Spurn (Walker Saga #2)

All of a sudden I was furious. Que was going down. No one threatened my family and hurt my Brace.

My balcony got a little more crowded then as Samuel stepped up to my other side, followed by Lallielle. Talina, who usually wouldn’t have bothered leaving her room, had also made her way to the other side of Lucy. I did take a moment to glance in confusion between Lucy and Samuel. They never stood apart from each other. What was happening here?

“So I hear someone else wants a piece of rare half-Walker,” Talina said with a sliver of her gentle humor.

I laughed, the words breaking some of the tension. “Yep, we’re a hot commodity in this battle-for-the-end-of-the-world.”

“I’ll say it again.” Lucy linked her arms through ours. “Quite happy to be a little old Earthling.”

I was about to reply when the Walkers moved, distracting me.

“Issue an official challenge for Aribella, or leave now, Que. You have no power to demand anything.” Josian’s bored tone focused my attention again.

“You Doreens are always in a rush. I was simply enjoying this little visit, but if you insist, I call for a team challenge. The winners will take control of both half-Walkers.”

“Two First-World weeks from now, in a to-be-disclosed location.” Josian stepped forward to meet Que.

They grasped hands in that unique Walker handshake that I’d seen on the beach. Then the Abernath Walkers left through a doorway.

“I don’t understand.”I looked at Lallielle. “Why is Josian so calm, and why aren’t they fighting now?”

“The one to whom the challenge is issued gets to decide the time and location. It is designed as a balance since they cannot really turn down the challenge.” Her green eyes were wide; she clearly didn’t feel any of the confidence Josian displayed.

And I knew why: Walkers could die.

I wanted the next two weeks to go slowly. I dreaded this stupid battle, and my mood was borderline psychotic as I stomped around the house. But the days were moving in fast-forward. I barely saw my dad or Brace. They were holed up talking strategy and something this and power that. The mood was tense in the Frayre household, to put it mildly. Talina and I had no chance of escaping our Walker guards, since we were under house arrest.

It took lots of badgering and maybe a threat or two, but Josian did explain some of the battle situation to me in a terse, distracted tone.

“Three Walkers are on each team. I will announce my choice on the day.”

“What if they don’t want to fight?”

He shook his head. “If you’re present at the challenge, you can’t refuse. The only exception is for women and children. Besides, none would shame their clan like that.”

I asked a few more questions, but that was as much information as I was getting.

I fell into bed very late that night, exhaustion shadowing every thought and action. I had a bone-deep weariness that came from days of worry and nervous pacing. Josian and Brace were confident that I could trace away if they lost, so for them there was no real concern. Plus, they were arrogant enough to assume Que would play fair, and in a fair fight he wouldn’t stand a chance, especially not with Brace on our side.

But I knew Que had something devious planned. I couldn’t shake the sneaky premonition. And speaking of premonitions, Francesca had disappeared again, right when we could have used her foresight.

Despite my weariness, I jumped out of bed. The moment I actually laid my head on the pillow my mind went crazy. Brace hadn’t stayed with me all week, and my head was starting to ache. I knew I could lose him in this battle, and he was so busy trying to keep me safe he was wasting these last moments we had together.

“You know it drives me insane when you bite your lip like that, Red.” I spun around from where I was pacing in front of my windows.

The object of my thoughts was standing at the foot of my bed.

“God-damn insane,” he said in a low deep rumble.

My poor abused lips had copped it the last few stressful weeks, along with my nails. A low rumble emanated from his chest, a sound that sent shivers down my spine and had my legs moving toward him. That was the sound of arousal, and I wanted him right then more than I ever thought I could want anyone. I hit his rock-hard body, and anticipating the move he caught me and spun around until we landed on my bed.

“Missed me?” His tone was teasing as I inhaled his scent and allowed my body to relax for the first time in what felt like forever.

“Nope,” I said.

“Liar.” He kissed me gently. Before pulling back and threading both hands into my free red curls. “I’ve missed you.”

I snuggled into his chest, trying to get as close as I could. Sometimes I freaked myself out with this need I had for Brace.

“I can’t lose you, Brace. Please don’t fight. It’s bad enough that Dad has no choice.”