
chapter 28

I floated in the hazy, dreamlike state between sleep and consciousness, content in my world of oblivion. I felt nothing but the gentle caress of soothing magic.

Peace settled over me until liquid-fire pinpricks snapped me out of my heavenly state, stabbing my battered back muscles. My eyes flew open as I sucked in a sharp breath. I groaned and pressed my stomach flat against the soft surface I lay on.

“It’ll be over in a minute,” Talisen’s soft voice penetrated my fog.

Warmth started to tingle from the depths of my gut. Tal was here. I wasn’t locked up being tortured somewhere. He’d taken care of me. His tender fingers trailed over my skin, bringing a blessed numbness with his touch.

“Hold still,” he said softly.

“I’m not moving,” I mumbled into the pillow.

Despite the magical anesthesia, I felt an increased pressure at the base of my wings.

“You’ll want to in a second,” Talisen said.

A shot of paralyzing cold ice spread through my wings. “Stop!” I gasped and then bit the pillow to keep from whimpering.

“Shh.” In one fast motion, Tal flattened my right wing against my back, readjusting the dislocated connection. The loud pop was muffled by my scream as my muscles convulsed from the torture. Tears soaked the pillow as I trembled. My muscles were numb, but the sensitive nerve endings in my wings were not.

“I’m so sorry, Wil.” He placed a gentle hand on my cheek and bent over, his breath warming my ear. “I don’t think there’s any permanent damage. One bone was crushed, but I healed that. The base of your right wing will be sore for several days, if not weeks. There’s no way to fix a dislocation other than popping it back in.”

I nodded, knowing he’d done his best. Link repositioned himself beside me, cuddling into a small ball, breathing deeply. The dog was out cold. Thank the Goddess he’d made it home safe. But was he okay? “Link?”

“He’s fine. Just needs a day or two to sleep off the lingering effects of that tranq they hit him with.” He held up a cup with a straw. “Here.”

Water. Thank goodness. My mouth was dryer than Death Valley. I sucked down the entire contents of the flavorless liquid. The trembling stopped instantly. No, not water. I pressed up on one elbow. “What was that?”

He smiled. “Something new I’ve been working on.”

Impressed by the instant effect, I stared at him, my eyebrows raised in anticipation.

His smile widened. “It restores strength and numbs the senses at the same time. It’s sort of like Chimney Bark, only it doesn’t affect your cognition.”

“Plant-based?” I asked, eyeing the cup. No color. Not likely.

He shook his head. “Stone-based. I’ve been working on it for months now.”

“Months?” This new drug could be a game changer. Why hadn’t he said anything? I tried to keep the frown off my face, but Tal knew me too well. Holding back this kind of discovery was like not telling me he’d gotten married or something.

He helped me to sit up and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, careful to not bump my wing. “Sorry.” He grimaced. “I didn’t tell anyone. I honestly didn’t know if I could pull it off or what the ramifications would be.”

“No one?” My voice rose with my disbelief.

He shifted and jumped off the bed, running a hand through his hair. “Look at what happened with your Influence. I couldn’t take the chance of anyone trying to manipulate this. It’s too dangerous.”

His concerns weren’t lost on me. A potion that boosts strength and numbs the senses is wrought with dangerous potential. Mortals would be a lot harder to bring down. In the hands of criminals, such a drug would be a nightmare. Still, of all people, I’d think I was the one Talisen could talk to about this. “So dangerous you couldn’t trust even me?”

Talisen met my eyes and then came to stand right in front of me. “I didn’t tell anyone.”

I climbed out of bed, marveling at the steadiness in my legs. Minutes ago I’d thought I’d never get up again. His numbing juice was a work of genius. “Yeah, but we spent all summer together. You never once even hinted at this.” I waved a frustrated hand at the cup. “I tell you everything.”

He leveled a hard stare at me, one eyebrow slightly raised. “Not everything.”

“What are you talking about? Of course I do.” I started to pace, antsy from the argument and his potion.

“Really? You never told me how serious it was with David. You said you’d casually dated someone, but it was over. Yeah, I spent all summer with you. And only you. You never once told me how you felt. But then again, it hardly matters now since you’re clearly not over the vampire.”

I stopped and placed both hands on my hips. “What the hell are you talking about?”

“This.” He took two steps, grabbed my upper arms, and yanked me to him. His lips met mine in a hard, demanding frenzy, his hot tongue claiming mine with each expert stroke.

My hands came up, curling in his shirt as I met him with passion, all the years of pent-up, barely hidden desire pouring out of me.

Tal’s arms came around me, cradling me close against his lean frame. His teeth scraped my bottom lip, holding on for just a moment before he murmured, “Dammit, Willow. I’ve been waiting ten years to do that.”

A short, startled laugh bubbled up from deep in my throat as I choked back emotion. “Don’t wait so long next time.”

He smiled against my lips and pulled me tight, kissing me softly. Slower this time. A sweet, savoring kiss. I melted into him. How many times had I imagined this? Dreamed of being wrapped in his arms? Wished he’d finally get around to choosing me?

Then Beau had died.

Fresh, raw pain blossomed deep in my chest. There were reasons why we’d never pursued a relationship. Really good reasons. I took a deep breath and pulled away, clasping my hands over his wrists and holding him at arm’s length. “We can’t do this.”

He took a small step forward, his cocky I’m-too-cute-for-words grin in place. “Who says?”

“Tal.” I sighed, blinking away the tears burning my eyes. “I say. You know why.”

His eyes narrowed as he pressed his lips together. “Your vampire? You know that will never work, right? It’s doomed from the beginning.” A trace of uncertainty flashed over his features. “Are you seriously telling me you’d rather be with him than me? Your best friend?”

David. God! What a horrible person I was. I hadn’t even asked about him. Or thought about him at all. And where was Maude? Panic took over. “Where is he? Did they get him out? Is he still locked up at the Void building?” I spun, heading for the door.

Talisen didn’t move. “So that’s it, then? You’re in love with a vampire.” His voice was hard and flat. Cold.

“No! I…” Shit! I forced myself to walk back to Talisen, even though every cell screamed to go find answers. I took his hand, clamping both of mine around his, my heart breaking into a million pieces. “No. I’m not in love with him.” At least I didn’t think so. I cared for him. And if I was honest, I was still wildly attracted to him. Vampire and all. But love? “My reason for not pursuing a relationship with you has everything to do with Beau. Not David. Or anyone else.”

“So you’re turning me down? You think Beau didn’t think I was good enough for you?” The hurt was plain on his face.

A lump formed in my throat. Why did we have to do this right now? “No.” I bit my lip and stared at my feet. “Beau loved you like a brother,” I choked out. “I’m sure if he was here, he’d give his full blessing.” I forced myself to meet his tortured eyes. “But he isn’t here. And you…” I swallowed. “I can’t risk losing you. If this didn’t work out…”

His stormy eyes darkened with raw emotion. “You’ll never lose me. We’re family. No matter what happens between us. You have to know that.”

I shook my head, standing taller. “I’ve seen firsthand what happens after one of your relationships ends. Have you spoken to any of your exes? Ever? I’m sorry, Tal, as much as I think I want this, I can’t risk it. Not with you. After Beau, I wouldn’t survive the loss.” And if I did open my heart to him, I’d die if I had to watch him with another faery. A wave of nausea rolled through my stomach at the mere thought.

Talisen jerked back as if I’d slapped him. “You think this is some passing infatuation or that I haven’t thought this through? Jesus, Willow. Why do you think those other relationships never worked out?”

What could I say? That he had a wandering eye? He didn’t take his relationships seriously? That he wasn’t ready? None of those statements would help. I said nothing and studied Link, still curled up, sleeping on my bed.

He let out a frustrated huff. “None of those other women were you.”

A strange ache in my chest made it hard to breathe.

Using two fingers, he tilted my head up. “These last few days, seeing your strength and your willingness to fight for what you believe in, no matter who’s on the other side, has only made me want you more. As if that was possible.” He closed his eyes for a moment. When he reopened them, pain reflected back at me. “And the agony of seeing you hurt. Willow, I’ve never been more scared in my life. I want to fight with you. To be by your side through it all.”

I stepped back, surprised. Did he really just say he wanted me? Joy burst from my heart, followed by blinding fear. The two emotions fought for dominance as I imagined us hand in hand, kissing and laughing at nothing. And then the pair of us fighting, stalking away from each other, our relationship damaged beyond repair. My thoughts jumbled, too overloaded with what might come to pass in our future. “I can’t do this right now,” I stammered, backing up toward my door. “There’s too much going on. I can’t process.”

All the vulnerability disappeared from his expression, leaving a blank mask.

“I’m sorry, Tal. We’ll talk later.” I whirled and ran out the door, ignoring the all-encompassing urge to throw myself into his arms. Let him hold me. Feel his strong, safe arms around me again. Bask in the love I’d always thought might be there, but was too afraid to act on.

I shook my head, dislodging the thoughts. The last week had been a roller coaster of emotions. What if he woke up in another week and changed his mind? I couldn’t risk it. I loved him too much to lose him. I took the stairs two at a time, anxious to put distance between my thundering heart and the man I’d always wanted more than anyone else. Even David.

“Phoebe,” I cried, running into the almost-tidy living room. There was still a pile of debris in one corner, but most of the broken furniture and trash had been removed. I kept running, following a low murmur of voices coming from Phoebe’s office. “Phoebs?” I called again.

“In here.” Her voice was low, hushed, as if she was in a library.

She looked it, too. All her books and some of mine were stacked up against the walls, waiting to be put away. I paused in the doorway.

Pressing a tiny speaker to her ear, she used her other hand to frantically scribble notes on a legal pad.

When she didn’t look up, I cleared my throat.

That got her attention. She finished writing and then threw me her keys as she grabbed her notepad, pen, and the silver beetle attached to the tiny earphone. Grabbing my arm, she pulled me to the front door. “Hurry. We’re running out of time.”

“David?” Fear stopped me in my tracks. “Does the Void still have him?”

“No. Allcot’s lackeys stormed the building right after you busted out and tackled Maude.” She ran down the walk and yanked the passenger-side door open. “David’s back at Allcot’s club. Hurry. You don’t want to miss the action.”

I glanced up the stairs, finding Talisen and Link watching me. “I have to go,” I told him.

He gave me a resigned nod and turned around, slamming my bedroom door behind him.

I sighed. “Keep an eye on him, Link.”

The Shih Tzu yelped once and went to the door. A second later, Talisen reappeared and my sidekick slipped in, the door closing this time with a soft click.

“Willow!” Phoebe called.

I ran down the front walk and jumped in the driver’s side of her Camry. I gripped the steering wheel and threw the car in gear. The tires squealed as we shot down the street.

Phoebe eyed me with suspicion. “Are you okay?”

I gripped the steering wheel tighter. “I’m fine. Don’t I look fine?”

“Sure. I mean, Tal said you were. I had no reason to not believe him, especially since you’re upright and walking under your own steam.” She leaned back and studied me. “There’s something else though.”

I tsked. “Of course there is. I need to talk to Maude. Where is she?”

“Allcot has her.”

I turned to her, horrified. Maude needed healing and rest after everything she’d been through. Not an interrogation. And a vampire that powerful wouldn’t give up until he was satisfied there was nothing else to get. “What’s she doing there? She should be back at the house with Talisen healing her.”

“Uh, Wil? What’s going on? Why are you worried about Maude? She deserves everything she gets.”

I slammed the accelerator to the floor. “No, Phoebe. She doesn’t.” The car skidded around a corner, barely missing a parked van.

“Whoa. Watch it. I’m all for some speed racing, but I’d rather not end up wrapped around a tree.”

“You don’t understand.” I pressed on, barely making it through an intersection before the light turned red.

She clutched the dashboard. “Enlighten me, then.”

I glanced at her once, that pain in my chest returning. “She’s been Influenced for three years! It’s not her fault.”

Phoebe let out a low gasp of surprise. “Oh, shit.”


She turned slowly in her seat and I could feel the tension streaming off her. “Faster, Willow.”

Another tire squeal. “I’m going as fast as I can.”

The car bounced, and the underside scraped on the asphalt as we hit a pothole while going sixty through the city streets.

“Goddamn it.” She banged a fist on the dashboard.


“We didn’t know. Talisen said you mumbled something about helping her, but we didn’t know what that meant.”

“Phoebs?” I warned. “Spit it out.”

“Your aunt…shit! David’s torturing her right now.”

Deanna Chase's books