Losing Emma (Divisa 0.5)

No demon activity at all.

Well that was at least the plan. Honestly, it probably wasn’t a very realistic one, but he would do his damnedest to see it through.

Laying a hand on the small of her back, he guided them to a table in the corner. Emma could feel the music vibrated from the gymnasium floor. Colored lights of Christmas flickered on the dance floor in time with the beat. Snowflakes hung suspended in the air, the glitter catching on the disco lights.

A slow song burst from the speakers and Travis held out a hand toward her, grinning. “Do you want to dance?”

She didn’t think he would ever ask. From the first note of music her feet had been tapping with the beat and itching to get on the dance floor. “I thought you didn’t dance,” she teased.

“For you, I’ll make an exception.” There he went again using that voice that turned her legs to jell-o.

Taking her into his arms, she laid her head on his shoulder as they swayed to the music. He was a much better dancer than he led on. She prepared for her feet to be trampled a few times, a small price to pay. Luckily she was so swept away in Travis’s proximity that she didn’t mind that other couples backed away from them or left the dance floor completely.

She was pretty sure she was starting to become immune to all the glances and speculations. Well yeah, when she first walked in it was overwhelming, but the longer she was in Travis’s presence the less it seemed to matter.

The song ended far too quickly. She had barely had the chance to enjoy the moment, and then it was suddenly over. Something told her that the whole night was going to move too fast.

On their way to the refreshment table, Emma spotted Brandy. She grinned brightly at Emma as she hustled her way through the crowds.

“Oh my God hooker, you look fabulous,” Brandy gushed.

“Thanks. So do you. That color was made for you.”

“I know right,” Brandy was swift to agree. Modesty was not in her DNA. “Have you seen Kailyn yet?”

Emma shook her head. “Nope no yet.”

“She has got to be around here somewhere.” Brandy’s eyes lifted to the movement above Emma’s head.

She watched as Brandy’s smiled faltered when her gaze landed on Travis, apparently just realizing that he stood behind her. Emma had nearly forgotten for one whole night that he was different. Seeing Brandy’s reaction was a punch in the gut.

Being the gentleman that he was, he pretended not to notice. “Hi Brandy.”

Her eyes shifted in panic, and Emma could all but hear the pounding of her heart. She looked ready to split. “Hey Travis,” Brandy managed to choke out without sounding like a terrified ninny. “Well I should probably get back before Tommy decides to bomb dive off the stage.”

“Probably wise. See you later,” Emma said, but they both knew she wouldn’t. It was clear that Brandy would avoid them like the plague.

Whatever. She wasn’t about to let it ruin her night.

And the night had been surreal.

Her lacy wrap provided little protection against the bitter winter air, but pressed up against Travis she hardly noticed. He consumed her every thought and chased away even the iciest of frost. Leaning into his embrace, she upturned her face staring at the boyish smile spread across his lips.

Someone was very pleased with themselves.

And why shouldn’t he be? They had had a magical, unforgettable evening.

Her eyes sparkled against the twilight sky. Tiny stars danced in the center of her irises. He had resisted the temptation of her lips all evening for fear of his demon, but now alone in the dark he could resist no more.

Just one.

He thought he deserved just one for being such a gentleman and having the restraint of a saint. And he was no saint. It had been far too difficult to not deserve a reward, especially one so satisfying for both of them.

Placing a finger under her chin, he tilted her face toward his as he watched her eyelashes fluttered shut. He closed the gap between their lips. The taste of her mouth on his left an onset of emotions. It felt like it had been years since he had kissed her not days. At first he just savored the feel of her before plunging into complete abyss. There really were no other words he could think to describe kissing her.

Pressing her back against the side of the car, he felt himself being plummeted into the danger zone. The smart thing to do would have been to end the kiss. But when had he ever made smart decisions?

Her fingers tangled through his hair, as she raised onto her toes, meeting him heat after wave of heat. She was as far gone into the kiss as he was. He broke away just long enough to leave a trail of kisses on her neck, as a moan escaped her sweet lips. Locking onto hers again, he feasted like a starved man.

How could one girl turn his world upside down in just a few months? Now he couldn’t imagine a world without her in it. She had quickly become his everything, and he wasn’t exactly sure how healthy that was, but at this moment none of it mattered.

J. L. Weil's books