The Fear That Divides Us (The Devil's Dust #3)


I sit at the club waiting for Bull to tell us the fate of Bobby’s future. My mother called this morning and said she spoke to as many people as she could in their circle. They had caught a break. Apparently, my dad actually pulled a bullet out of the chief of police in Nevada two months ago and is repaying the favor to my father by contacting the chief of police here, who will pull some strings for Bobby. Several hours later, Bull called with the verdict from the lawyer.

Bull scratches his head of dark hair, before resting his arms on the table sighing heavily. His hesitance makes me nervous.

“Bobby is getting off with self-defense with Grant, but due to his history and assaulting Skeeter, he is serving three months in jail, then released on probation after that,” Bull informs the table. “He’s lucky, someone is looking out for him; that’s for sure,” Bull adds, looking directly at me.

“Lucky fucker,” Lip clips, smiling. I laugh, grateful it’s months and not years in jail. I can do three months. I can’t do three years. I’d go insane missing him, and knowing he was behind bars because of me would kill me.

The guys start hooting and hollering over the news as I get up, and walk out of the room. I smile and laugh, relieved Bobby will be out soon.

Bright, hot sun beats down at me when I leave the clubhouse; sweat beads and trickles down my back. A familiar motor roaring draws my attention across the courtyard.

Bobby’s blue truck pulls into the parking lot, the loud motor vibrating off the club as Shadow drives it into the garage, turning the engine off. He climbs out at the same time Dani is getting out of the passenger side.

“It’s nice, but I like your mustang better, babe,” Dani flatters Shadow, rounding the back of the truck.

“Hey, Doc,” Shadow greets, sliding his hand along the bed of Bobby’s truck.

“Hey,” I reply, eyeing Bobby’s truck. The last time I saw it was when it was wrapped up in caution tape at the crime scene.

“It was released from evidence this morning,” Shadow answers my unasked question. I walk around him and open the truck door, the smell of Bobby greeting me. I see Bobby’s cut sitting on the seat, and I reach over and grab it, lifting it to my face. But it doesn’t smell like Bobby; it smells of fresh leather. I unfold the cut and notice the back of it says Property of Bobby. I gasp and eye it. Was this meant for me?

“He was going to ask you to be his ol’ lady,” Dani says, now standing beside me.

I look at her, her green eyes vibrant with excitement, before looking back at the cut.

“It’s a privilege, ya know. Taking that cut makes you our family, and we do anything for family,” she smiles, trailing her finger along the patches stitched into the leather.

“But if you take that cut, you are Bobby’s. Don’t put that jacket on, Doc, if you’re second-guessing that,” Shadow instructs, his tone serious. I look at Dani to see if he is joking.

She nods at his words. “True, but I’m pretty sure you’re already Bobby’s anyway. You’re just not wearing the property patch yet,” she smiles, making me laugh. She’s right. I was Bobby’s the day he laid eyes on me. He even said that himself. Whether I wear this cut or not, it wouldn’t stop him from claiming me as his. It would just make him happy to show his world I’m his woman.


I get out in a month. I have been counting the day leading up to three fucking months. Jessica’s visited a couple of times, and I’ve received letters that smell of her, but it’s not enough. I’ve jacked off so many times since being in here; I don’t remember what a real pussy feels like anymore.

“Is that a fight?” Yuki asks, walking up to the gilded bars that contain us like we’re animals. Yuki is a short fucker, with tattoos snaking up his neck. He hasn’t been half bad as a cellmate.

We watch Geo and Sandler wrestle in their cell across from us. They’re always arguing, bitching at each other. It can be good entertainment, but it’s fucking annoying in the middle of the night. That is what we do for a majority of our time in here: watch others fuck up and fight over petty crap. So far, I haven’t had any run-ins with anyone, but that’s because I’m in the county jail and not prison. Most of the people who would want to fuck with me are in prison, not in county.

Sandler lands on his back when Geo flips him over. Giving Geo the advantage, he climbs on Sandler and punches him hard in the face. Both Yuki and I both wince with that one.