela. This is Collena. Find me everything you can on a demon called the Soul Gatherer and get back to me ASAP.”

Collena hung up. “Angela is checking this thing out. She said Taj and Maestro are on the way.”

“Good—more souls,” the demon replied. “The more the merrier.”

Shit. More mortals to protect. Isabella moved so quickly that no one saw her…it was a gift inherited from her father, Darius.

“You impress me, Vanquisher,” the Soul Gatherer replied.

There was a sound outside the ballroom.

“Our guests have arrived.” The Soul Gatherer released the doors and they opened. Taj and Maestro, PAK’s resident magicians stood in the hall. While everyone’s eyes were averted, Irene was swept up by one of the tentacles.

Irene screamed as the razors cut into her skin.

Collena was about to go to Irene’s rescue when her phone rang.

“Answer the damn phone,” Isabella ordered. “I’ll get her.”

“We got a lock on that thing.” Marc shouted to Isabella. He awaited her instructions.

Collena interrupted the conversation. “It’s Angela, the researcher. She said this thing is the real deal. It collects souls. There are only two known Soul Gatherers, one in the United States and the other one is in England. As of the last writing, there is no known way to kill it.”

“Great,” Isabella replied. “It’s a damn Grim Reaper.” She kept her eyes trained on the thing and Irene. “Let her go.”

Taj and Maestro entered the ballroom and began to chant.

The thing holding Irene shook her wildly like a rag doll. Thankfully Irene fainted, which was a plus in their favor.

The sounds of the chanting and conjuring from the magicians echoed in her head. She had to get Irene but first she had to find a weak spot. Isabella pulled a dagger from her boot and charged the creature, plunging the knife into what she hoped was a wet stomach. Fouler goop oozed from the wound. The Soul Gatherer dropped Irene and turned its attention on her. Marc and Clifton ran over and picked up the young woman and carried her over to Collena.

It spoke in a language Isabella did not understand and suddenly her body grew limp. Isabella struggled but the thing pinned her arms to her side and paralyzed her legs. It also messed with her breath.

Isabella cleared her mind and joined the chanting with Taj and Maestro even though she could barely breathe. She called on the Loa, Papa Legba for strength.

The door of the building opened and closed; a great energy flowed from everyone in the room. Otto and Ernie joined the magicians, using their abilities to strengthen Isabella’s mind.

The engineer’s equipment rattled. Marc and Clifford held on, trying to keep a grip on the energy field of the Soul Gatherer.

Isabella looked over at them. Collena wrapped herself around the unconscious Irene. She was alive but badly injured. The thing lifted Isabella into the air. She couldn’t struggle any more.

“I have her in my power,” the Soul Gatherer shouted. “You are mere mortals and no match for me.” He made the walls bleed again. “I have captured millions of souls and now I have the great Vanquisher. She will be a worthy opponent in my kingdom of horrors.”

Isabella opened her eyes but was not conscious of what was going on around her. She saw a light…her guide from Papa Legba. Isabella concentrated on the light, locking her mind with it.

The Soul Gatherer stopped. “Open your mind to me, Isabella and stop fighting.”

The magicians kept up the chant.

Isabella felt her strength returning back to her.

“Stop it,” the Soul Gatherer shouted.

“She is with Papa Legba now,” Ernie told the Soul Gatherer.

“No, she is mine.” It covered Isabella in blood.

Isabella used her power to drain the Soul Gatherer’s energy so Clifton and Marc could draw it into their trap.

Terrifying screams called out from inside the Soul Gatherer and rocked the foundation of Lincoln House. The sound grew deafening as the building shook.

“We got it,” Clifton shouted to the others. “Flip the switch, Marc.”

Marc turned up the power and it pulled the energy of the Soul Gatherer inside. The demon screamed against the pull but it was no match for modern technology. The machine continued to suck until the Soul Gatherer disappeared. Tiny white souls that inhabited Lincoln House rose to the ceiling and disappeared into the light.

Isabella still floated after the chanting ended.

Ernie rushed over to catch her along with Taj and Clifton. The spell broke. Isabella hurled to the floor and down to the men sending them sprawling to the floor.

“Damn girl, you weigh a ton,” Ernie said trying to sit up.

“Two tons,” Taj said rising and dusting himself off.

“You better lay off those beignets,” Clifton added.

“Go to hell, all of you,” Isabella said from her position flat on her back.

Collena helped Irene to her feet. “Let’s get the hell out of here. I’ve got to get Irene to the hospital.”

Ernie helped Isabella to her feet. “It is gone, isn’t it?”

“Concentrate,” Isabella told him. “Can you feel it?”

“No,” Ernie answered.

“Then it’s gone, but not dead. Let’s lock this place up and get the hell out of here like Collena said.”