Savor Me

Mason silently walks over to me. I’m frozen, stunned by what just when down. I hate fights, but decking Sean in the face is something I have wanted to do for years. A small laugh bubbles from my chest as Mason very publicly pulls me into his arms.

“You okay?” He kisses the top of my head. My small laugh turns into a full fit of laughter as Mason drags me outside.

“Oh my God, Mase. That was amazing.”

He glances down at me for a second before he begins to chuckle as well. “I’m glad you approve.”

“Approve? I’d kiss you right now…ya know, if we did that.” I laugh even louder.

By the time we get to Mason’s truck, we are both doubled over in hysterics.

“Damn, that felt good!” He opens and closes his fist.

“I didn’t take you for a fighter.”

“I’m not usually, but that guy needed it. And I wanted you to have it.”

“Have it?” I ask confused. We both climb into his truck before he continues.

“When I was fourteen, my dad beat the shit out of me when I forgot to fill the horses water trough. I called Mr. Coy, and he came over. Only this time, he didn’t just pick me up like usual. He stormed into the house and beat the ever-living shit out of my dad. It should have scared me, but it felt so fucking good watching someone, even if it wasn’t me, give it back to him. It might make me an asshole, but ever since you told me about that fuck-face, I wanted you to have that moment too.” His words make my smile fade, but they warm me on the inside.

“Thank you.” I slide across the truck, kissing up his neck.

“You’re welcome, Lace.”

He grabs my face with both hands and stares at me for a second. I try to mentally urge him to kiss me, but at the last second, he leans over, placing a meaningful kiss to my forehead.

“Let’s go home.” He releases me and starts the truck.

“Yeah. Let’s go home.” I lean my head against his shoulder as he heads towards his loft.

ON SATURDAY NIGHT, THE three of us decide to hit the club. I want to dance, and the guys more than happily agreed to entertain me. I might have promised a private show once we got home in order to persuade them, but really, I would have done that anyway.

“What are you drinking tonight, sugar?” Hunter asks when we walk hand in hand into the club. As usual, he hasn’t released me since he picked me up. Mason walks behind us, stoic as ever.

“Just beer please,” I smile up as he leans down to take my mouth into a heated kiss.

Mason has been weird tonight. He’s been watching us more than normal, and that says something, because he’s always watching. I think he must still be pissy about the little spat he had with Hunter at the barn over the price of hay. The guys have been at each other’s throats recently. I’m not sure what’s going on, but thankfully it doesn’t usually cross over into our relationship—I mean, arrangement. Tonight, however, Mason’s angry gaze has been aimed in my direction more than once. I’m sure we will talk tonight, so for now I let it go.

“How ‘bout you?” Hunter nods to Mason.

“I can get my own goddamn drink,” he growls as he storms past Hunter to the bar.

“Can you go blow him? Maybe see if that will put him in a better mood. He’s been an asshole all week. If he keeps this shit up, I’m either going to punch him or take you home and leave his ass here.”

“One, you’re not punching him. Two, you’re not taking me anywhere without him. And three, I’ll see what I can do about getting him in a better mood.” I wink and start to follow Mason to the bar. Before I even make it three steps, Hunter grabs my arm.

“I’ve changed my mind. He can be a dick all he wants, and I’ll take the blowjob to help me put up with him.” He smiles down while shamelessly grabbing my ass and pulling me into his body.

I love the way Hunter can’t keep his hands off me. He’s gorgeous, and every woman here is looking at him, but he treats me as if I’m the only woman in the room. Hunter is easy and fun. He’s attentive, thoughtful, and horny as hell. Just the way I like him. But tonight, it’s clear to us both that Mason needs a little extra attention.

“I promise that, when we get home tonight, I’ll make it very interesting for you,” I say, pushing to my toes to lick his lips.

“Is it time to leave yet?” he teases, nibbling on my bottom lip.

“Hell no. I’ve got some booty shaking to do first.” I shake my ass, causing him to laugh before giving it a playful slap.

I walk away, searching for Mason when my eyes land on him chatting up a tall blonde at the bar. Gone is the pissed-off man from earlier, and in his place is a man I barely recognize. He’s laughing and toasting a shot with his new supermodel gal-pal.

I’m about to lose my fucking mind. I can feel the rage and jealousy bubbling in my veins, but for a moment, I stand in awe of the man—my man—standing in front of me with a breathtaking smile on his face. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen before.