A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy

chapter NINE

Jake took a second and organized the questions in his mind into some semblance of order while Jonas waited patiently across the table. Unfortunately, once he started, in his excitement that he may finally get some answers, everything came out in a rush.

"First of all, where am I? How did I get here? How can I understand you? What did Hailyn do to me? Who is Dominic? What are half-men? Why…" Jake cut off as Jonas laughed and raised his hands.

"Dom was right, you do have questions!" He chuckled a bit more, then said. "Be at peace, Jake. I will do my best to answer all of your questions, but perhaps we should start from the beginning. Why don't you tell me how you got here and we can go from there."

Jake, embarrassed by his outburst of questions, took a deep breath, and then told Jonas about the events that brought him here, starting from his day at school. He got to where Dominic saved him from Matus and his men and stopped.

"Dominic called them 'half-men'." Jake asked. "I don't understand what that means. They seemed as human as you and I."

"I will explain that shortly, but please finish your tale first." Jonas said, smiling to encourage him.

Jake continued on with his story. He got to the part of Dominic giving him the drink to help his injuries when Jonas laughed out loud.

"You actually drank that?" He said, chuckling. "I make that special for Dom. He is stubborn about not allowing me or anyone else to heal him, so I mix up some herbs and other elements that do help the healing process. But, because of his stubbornness, I add something special for the taste." He gestured to Jake. "Forgive my interruption; please continue your story."

Jake finished with the day's travels and the arrival at the city. Jonas was quiet for a moment, looking at Jake, then started to speak.

"Jake, to start, I cannot answer why you are here. I have never read or heard about any similar occurrences in the histories. I can only pray that the One has brought you here for a purpose."

"The One?" Jake asked, confused.

"He is whom we serve, the One, the Light of All Things. He is also called by some the Creator, He who made All." Jonas said, reverently.

"You mean God?"

"He is not commonly spoken of by that name, since many of the people used to worship many gods, but if I understand you, yes. Speaking of understanding, maybe it is He that allows us to understand each other's speech. I may be biased because of my calling, but I would like to think that He would want us to understand one another. We have to have faith in His goodness."

"I guess. So, you are a priest?" Jake responded.

"I'm not familiar with that name." Jonas said. "We are clerics, servants of the One. We teach the people of Him, as well as work as healers, scholars, historians and teachers of children. We each do work according to our strengths. Hailyn, for example, is very adept at healing, yet she also teaches the young children to read and write."

"Can all clerics heal like Hailyn?" Jake asked, remembering the unusual sensations of that process.

"No." Jonas said, shaking his head. "It is a gift that only some possess."

"What is it that she does? I mean, how does it work?"

"That is not an easy question." Jonas replied, pausing to think. "I will try to explain it this way: We believe that it is a gift from the One to help us serve the people. The old writings say that, in some way, we are able to tap into the Light of His power. Besides the ability to heal, it shields us from the power of our enemies, the demons and their followers."

"Demons?!" Jake asked incredulously, sitting up straight, not believing what he was hearing. "You mean you actually believe that demons exist?"

"We do not believe that they exist, Jake; we know." Jonas said, face serious. "We are told that these creatures were once servants of the One, in a time before all things were made, but that they were shut away from the Light for rebelling against the One. They were banished into the Darkness, evil spirits twisted by hate and envy."

"That sounds like the story where I come from." Jake interrupted, remembering his Sunday school lessons at church.

"The histories also tell us that around a thousand years ago, the demons first appeared in this world. When I say appeared, I mean that they have physical form and are present in this world. How they came here, it does not tell."

"I'm not sure I can believe that." Jake said quietly, his mind trying to wrap itself around what he was hearing.

"Whether you believe it or not, Jake, they do exist. I pray you never meet one." Jonas paused for a moment. "You have already encountered their followers. You had asked why Dom called those men who had captured you 'half-men'. That is the name we give the servants of the demons. Did you notice a certain wildness about them? That they seem to enjoy cruelty, hatred and envy?" Jake nodded, shuddering, remembering that crazed look and his treatment at the hands of Surt and the rest.

"The reason for that is they have allowed the demons to corrupt them. In a way I do not understand, when these men commit themselves to the demons, part of the demons' power goes into them. What the demons receive from this exchange, we do not know. The men gain extra strength, but lose themselves. They act on their base impulses without thought or concern for others. They are savage in battle, delighting in killing. As such, we believe that they are now only half a man, the other half demon. Thus, 'half-man'."

"Have any ever changed sides?" Jake asked, thinking about Matus protecting him from Surt. "Can they be cured?"

"No." Jonas said sadly. "Once they allow the demons' power to go into them, they are forever corrupted. Some of our writings tell of efforts by clerics to cure these half-men, but every attempt failed. To use our power on them, like Hailyn did for you, only destroys them."

"Why is that?" Jake asked. "I mean, they are still human after all."

"I believe that is because the power we wield is in opposition to the demons'. The demons' power worms its way into every fiber of the half-men. When we try and cure it, the powers conflict and that destroys the half-men."

Jake thought about that for a moment, then asked, curious. "Have you ever seen a demon?"

"Yes, Jake. All clerics who can wield power have gone out with our soldiers, both for healing and to protect them from the demons. Ordinary soldiers cannot stand against their might without our help. As I said, our power is in opposition to theirs. So, yes, I have faced demons before." Jonas's face was grim. "They are horrible things. You can feel the evil radiating from them. As I said, I pray that you never meet one."

"I'll take your word on that." Jake said, grabbing his cup and sipping at his water.

They sat in silence for a minute, Jonas relaxed and patient, as Jake tried sort through everything that he had heard. The only sounds were the crackling of the fire and the faint sounds of conversation out in the garden.

"Will you tell me about Dominic?" Jake asked, changing the subject away from demons. "I know that you are friends. He is clearly someone famous. The guard at the gate called him 'Sir Dominic'."

"That is an easy enough question, Jake." Jonas replied, a smile returning to his face. "You are correct; Dom and I have been friends since we were children. We grew up in a small village to the north, along the Blue River. In many ways, ours was an odd friendship. Dom was tall, a natural athlete, strong and fast, and always fearless; I was smaller, not quite so graceful, and cautious." His smile turned rueful. "That has not changed much over the years."

"Once we were about your age, Dom convinced me to go with him to join the army. We came here to the capital and enlisted." Jonas chuckled, recalling. "I must admit, Dom was in his element. He was a natural. He took to swordplay and combat as if he had always done it. Our instructors were amazed at how fast he picked things up and his battle prowess. Needless to say, he quickly rose through the ranks."

"If you joined the army together, how is it that you are now a cleric?" Jake asked, recalling Dominic's comments about apprentices.

"Jake, I was, at best, an average solider. I became adequate with a blade, but it was clear that I would have to find another occupation once my enlistment was up." Jonas replied, with a little shake of his head. "As with all things, events do not always follow expectations. For me, that meant I would not need to wait until my enlistment ended."

"Our officers knew of our friendship, so Dom and I were placed in the same unit after training and, shortly thereafter, were sent to the western border to guard against raiders." Jonas paused, a look of sadness passing across his face, eyes haunted. "We were deployed to defend a remote border outpost. Three days after we arrived, we were attacked in force by raiders from the Inland Sea. Surprising us by advancing in the night, their forces surrounded our position. We were just able to get a messenger away to gather reinforcements from nearby posts, since we were outnumbered at least three-to-one. We dug in, as we knew it would take at least two days or more for help to arrive. Sadly, after a couple of days of hard fighting, they were able to breach our defenses. Let me just say that I am glad Dom was there with me."

Jonas leaned forward, his face grave. "When they breached on the morning of the third day, it looked like that would be the end of us. It was horrible, Jake. Men were dying all around us, friends of ours. I was standing next to Dom on the wall, fighting at his side, when I was struck by a couple arrows. One took me in the leg, causing me to fall, the other through my side. Tried as I could, the leg would not work and I could not rise. I said my prayers, figuring my time was done."

"What I had not counted on was Dom. He stood over me, fighting our enemies, for hours; he was like a man possessed. I have never seen the like; anyone that came close enough to him simply died. When our reinforcements arrived and drove off the raiders that afternoon, they found us on the wall, a pile of dead raiders around us. Dom was still standing, though he was wounded, his sword notched and armor scored from many blows. He kept me alive that whole time."

Jonas was quiet for a moment, lost in his memories. He gave a little shake and a faint smile returned. "Dom would not leave me until he was sure that the clerics had healed me." He said softly, then looked directly at Jake. "As to your question, it was in that healing that the clerics detected the spark. By that I mean, they could tell that I had the ability to wield their power. It is not a common gift, and healers are held in high regard, so I was released from the army and found myself sent back to the capital to become an apprentice cleric."

"Is that why you have that staff? For your leg wound?" Jake asked, realizing too late that the question may be too personal.

Jonas smiled, clearly not offended. "No, Jake. When I was healed, it was complete. My leg was as good as new. I got the staff after I became Chief Cleric."

"So, it is the Chief Cleric's staff, like a badge of office?" Jake responded.

Jonas shook his head. "It may become that, but I am its first holder. It was given to me personally by its creator."

Jonas paused to take a drink of water, then continued. "After I passed my tests as an apprentice, I devoted my time to researching the healing arts. While our power is very strong for healing, it does have its limits. We cannot stop aging, heal death and some conditions resist us. Besides trying to discover ways to increase the effectiveness of our power, I looked for alternatives when healing clerics are not around. That is how I was able to create Dom's potion for healing."

Jonas gave a heavy sigh. "After I became Chief Cleric, my research took a personal turn. My wife became very ill and healing could not wholly cure her."

"You're married?" Jake interrupted, surprised.

"I was, Jake." Jonas said, smiling sadly. "I met my wife shortly after I passed my tests. After a year-long courtship, we were married. It was a happy time for me; we were very much in love." He paused, voice catching.

He cleared his throat. "As I was saying, she became ill and I could not find anything in our books to help. Desperate, I traveled to the fortress of Tomaris, a scholar and magic user. He is a strange old man who wields a power I do not understand. However, he has the most extensive library I know of. It was while I was there, desperately trying to find a cure, that he gave this staff to me. It strengthens and focuses my power, greatly increasing the amount I can wield. I rushed home, confident that with it I could save my wife. Unfortunately, despite the best efforts of the other clerics, she had passed away two days before I returned."

"I'm sorry. I didn't know." Jake said softly, feeling terrible about his question now.

"There is nothing to apologize for, young Jake. I have had many years to reconcile myself with the loss. Our teachings say, and I believe, that I will see her again after I pass from this life." Jonas smiled again, humor returning. "She was a strong and patient woman. She would scold me if it appeared that I rushed to her side."

He changed subjects. "But your question was about Dominic, not me. After his performance at the battle, Dom was promoted and given a choice of assignments. I think because I was here, he chose to come back to the capital and join the Royal Guards, the personal soldiers of the King. His story was widely known and he became very popular with the nobles and the people."

Jonas smiled fondly. "Looking at him now, you may not believe it, but Dom was considered by the ladies as the catch of the kingdom back then. He was handsome, witty, heroic and, of course, single. The ladies, at court and in the city, pursued him and I think he enjoyed the chase."

"However, his first love was being a soldier. He rose rapidly in the ranks of the Royal Guard, becoming an officer and, eventually, the youngest commander ever. He was allowed by the King, from time to time, to join the regular army on missions and in battle. It is not simply a friend's pride that allows me to say that he was the best soldier the kingdom had. He was always in the thick of the fighting, with the regular soldiers, never hiding behind his command. As such, he gained the loyalty of the army. It was in recognition of this, that the King knighted him and made him Commander of the Army, as well as Commander of the Royal Guard. He was loved by the people and feared by our enemies."

"Wow, so what happened?" Jake asked, fascinated. "He said he gave up that title years ago."

"That is Dom's story to tell, Jake." Jonas said, suddenly cautious. "I would advise you not to press him about it; he does not like to discuss it. I will only say that he and the King became at odds and Dom was released from his obligations and command. Since that time, he has dedicated himself to clearing the kingdom of the half-men." He paused for a moment. "Jake, even though he no longer serves the Crown, he retained the loyalty and affection of the people. His lonely fight against the half-men and demons has only increased their regard. That is why you see the reaction people have to him."

"Ok." Jake said, wanting to know more about Dominic, but seeing that Jonas would not give any more details. "Maybe we can discuss where I am. All I know is that I am not on my world."

"That is easy enough." Jonas said, rising from his chair and going to a bookshelf. He rummaged through some scrolls while Jake refilled his cup and took a drink. Jonas returned to the table with a large rolled-up scroll. He cleared the tray off the table and unrolled it. Jake could see that it was a map with a central landmass with water on the western and eastern sides. There were lines and symbols written on the map.

"You are here." Jonas said, pointing to a symbol near the center of the map. "This is Sanduas, the city." He pointed to a line of upside down 'V's to the east of the city. "These are the Gray Ridges." He said, tracing the mountain range down to the south. He pointed to a large green area was to the south and south-west of the city, extending towards the bottom edge of the map. "This is the Great Southern Forest, where you were captured and found Dom."

Jonas sat down again as Jake studied the map. "The large body of water to the west is the Inland Sea while the one to the east is the Outer Ocean. The solid lines indicate the borders of the various countries. To our north, you see the country of Beragan. Beyond that are the northern wastes. The area directly to the south of Sanduas is the country of Morisan. South of Morisan, you will find a loose confederation of city-states, then the Southern Wilds, an untamed and mysterious land. To the east, over the Gray Ridges, lies the nation of Aletonia. It extends from the mountains to the Outer Sea and south to the Southern Wilds."

"Is this world called something?" Jake asked, struggling to orient himself. "What I mean is, for example, the world I'm from is called Earth."

"It is known to us as simply 'the world'." Jonas replied. "I wish I could help you better, Jake, have something more reassuring to tell you, but some of your questions are beyond me."

"Ok." Jake said quietly, resigned.

Jonas reached out and grasped Jake's hand, giving it a squeeze. "What I will do is send a message to Tomaris. As I mentioned, he is a scholar, powerful and very wise. He has knowledge of many things, like how he made this staff, so maybe he can understand what has occurred to bring you here and why. I'll send it first thing tomorrow."

Jonas paused, then continued. "Jake, I know that this is hard for you, but you should prepare yourself to stay here for the foreseeable future. Even if Tomaris can help, it may be weeks before we have an answer. It will take several days just to get the message to him."

Jonas stood up. "I'll make arrangements for you to stay with friends while you are here." He looked Jake in the eye. "I believe that you are a good and honest young man, Jake. Know that, while you are here, I will do whatever I can to make you feel welcome and safe. I am sure Dom will do the same."

He headed to the door. "I will ask that you stay here for now, Jake. Try to relax; you are safe here. I shouldn't be long." He left, closing the door behind him.

Jake slumped in his chair, gazing at the map, despair rising. He felt trapped and alone, despite Jonas' warmth and reassurances. None of this made any sense to him. He could not believe that he was here, in a strange world, parted from his family and friends. Would he ever see them again? He reached and grabbed his phone, an anchor to his real life, and held it like a talisman to ward off this nightmare.

He had been sitting there for a time, lost in his thoughts, when the door banged open, startling him, causing him to jump out of his seat. He looked at the open doorway to see Dominic striding through, his face angry. "Where's Jonas?" He demanded.

"He said that he was going to make some arraignments for me to stay while I'm here." Jake replied, unsure of what caused Dominic's obvious anger.

"Just when I need him, he is gone." Dominic stated. He motioned to Jake. "Put the cloak back on, boy, and let's go. We have been summoned to the palace."

"What for?" Jake asked, concerned, as he fastened the cloak back on.

"Obviously, word has reached the king that I brought a stranger to the city." Dominic spat. "I assume he wants to poke and prod you for a bit. Let's go and close the door behind you." He turned and headed back out into the night. Jake hurried to catch up.

Dominic grabbed an apprentice walking in the garden, startling the young man. "Find out where Chief Cleric Jonas is and tell him he needs to come to the palace." Dominic gave him a shove. "Now, boy!" The apprentice, taking a look at Dominic's scarred face, turned and ran, calling out if anyone had seen Jonas, his nervous voice echoing off the buildings' walls.

Dominic strode down the path and headed out the gates into the street, Jake almost running to keep up. As Jake reached the street, he could see six soldiers arranged in formation, the metal of their armor and the heads of their sharp spears reflecting the torchlight. Another soldier was standing to the side, a plumed helmet cradled under his arm, looking a bit pale in the torchlight. Dominic headed straight for him.

"All right, Captain Hessel." Dominic said, voice angry, but even. "We're here. Chief Cleric Jonas was away, but a messenger has been sent to summon him."

Without waiting for a response, Dominic strode off towards the palace, Jake hurrying to catch him. Captain Hessel quickly put on his helmet, shouted an order and the soldiers ran to form a guard around Dominic and Jake. It seemed to Jake that they were under arrest.