Saviour (Saviour #1)

“Yeah I know you would, but seeing as I have just chucked up all over your carpet, it’s the very least I could do”

We kiss, we both taste salty from our tears, and it makes me smile for some bizarre reason. I need to get my shit together; I think it has only now finally hit me that my marriage is over, what Jason did to me last night is totally unforgivable, I am now ready to draw a line under my life with Jay and now ready to move on and start my new life with Gabe, I need to move on from this latest little drama. It was a nasty, spiteful and vicious attack but I need to get over it, I refuse to let Jason have any more control over me, I can't have Gabe feeling guilty and I can't have him worrying about how last night’s events have impacted on me. I just want normal!

“Who’s in the kitchen with Jemma?”

“Zac, he’s just come from the solicitors, Jason was given bail but we got an intervention order against him, he can’t come within two hundred meters of you, He’s been charged with home invasion and assault, not sure when the court date will be”

Whoa, right, okay, so he can’t come near me, good, that’s good then, that’s all I want, I don’t care about all the rest, I just don’t want that man anywhere near me. The thought that there is now something in place to guarantee this makes me feel better but then really, it will only work if Jay abides by it, shit, I am so over all this drama, I just want to get on with my life. Marriages break up all the time, is it always this traumatic?

I finally eat a bacon sandwich and wash it down with a cup of tea, which Jemma brings to me in bed. She cleans up the carpet, gives it a scrub and gets rid of the towels and then comes and sits back on the bed with me.

“You got lucky with him Loz, he's a star, and he is so in love with you, he was as much of a mess as you were last night. He was, traumatised, would probably be the right word. It was all Jo and I could do to stop him going out looking for Jay and part of me wanted to let him go find the fucker, then Jo called his brothers and they came out to the hospital and calmed him down”

“His brothers came to the hospital?”

“Yeah, Cooper is it? He stayed last night and the other one, Zac; he’s back here now. Fuck Loz, they’re a good looking family and they seem to think a lot of you”

Despite all of this new information whirring through my brain, I smile at what she's said.

“Yeah, there a hot bunch of boys, Stella's a gorgeous too; Ava looks a lot like her”

Gabe appears in the doorway.

“Did you eat all of that?”

“Yes” I open my mouth like a child, showing him it’s empty as he shakes his head, saying “Nice Lauren, very mature”

I flip my middle finger and smile sweetly.

“Oh and so ladylike too, remind me again why I love you?”

“Because I have great tits and give a blinding blow job” I reply with a smile. His mouth drops open as he looks from me to Jemma. He shrugs his shoulders and grins at me “This is true baby, this is true”

The buzzer goes for the intercom and Gabe goes off to answer it, shaking his head as he does, only to be replaced by Zac in the doorway, it’s like Piccadilly Circus in here this morning!

“Well helloooo” Jemma says quietly beside me. I feel like we are fifteen again, back at school as I try not to giggle.

“Hey Lauren, how you doing?”

“Come in Zac, come in. Yeah I’m okay, my chin and jaw hurt and I have lovely bump on my head but apart from that, I'm fine”

He comes in and sits on the bed, he looks exactly like Gabe, but in a much more rugged, manly way, his denim blue eyes are soft as they look at me.

“Jimmy tried his best to keep the fucker locked up but he was able to come up with the bail money and they were happy to let him go with the intervention order in place, sorry about that”

“Don’t be daft Zac, it’s nobody’s fault, hopefully getting the police involved this time will do the trick and keep him away” God, why is everyone else apologizing for something that my arse hole of a husband has caused. I decide to use the opportunity to ask about Gabe “Zac, how’s Gabe doing, really? I hear he was a mess last night?”

“Yeah, look, he’s okay, he was spewing last night, we thought we were going to have to get the doc’s to give him something to calm him down, if he had got hold of your husband, he would have killed him for sure but once we got word that the police had him, he calmed down. Cooper stayed over last night just in case there were any problems, I spoke to him this morning, they sat up for a while talking and he said Gabe had a good cry, which is good, with all the shit that’s happened in the past, we know he’s no good when he bottles things up. I spoke to him just now when I got here and he’s just worried about you now”