Pieces (Riverdale #1)

“Okay are you ready?” She teased.

“Yes. I’m ready, lay it on me.” He said as his lips curved into a smile. Slowly he felt her hands disappear from his eyes, and he opened them. Parked before him, was the motorbike he drew, the one that he hoped to someday ride. It was painted in black and lime green, he had never colored in the sketch, but he couldn’t have been happier with the colors she chose. Team Jake was written in the same bold letters that had adorned her shirt, along the engine. He stepped forward and ran his hands over the sleek body of the compact bike. It was exactly like he pictured it. He turned around and looked at Cara.

She stood there staring back at him nervously. She chewed on her bottom lip holding back her smile. “Do you like it?”

He looked at her for a moment, and shook his head. Not because he didn’t like it, but because he was amazed by her. “I love it.” He said his voice thick with emotion. He blew out a breath, his eyes traveling back and forth between her and the bike. “How did you do this?”

She stopped chewing on her lip and let her smile take over her face as she stepped towards him. “I took one of your sketches and asked Luke and Nick for some help. I would’ve built it for you myself, but I’m pretty sure this was the safer bet.” She joked and then slapped his chest playfully. “Well aren’t you going to get on it?” She pressed her palms against his chest, pushing him towards the bike, urging him to get on it.

He couldn’t wait to ride it, but first things first. He took her hands in his, and brought them to his lips, kissing one hand and then the other. “I love you, Cara.” He stared into the deep green of her eyes, losing himself for a moment.

She rested one of her hands over his chest, where the image of her lay over his heart. “I know.” She leaned up and pressed her lips softly to his, sealing their truth.

Cara pulled her lips from his and patted the seat of his new bike. “I’ve been dreaming of you straddling this bad boy.” She leaned closer and gave him a sexy glance, her voice was like silk. “Go on now, make my dreams a reality.”

Jake raised his eyebrows and smirked, look at her being all seductive. He’d be a liar if he said his dick didn’t twitch at the sight of her. He growled as his body brushed passed hers, hoping she knew he was ready to eat her alive. He gripped the handlebars and threw one leg over the body of the bike, and straddled it. She stepped back and watched him make himself comfortable.

Jake ignited the engine and the bike sounded instantly. He closed his eyes, savoring the beautiful symphony it sang. He placed his helmet on his head and fastened the chin strap. Life was full of unexpected turns, and his was a winding road but at that one particular moment, he felt like everything was exactly how it should be. There was no illness, no darkness knocking on his door. He looked around as he kicked up the kickstand. His family stood around Cara. He thanked God, for each of them. Without them this journey meant nothing. Cara blew him a kiss.

“Be careful.” She mouthed. Most importantly, he had her, at the risk of sounding like a lovesick sap, she was his savior. He blew out a heavy breath and peeled out of the spot, he heard the other bikes and when he glanced over his shoulder, they followed his lead.

With a brigade of motorcycles behind him, Jake peeled out of the parking lot. He glanced at his side mirror and saw the banner that read “Light the Night.” He flicked on the headlights of the motorcycle and accelerated. The headlights of the motorcycles lit the road they traveled in honor of him and his battle.

Chapter Twenty-Four

Cara had offered to stay behind and help the crew at Rudy’s clean up after the benefit. As she helped her co-workers move tables back to their rightful positions and place chairs accordingly, she couldn’t help but think of what an amazing night it had been. Sam had really thought of everything. When the riders made their way back to Rudy’s, the band went on and kicked off the celebration. They had raised an impressive amount of money that would go to research and help those who suffered from Jake’s illness.

She wiped down one of the tables, and couldn’t help the smile that played upon her lips. She would never forget the look on Jake’s face when he saw the bike. She knew how he felt when he saw it. He had been making her feel that exact same way for years, with his thoughtful gestures and the love behind each and every one of them.