One Simple Step (Journey #3)

Nick dropped down on his knees in front of us, a wide grin on his face, his dimples popping out at me. He pointed to her shirt that he had changed, as well, and I smiled up at him, taking in the tiny rhinestones that were on the onsie.

“Did you make this your—” My words caught in my throat when I realized what exactly the rhinestones spelled out. Ariel gave me a smile just as I finished reading them: Will you marry my daddy? I had no idea how I actually finished reading all of the words since my vision was blurred by the stream of tears running down my face. Ariel reached her tiny hand up to place on my cheek, and squealed out, “Mama!” I think my heart stopped when that word came out of her little mouth. I hadn’t been expecting it, even though I really felt like I was a mother to her. I sniffed loudly as she clapped her hands together, not believing that this was actually happening.

I saw Nick reach into his pocket with shaky hands, pulling out a small black box before popping it open. A breathtaking antique looking ring sat nestled between creamy white silk, but I couldn’t even concentrate on all of the details. All I could do was stare at him.

“Ally,” he began, letting out a deep breath, before lifting his shoulders. “I know this might sound a little cheesy, but the day I met you, I knew you were the one. Everything about you made my life better. I could go on and on about the reasons why I love you, but we would probably end up being here all night, and I doubt Ariel will sit still that long.” Something mixed between a laugh and a sob escaped my lips, and Ariel laughed at the sound. “The journey has been a little rough at times, but no matter how rough it got, you still stuck with me. Ariel and I are asking you”—he scooped up Ariel, and placed the box into one of her hands—“if you’ll marry us? To be my wife, and to be her mom, because I know you’ll be amazing at both.”

I nodded my head, unable to answer as my throat tightened. He held up a fist in the air, and yelled something out before tackling me to the ground, Ariel going along for the ride, as all three of us tumbled back into the sand, laughing.

Everything about the moment felt right. I couldn’t believe how far we had come, how far I had come. When I first came to Florida, I was a mess. My marriage had just ended, and I really thought that I would never find someone again, let alone get married again.

Something about this place just felt right though, and when I found Nick, I knew he was why. I couldn’t wait to start our journey together as a family, to be a wife to Nick, and the best mom that I could be to Ariel. There might be a lot of ups and downs along the way, but I knew whatever they were, that we would get through them together. Forever.

The End

Other books by C.A. Williams

The Journey Series:

Chasing Leah, Book #1

Limitless, Book #2

Imperfect Perfection Series:

Chaotic, Book #1

Twisted Bliss, Book #2 (Coming early 2014)

Stand-alone books:

Full Count

The Crush

Make sure to like my Facebook page to receive updates for upcoming releases!

Now, here’s a sneak peak from Twisted Bliss, the follow up to Chaotic from the Imperfect Perfection series. Releasing in early 2014!

Chapter 1

“Oh my God, Nash. Please.” I groaned, squeezing my eyes tightly shut. I just needed it to stop. Now.

He grunted loudly, and I felt his arm brush against my stomach when he finally moved. “Della,” he stated hoarsely in a calm tone. Of course, he could be calm, when I felt like punching someone in the face. That was just Nash. “Quit you’re bitching.”

My eyes popped open and I saw him grinning from where he was balanced on his elbow above me. I tightened my fist, and pushed it roughly into his t-shirt covered chest, knocking him off of the couch that we had fallen asleep on last night after a late night movie marathon.

“Owe! Thanks for knocking me onto this hard-ass floor of yours.” I peaked one eye open to look down at him, making sure that he wasn’t actually in pain, and then closed my eyes once again.

“Let me guess, Mariah?”

“Yup,” he answered, and I could hear his voice fading away as he left the room, most likely to call her back. She had him on one short leash since they had gotten back “together.” We all knew the only reason for him doing that was because of the fact that Mariah was pregnant. Nash, though, never once complained about the whole situation. I liked to believe he was somewhat happy with her, but I guess I would never really know.

C.A. Williams's books