Hunting Angel (Divisa #2)

I wish I could say that I shared his enthusiasm. There was a nervous flutter in the pit of my stomach and an excitement that hummed in my veins. My emotions and Chase’s swirling together. I knew this day was going to come, but nothing could have actually prepared me for the real thing. I was quaking in my converses.

Before I could even wrap my head around what was happening, what we were about to do, the group had arrived looking ready to kickass. Sierra of course looked more like she was going to the club then on a hunting trip. I could tell it was on the tip of her tongue to complain about my presence, yet again. Chase silenced her with a demon glare.

Chase pulled a black hoodie over my head, and I obediently slipped my arms through the sleeves. It smelled like him, sinful and yummy. With my head still reeling, I was swept away in the group as we moved into the dark, damp, dingy woods. The place of many nightmares.

“You sure you are ready for this Angel Eyes?” he asked, studying my face.

“I don’t think I could ever really be ready.”

He nodded his head, just a shadow moving among the darkness with bright yellow eyes.

Not knowing what precisely waited for us among the massive oak and soaring pine trees played into my fears. There were so many unknown factors. How many numbers did the hunters have? Were we walking into a trap of our own? Had they been tipped off somehow? Did they know we were coming to greet them with a battle plan of our own?

None of those questions mattered now, because there wasn’t time to second guess what was already in motion. My companions moved like ghosts in the woods, soundless and incredibly fast.

Me. I moved like Bigfoot.

Chase stayed with me while the others took off ahead. I knew it must be killing him to not be in the thick of the action. But as much as I hated that he was antsy, I would have hated it more if we weren’t together. As irrational as it might be, we both needed to know the other was safe. He squeezed my hand, eyes twinkling with anticipation. “Game on.”

I shook my head and gave him a nervous grin. I loved it when he did video game references. It was just uber cute.

Everything always seemed to happen in the forest. I listened to the winds howling like a wolf on the hunt as blades of grass rustle around me. Deeper we traveled into the woods, relying on their sixth senses to give us the edge. The hunters might have technology, but we had supernatural gifts.

Tangled undergrowth covered the forest floor. We kept off the paths, traipsing through bushes, briars, and God knew what else. I tried not to think about the things I might step on or the traps I might walk in. I tried not to think at all.

A prickle of unease skirted over my skin, followed by Chase’s entire body going on alert. I dared not move muscle or even breathe. The others had fanned out into pairs, but they were all within hearing distance of each other. Well half-demon hearing distance.

With a yelp, Chase flattened us against a tree trunk as an arrow slashed through the air, straining to reach us. It hit the bark with splitting force. And one by one, a half a dozen tipped spears followed, sticking out of the tree, outlining us. Hugging the tree, I took a moment to pick my heart off the ground where it had fallen while I was being plummeted with arrows.

Chase’s rage bellowed through the forest.

Snares and curses erupted in the air as bodies began to take shape through the twilight. This was it, the final moment.

Their numbers were more than ours, but I’d expected that. It wouldn’t have been much of a fight otherwise. By the looks of it, this was going to be an epic standoff.

In horror I watched as hunters, like Jedi knights, swarmed toward us, weapons raised and armed. I felt like I was about to be eaten alive. The hunters surged forward and Chase took a step back, shielding me with his body.

Anarchy was about to explode.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Emma and Travis circle in from our right. I sighed in relief, knowing that they were still alive, unhurt.

Then the unthinkable happened. Emma threw the dagger she had clutched in her hand through the air, directly into Chase’s shoulder. One quick fluid motion. I stood shocked. He hadn’t even moved, or attempted to evade. I knew him. He was too fast, too smart to just let Emma hit him. He had just stood there and took the impact of a knife into the shoulder.

I was flabbergasted.

And why the hell had Emma stabbed him for crying out loud?

“You stabbed him,” I said astonished.

“It won’t kill him, trust me. This has to look real Angel,” Emma said low with clenched teeth, her lips barely moving. “They have to believe that I am with them.”

Her words barely penetrated through the thick haze of red now swarming in front of my eyes. “You stabbed him!” I growled right before I launched myself at Emma. It seemed to be my thing with her.