The Speed of Sound (Speed of Sound Thrillers #1)

NYU was lucky to have Jacob. He was published. He was produced. He was awarded. And to top it all off, the guy wasn’t just good-looking. He was cool. The rarest achievement for an academic.

The sounds of the city were present even through the double-paned glass in the office’s two windows, which were sealed shut. New building, new materials, new technologies, all designed to mute the city around them, but achieving only nominal effect. A beast the size of New York City can never be fully silenced, but it can be quelled, or so thought the big-name architect from the prestigious firm who’d successfully pitched the campus-expansion committee and built this edifice of higher learning, only to be humbled as all others had been before him.

The student sitting across from Jacob was Barry Handelman, a nineteen-year-old burdened by coming from too much money. A billion-dollar-hedge-fund baby. Matisse in the living room, Monet in the dining room. But it wasn’t his fault. Barry wanted to be a filmmaker, and that was his fault. Jacob apologized for interrupting their meeting by taking Skylar’s call.

Barry shook his head. “No problem.” His haircut cost more than most college students spent on food in a month.

Jacob looked over his young charge. “You were saying?”

“When I saw everyone else’s films, it was pretty obvious how shitty mine was.”

“You’re right. It honestly wasn’t great.”

Barry nodded, appreciating Jacob’s honesty, even if he had probably expected something a little less than both barrels between the eyes. “So you think I should quit?”

God, rich kids. “Let me ask you something. Are you here because you want to be, or just to piss off your father?”

“Because I want to be.” And he obviously meant it, too.

“The two most important kinds of work I’ve done fall into two categories: the best shit, and the worst shit. The best shit gets you jobs like the one I have and people to say nice things about you, and might even make you famous, but it doesn’t help you grow. Not as a person. Not as an artist. Not as anything. But the worst shit does. The stuff that you bust your ass on and truly suffer for that turns out to be absolute crap. Because it’s how you respond—whether you can handle the criticism, and what you learn from it—that will determine whether you have a future communicating something or if you should just quit and see how much money you can make.”

Barry smiled just a little. “I could make a lot, you know?” Jacob was certain his student was thinking of a number with nine zeroes.

“I do.” Jacob stared into his charge’s eyes. “But that would be easy, wouldn’t it?”

Barry stared back defiantly. “I’m not a big fan of easy.”

“Prove it.” The mentor didn’t blink. Neither did his protégé. Barry stood, accepting the challenge.


Jacob Hendrix’s Apartment, Greenwich Village, New York City, May 19, 9:33 p.m.

It was several hours later when the police siren screamed past Jacob’s building on Bleecker Street, but up on the third floor, neither of them appeared to notice. Both he and Skylar were too busy catching their breath. He was lying naked on the couch, chest heaving. She was sprawled on the floor, somewhere in the vicinity of her clothes, which were strewn around the room.

Veuve Clicquot was Skylar and Jacob’s celebration drink. It was what they had downed when Jacob accepted his offer from NYU, as well as when Skylar graduated first in her class from Harvard. And it was what they were drinking now as Skylar finally got around to asking, “So how was your day?”

“Not quite as good as yours.” He smiled in the disarming way she’d loved from the first time she met him.

“Your day isn’t over yet.” She threw back the remainder of her glass and poured herself another.

“Good thing I bought a second bottle.”

Sounds of the city poured in through their cracked-open window. Another siren immediately followed the first, this one heading south on MacDougal Street. It was accompanied by tires screeching.

Outside, those close enough to the police vehicle speeding through traffic could smell the tire rubber burning. These included a stooped elderly man slowly making his way down the sidewalk, an Albanian mother carrying a screaming child over her shoulder, and a muscled man sitting quietly in a Chevy Impala, listening to a conversation that was being automatically transcribed on the laptop sitting next to him.

Michael Barnes barely gave the screeching NYPD vehicle a second glance. He had been a cop once, a long time ago, but that was another lifetime. The job he was now so well compensated for was to ensure the sanctity of America’s most important, and least known, scientific-research facility. At least, that was how it was referred to in the federal budget every year. Scientific-Research Facility. Outside the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and the current occupier of the Oval Office, no one in the government was aware of Harmony House and its importance. That was how it had been for twenty-five years. And that was how it was to remain for another twenty-five, if Barnes had anything to do with it.

He ignored the cacophony around him. The screaming baby. The teenage couple arguing. And the dueling television sets blaring over each other. Mets seventh inning versus I Love Lucy dubbed in Spanish. Barnes filtered out the white noise, listening only to one source.

He had placed seven different wireless microphones throughout Jacob Hendrix’s apartment. One of the adjectives used in every report ever written about Barnes was thorough, and for good reason. He had no life. No outside interests. No serious relationships. And that was the way he liked it. To be this good at what he did, it couldn’t be any other way. And he really was this good.

Barnes heard the sound of another cork being popped. Yes, indeed, it was going to be a very long night. For some, much longer than others.


The Rittenhouse Hotel, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 20, 12:01 a.m.

The US congressman from New York’s Seventeenth District preferred to use his American Express Platinum card whenever he prepared lines of cocaine, for the same reason he used a hundred-dollar bill instead of a twenty to snort it. Because it impressed the young ladies he paid handsomely to consume the drugs with him. Most didn’t seem to care that he was the most powerful representative from what its residents considered the greatest state in the Union. And even fewer seemed to care that many in Democratic politics considered him a good bet to be their next presidential candidate. Perhaps it was because the little whores didn’t believe him. But then again, how could they possibly fathom what kind of money and power he had backing him? And not just his family’s, either.

The escort service did include on their roster a number of better-educated, more articulate young ladies, but Henry Townsend figured if he wanted to debate, he could always argue with his wife when he got back home. That was what he was getting away from. Her, the kids, his staff, the press, all of it, for just a few hours. A mini-vacation. A layover in Valhalla. Where time stopped. And he could enjoy the view from the penthouse suite of whatever hotel in whatever city he happened to be in while he created nice long lines of cocaine for himself and whatever her name happened to be.

Eric Bernt's books