Full Blooded

Rourke is a powerful character and so gorgeous. But so is James. Why did you pick Rourke for Jessica’s mate?


I love James. There are no two ways about it. But Jessica demanded something different. The standard-issue Pack member, even a strong, capable one, wasn’t going to suffice. She’s a one-of-a-kind wolf who needed an original mate. Rourke is amazing and sexy, and he’s completely devoted to her. Jessica hasn’t gotten to explore him … yet. But when she does, there will be no question in the reader’s mind of why he’s The One.



Will we ever find out what Rourke really is?


Absolutely! But don’t get your hopes up too soon.



What’s next for Jessica and Rourke?


Jessica and Rourke are in for some extreme adventures together. But first Jessica has to fight an evil Goddess to get him back, and if that’s not bad enough, trouble manifests itself in a whole new form—one that Jess and Rourke had no idea was coming …






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M. L. N. Hanover












I flew into Denver on the second of August, three days before my twenty-third birthday. I had an overnight bag packed with three changes of clothes, the leather backpack I used for a purse, the jacket my last boyfriend hadn’t had the guts to come pick up from my apartment (it still smelled like him), my three-year-old laptop wrapped in a blanket, and a phone number for Uncle Eric’s lawyer. The area around the baggage carousel was thick with families and friends hugging one another and saying how long it had been and how much everyone had grown or shrunk or whatever. The wide metal blades weren’t about to offer up anything of mine, so I was just looking through the crowd for my alleged ride and trying not to make eye contact.


It took me a while to find him at the back of the crowd, his head shifting from side to side, looking for me. He had a legal pad in his hand with my name in handwritten letters—‘Jayne Heller.’ He was younger than I’d expected, maybe midthirties, and cuter. I shouldered my way through the happy mass of people, mentally applauding Uncle Eric’s taste.


‘You’d be Aubrey?’ I said.


‘Jayné,’ he said, pronouncing it Jane. It’s actually zha-nay, but that was a fight I’d given up. ‘Good. Great. I’m glad to meet you. Can I help you with your bags?’


‘Pretty much covered on that one,’ I said. ‘Thanks, though.’


He looked surprised, then shrugged it off.


‘Right. I’m parked over on the first level. Let me at least get that one for you.’


I surrendered my three changes of clothes and followed.


‘You’re going to be staying at Eric’s place?’ Aubrey asked over his shoulder. ‘I have the keys. The lawyer said it would be okay to give them to you.’


‘Keys to the kingdom,’ I said, then, ‘Yes. I thought I’d save the money on a hotel. Doesn’t make sense not to, right?’


‘Right,’ Aubrey said with a smile that wanted badly to be comfortable but wasn’t.


I couldn’t blame the guy for being nervous. Christ only knew what Eric had told him about the family. Even the broad stroke of ‘My brother and sister-in-law don’t talk to me’ would have been enough to make the guy tentative. Much less the full-on gay-hating, patriarch-in-the-house, know-your-place episode of Jerry Springer that had been my childhood. Calling Uncle Eric the black sheep of the family was like saying the surface of the sun was warmish. Or that I’d been a little tiny disappointment to them.


Aubrey drove a minivan, which was kind of cute. After he slung my lonely little bag into the back, we climbed in and drove out. The happy crowd of families and friends fell away behind us. I leaned against the window and looked up into the clear night sky. The moon was about halfway down from full. There weren’t many stars.


‘So,’ Aubrey said. ‘I’m sorry. About Eric. Were you two close?’


‘Yeah,’ I said. ‘Or … maybe. I don’t know. Not close like he called me up to tell me about his day. He’d check in on me, make sure things weren’t too weird at home. He’d just show up sometimes, take me out to lunch or for ice cream or something cheesy like that. We always had to keep under my dad’s radar, so I figure he’d have come by more often if he could.’


Aubrey gunned the minivan, pulling us onto the highway.


‘He protected me,’ I said, soft enough that I didn’t think Aubrey would hear me, but he did.


‘From what?’


‘Myself,’ I said.


Here’s the story. In the middle of high school, I spent about six months hanging out with the bad kids. On my sixteenth birthday, I got very, very drunk and woke up two days later in a hotel room with half a tattoo on my back and wearing someone else’s clothes. Eric had been there for me. He told my dad that I’d gotten the flu and helped me figure out how to keep anyone from ever seeing the ink.


I realized I’d gone silent. Aubrey was looking over at me.