Blood of the Demon

“Because you’re annoyingly perceptive. I need oodles of answers, and there’s a reyza that owes me a favor.” A reyza was a twelfth-level demon—the highest level of demon that could be summoned by normal means. Demonic lords could be summoned as well, but the rituals involved were so insanely complex and required so much power that it was damn near impossible unless the lord was willing, which was pretty much never.


He raised an eyebrow at me. “And how the fuck are you going to get an eight-foot-tall demon with giant wings, horns, and a tail from your basement to here? In the trunk of your Taurus?” Ryan had good reason to be familiar with the appearance of a reyza—he’d been closer to one than he’d ever wanted to be when he was captured by Sehkeril, the demon who’d allied with the Symbol Man.


“You just leave that to me,” I said with a smug smile. I headed toward the door, with Ryan following.


“So, uh, do you think you’ll need any help transporting your demon?” He managed to keep his tone light and nonchalant, but I knew how badly he wanted to see a summoning.


Of course, he had seen a summoning before, but from a vantage that he probably had not desired—on the inside of the circle, as one of the intended sacrifices.


I gave a dramatic sigh. “Oh, well, I suppose I could use some help. Yes, you can come to the summoning.” Then I lowered my head and glared at him. “And the only reason I’m even considering allowing you to attend this summoning is because this particular reyza owes me a debt, so I feel fairly secure that he won’t immediately try to rip us both to pieces.”


He grinned.


I rolled my eyes, but I couldn’t help smiling. There were times when the federal-agent attitude dropped away completely and he was like a teenager. I loved seeing these other facets to his personality—and that he was willing to reveal them to me almost made me feel like a trusted insider.


I closed and locked the front door and walked down the steps to where our cars were parked in the driveway. I turned back to speak to him, then paused, looking at Tessa’s front yard, squinting in the late-afternoon sun that bounced off the lake.


He noticed my puzzled expression and glanced at the yard, then back to me. “What’s wrong?”


“Someone mowed her lawn.” And fairly recently too. Perhaps the day before? And the flower beds out front had been weeded and tended. I gave myself a mental thwack for not noticing this earlier.


Ryan gave the yard another sweeping glance, then shrugged. “Probably one of her neighbors doing her a favor.”


I chewed my lower lip as I scanned up and down the street. “Maybe,” I said, not totally convinced. Aunt Tessa’s house was on the lakefront, a neighborhood made exclusive by the price and quality of the houses. The houses here were old and lovely and had been either exquisitely maintained or carefully restored; most were now tourist attractions. Every yard on the street was in exquisite condition. An unkempt lawn was not the sort of thing that would be tolerated in this area, and it was perfectly reasonable to assume that one of her neighbors had taken up the task. “But how did they get past the aversions?”


Ryan frowned. “Are the aversions strong enough to keep someone from mowing the lawn?”


“Well, they’re placed on the house itself, but their effect certainly extends past the flower beds.” Then I gave a shrug. “On the other hand, I have a hard time being upset about it, since, if the tending had been left to me, there’d be nothing but dead flowers and tall grass.” Proof in point was the fact that it had taken me this long to even notice the lawn. But the question of who and how definitely had me baffled. Maybe the aversions were beginning to fade? It was tough for me to tell, since I was used to ignoring them.


Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to worry about that now, but I made a mental note to look into it as soon as I had the chance. It was just her yard, anyway. If I thought someone had been in her house, then that would be a completely different thing.


I turned back to Ryan. “Okay, I’ve been awake since about nine last night, and I need to make preparations for the summoning and then take a nap, so you have to go away for a while. Come to my house at ten tonight.”


He grinned with wicked deviousness. “Aww, can’t I come over and nap with you?”


“What? No!” I blurted before my brain could engage. Shock flickered briefly in his eyes, and then his grin slipped, to be replaced by his neutral fed smile. Fuck, Kara. Overreact much? I thought with a mental groan. “I mean, I really need to rest, so I intend to sleep.… Unless you are offering to bore me into somnolence?” I added, struggling to bring back the teasing tone of the conversation.


“Ouch!” He laughed, but I could detect a forced edge to it. “All right, I’ll see you at ten.” And he turned and sauntered off to his car.


Diana Rowland's books