Set Me Free (A Fugitive #2)

"That's right, sweetie." Liesl did her excited little smile as she raced over to the shopping bags and dumped them on the dining room table next to the kitchen.

While the aroma of mouth watering pancakes filled the air, the girls unpacked their bags, showing off their jewelry, make up, a new pair of shoes, one dress and a couple of shirts. The guys all oooed and ahhhed like good men do, their forced enthusiasm giggle worthy. I managed to suppress my laughter, but it was an effort.

They may not be related, but this crowd were family and I so wanted to be a part of it. But how could I? Jaeda obviously had major issues with me. Her dazzling smile didn't hold its normal spark as she flashed around her goods. Every time she looked at me, I couldn't miss that hard glint in her eyes. She was worried I'd hurt Zach again. I had no right to be back here and she wasn't afraid to let me know it. Liesl and AJ were still their sunny-selves. They probably didn't even know how to be mad with people.

With a flourish, AJ placed the sweet pancakes in front of me, drizzling a healthy amount of maple syrup over them, followed by a handful of fresh blueberries. "A meal for the gods, my sweet."

I returned his grin, taking the fork Elliot offered me as AJ started dishing up for everyone else. I couldn't work out why Elliot was being so kind. He was reserved, suspicious, his pale brown eyes doubted everyone at first sight. So why the sudden change up? Using my fork to cut off a mouthful of pancake, I lifted it to my lips and finally figured it out.

Elliot knew.

I glanced at him, fear no doubt skittering over my features. He caught my eye and gave me an awkward grin.

"Can you excuse me for a sec." I practically dropped my fork to the plate and scuttled from the room, my breathing erratic. "I just need to use the bathroom." I could tell my voice was tight, but I forced a friendly smile for Zach's sake and sped out of the room.

Zach had told Elliot. Shit! Even after I ran, he told someone else. The guy had no idea of the dangers.

I took the stairs two at a time and stood in the upstairs hallway, not sure which way to turn.

People couldn't know. People couldn't—

Spinning around, I came back down the stairs and gazed at the front door. Everyone was in the kitchen, sure they'd hear me leave, but if I ran fast enough...

I squeezed my eyes shut. No! No more running!

I spun back and ascended the stairs again, then took a left down the hall. I flung Zach's door open and stormed into the room. I wanted to throw something, but I wouldn't dare. Pulling in a few deep breaths, I tried to calm my shaking innards.

Had Elliot told the others? No, surely they didn't know. He was the only one acting weird.

"Are you okay?" His soft question made me jerk.

I turned to face Zach's best friend. He approached me with his hands in his pockets, looking wary that I might bolt at any second.

"He told you." It was hard to speak out of my clenched jaw.

Elliot grimaced, his long nose wrinkling. "He needed someone to talk to. The guy never thought he'd see you again, so what did it matter?"

"It matters. He can't just— You don't understand."

A flicker of annoyance brushed over his angular features. "Why'd you leave him? Because you care about him?"

"Yes, of course I do! I wanted to keep him safe."

"Then why'd you come back?"

Tears popped into my eyes, blurring my vision and making it hard to speak. "I don't know."

Elliot's expression slowly softened.

I swiped at my tears, determined not to fall to pieces in front of him. "Have you told anyone else?"

"No, I haven't. And I won't."

I believed him. His eyes held me steady and I nodded.

"Look, from what Zach told me, I get why you ran. And I understand why you're back." He shrugged. "The Zackster's pretty irresistible."

I chuckled, but the sound didn't carry. It was cut short by the hardening of Elliot's gaze.

"But whatever-your-name-is, if you're endangering him in anyway..." He raised his finger at me.

My head was shaking before he could finish. "I don't want him to get hurt any more than you do."

"You broke his heart when you split like that. I've never seen him so effected. Why do you think Jaeda wants to kick your butt out the front door. He was hurting...big time."

I wrapped my arms around myself and looked to the floor.

Elliot shuffled closer to me, his lanky frame reminding me of a giraffe. He cocked his head and studied me with those pale, brown eyes of his. "You're back now and I think it's a good thing. But..." He clicked his tongue. "You need to figure out a way to set things right and make it safe for you to stay. I don't know exactly what that looks like for you, but if you hurt my friend again, that cop's not the only guy you're gonna be running from."

My skin must have gone from white to grey, because Elliot blanched and whipped a hand through his hair. "I'm not—I didn't mean I was going to kill you. Sorry. I just wanted the threat to, you know, have some impact."

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