This Was a Man (The Clifton Chronicles #7)

‘If we win hospital of the year a second time,’ Dr Richards added, ‘she’ll certainly have played her part.’

As they continued down the corridor, Harry passed two nurses who were taking a tea break. He noticed that one of them had a black eye and a swollen cheek which, despite heavy make-up, she hadn’t been able to disguise. Dr Richards led Harry into a small cubicle that was empty apart from a bed and a couple of chairs.

‘Take your jacket off. A nurse will be with you shortly.’

‘Thank you,’ said Harry. ‘I look forward to seeing you again in a year’s time.’

‘Once we’ve got all the tests back from the labs, I’ll drop you a line with the results. Not that I imagine they’ll be much different from last year.’

Harry slipped off his jacket, hung it over the back of a chair, took off his shoes and climbed on to the bed. He lay down, closed his eyes and began to think about the next chapter of William Warwick and the Three Card Trick. How could the suspect possibly have been in two places at once? Either he was in bed with his wife or he was driving up to Manchester. Which was it? The doctor had left the door open and Harry’s thoughts were interrupted when he heard someone saying ‘Dr Hands’. Where had he heard that name before?

‘Will you report him to Matron?’ the voice asked.

‘Not if I want to keep my job,’ said a second voice.

‘So old wandering hands gets away with it again.’

‘As long as it’s just his word against mine, he has nothing to fear.’

‘What did he get up to this time?’

Harry sat up, took a notebook and pen from his jacket pocket and listened carefully to the conversation that was taking place in the corridor.

‘I was in the laundry room on the third floor picking up some fresh sheets when someone came in. When the door closed and I heard it lock, I knew it could only be one person. I pretended not to notice, picked up some sheets and made a beeline for the door. I tried to unlock it, but he grabbed me and pressed himself up against me. It was disgusting. I thought I’d throw up. No need for anyone to know about this, he said, just a bit of fun. I tried to elbow him in the groin but he had me pinned against the wall. Then he swung me round and started trying to kiss me.’

‘What did you do?’

‘Bit his tongue. He yelled, called me a bitch and slapped me across the face. But it gave me enough time to unlock the door and escape.’

‘You have to report him. It’s time the bastard was removed from this hospital.’

‘Not much chance of that. When I saw him on ward rounds this morning, he warned me that I’d be looking for another job if I opened my mouth, and then added’ – her voice dropped to a whisper – ‘when a woman’s got her mouth open, it’s only good for one thing.’

‘He’s sick, and shouldn’t be allowed to get away with it.’

‘Don’t forget how powerful he is. He got Mandy’s boyfriend sacked after he told the police he’d seen him assaulting her, when he was the one who’d hit her. So what chance would I have after a grope in the laundry room? No, I’ve decided—’

‘Good morning, Sir Harry,’ said a staff nurse as she entered the room and closed the door behind her. ‘Dr Richards has asked me to take a blood sample and send it to the labs. Just a routine check, so if you could roll up one of your sleeves.’

‘I suppose only one of us is qualified to be chairman,’ said Giles, unable to hide a smirk.

‘This is no laughing matter,’ said Emma. ‘I’ve already drawn up an agenda to make sure we cover all the topics that need to be discussed.’ She handed Giles and Grace a copy each, and allowed them a few moments to consider the items before she spoke again.

‘Perhaps I should bring you up to date before we move on to item one.’ Her brother and sister nodded. ‘The board accepted Cunard’s final offer of three pounds forty-one pence a share, and the takeover was completed at midday on February the twenty-sixth.’

‘That must have been quite a wrench,’ said Giles, sounding genuinely sympathetic.

‘I have to admit that while I was clearing out my office, I was still wondering if I’d done the right thing. And I was glad no one else was in the room when I took down Grandfather’s portrait, because I couldn’t look him in the eye.’

‘I’d be happy to welcome Walter back to Barrington Hall,’ said Giles. ‘He can hang alongside Grandma in the library.’

‘Actually, Giles, the chairman of Cunard asked if he could remain in the boardroom with all the other past chairmen.’

‘I’m impressed,’ said Giles. ‘And even more convinced that I made the right decision about how I should invest some of my money,’ he added without explanation.

‘But what about you, Emma?’ said Grace, turning to her sister. ‘After all, you’ve also earned your right to a place in the boardroom.’

‘Bryan Organ has been commissioned to paint my portrait,’ said Emma. ‘It will hang opposite dear Grandpa.’