Bronto's Revenge (Barbarian Lust, #2)

“Hi, Birmon.” She bent down and lifted him into her arms. He licked her cheek then nuzzled his snout between her breasts. “I missed you too,” she said, petting his head.

“Ivy,” Wisteria squealed. She handed Vulcan her handful of leaves then dashed toward the huts. “Welcome back,” she said, giving Ivy a hug. She squeezed her gently then held her at an arm’s length and glanced at Ivy’s tummy. “Why didn’t you tell me you were injured?”

“I didn’t want to worry you.”

“I’ve done nothing but worry since Jade told me how bad it was. Are you okay now?”

Ivy nodded. “Yes. I’m fine and I’m hungry.” For the first time in days she had an appetite and wouldn’t need to force herself to eat.

She took another long glance around the yard. In one section Muck and three other tribesmen stood just inside the forest wall, guarding the camp. It was uplifting to know they continued to guard despite the lack of alien evidence.

Relaxing her shoulders, she set Birmon down, inhaled a deep breath then walked hand in hand with Wisteria to the fire. After Ivy sat down, folding her legs beneath her, Jade handed her a cup of dark liquid and a full bowl of grains mixed with blue and red berries.

“Hi, Ivy,” Pearl said as she approached and sat down, her expression filled with compassion. “It’s nice to see you outdoors.”

“Thank you.” Ivy sipped the cup. The contents were hot and nose-scrunchingly bitter.

Jade giggled. “It’s coffee. The caffeine in it will give you energy.”

Ivy nodded and took another sip. It didn’t taste bad. Unusual but not bad at all. Surely it wasn’t her choice of liquid but she could drink at least one cup a day. Her momma made something that tasted similar she called black oomph. Momma drank it periodically but the clansmen drank it from sunrise to sunfall.

“I’ll be right back, baby doll,” Jade said, stroking Ivy’s hair. “I’ve got something for you in my hut.”

“You shouldn’t go by yourself.”

“It’s just right there,” Jade stated, pointing at the row of huts. “I’ll be back before you take your next sip.”

Ivy set the cup aside and scooped a bite of grains into her mouth. From the corner of her eyes she spotted Vulcan turn away from the pen. Wisteria’s eyes brightened and she smiled as her man headed toward her. Because of Bronto, Ivy understood those feelings. It was something Momma couldn’t teach but needed to be experienced. If Wisteria hadn’t been banned from their clan, or if Sledge hadn’t forced Ivy into the Barbarians’ camp, Ivy’s and Wisty’s lives would be very different. Wisteria would actually be united to Sledge, and Ivy, well, she’d probably still be sheltered by Momma.

She sighed as Vulcan kissed Wisteria on the cheek then draped an arm around her shoulders, urging Wisty closer. “Ivy, I’m glad you’re feeling well enough to join us,” he said. “Does Bronto know you’ve ventured out?”

“I do now,” Bronto replied at Ivy’s back.

She glanced over her shoulder and her heart burst in emotion as he strolled forward, his eyes locked on hers. Warm flutters erupted in her tummy, replacing the hunger pains. Knowing he loved her, the handsome, muscular man with his hair dancing behind him in the breeze, took her beyond her expectations. She only hoped he felt as if he couldn’t touch her deeply enough, or get close enough or become the air he breathed as she felt about him.

She reached for his hand and the moment their palms connected and his large fingers folded around hers, tingles raced up her spine. “I’m sorry, but I didn’t want to wake you,” she said, watching as he brought her hand to his lips and kissed the back side.

“I’m not complaining, love,” he said as he sat beside her. “It’s great to see you socializing again.”

She raised her eyes. “I didn’t mean to confine you inside the hut.”

“Don’t, love. I have a mind of my own. I stayed because I wanted to stay.”

Then why’d she feel as though she hadn’t given him a choice? Had he shared in her fears the aliens would attempt another abduction if, in fact, they still existed? The thought caused her to shiver.

“Move out of my way, heathen!” a woman hollered.

Ivy looked at Wisteria, who was already peering at Ivy with her mouth agape. Ivy then glanced past Bronto’s shoulder.

Her momma was storming through the yard from the direction of the meadow path. Trice kept an equal pace behind her, flailing his arms while obviously trying to reason with her. Ivy giggled. He didn’t know Momma.

Wisteria assisted Ivy to her feet. “Wisty, don’t tell Momma about my abduction.” She glanced at everyone present. “No one tell her. Please.”

“Do you think that’s wise?” Bronto asked.

“You can tell her about the aliens, just not about what happened to me.”

Wisteria took off running. Ivy ambled behind her, anticipating the moment she and her momma embraced. It was going to hurt.

“Wisteria,” her mom wailed. “My baby.”

Jennifer LaRose's books