Fitting the Pieces (Riverdale #3)

“I want to sign up to be the one who makes all those dreams come true.” He whispered huskily.

“You sign right here, right across my mouth…” She said barely getting the last word out before Luke’s mouth crashed over hers. She heard the moan that escaped her, felt him swallow it, as his lips worked hers. She threaded her fingers through his hair, cupping the back of his head, as his tongue traced over the seam of her lips. She parted her lips, her tongue meeting his half way, familiarizing each other with their tastes. She felt his teeth scrape along her lower lip before his mouth began to trail blazing kisses along her jaw, dipping down to her neck.

Cara groaned, feeling the loss of his mouth on her, but welcomed his hot tongue on her neck. Luke bent his knees so he could be level with her neck. He slid his hands along the sides of her body wrapping them around her waist before he cupped her ass cheeks in the palm of his hands and hoisted her up. Instantly her legs wrapped around his waist, anchoring herself to him, she found his eyes with her own.

“Tell me you’re sure this time… that it’s for real.” He said with that gruff tone she’d come to find sexy and endearing all at the same time. “That you worked it out and you don’t care who knows about us, because Cara, as God as my witness, I’m not hiding what I feel for you anymore. We’ll work all the other shit out as it comes, but you’re mine. Say your mine.”

“I’m yours.” She said, sounding breathless and flustered. She traced her thumb along his lower lip. “I love you Luke Lanza.” She grinned slightly, leaning her head against his. “I think you should take me upstairs and have your way with me.”

“Oh, do you”? He asked lightly giving her ass a slight squeeze as he started for the stairs.

“Yeah, I do. It’s another one of my dreams… it’s a recurring one too.” Her eyes lit with mischief.

“You’re killing me Spunky.” He groaned as he felt his pants get tighter. She nuzzled his neck as he carried her up the stairs. When they reached the top of the landing, paused, he leaned back just enough to be able to look into her eyes.

“I love you, Cara.” He whispered as his lips curved into a smile. He may never have expected Cara to be the woman he wanted to share his life with, but then again, the best things in life were unexpected, this Luke knew better than anyone. He paused outside his bedroom door, taking a moment to look up. He silently thanked his brother for leading him to his destiny.

The End


“Family: Where life begins and love never ends.” ~ Unknown

“One more push, Samantha. Let’s bring this little girl into the world.” The doctor lifted his head as he spoke in an encouraging tone, looking between Nick and Sam. “On three?”

Nick brushed the sweaty blonde hair clinging to his wife’s forehead. She was exhausted, as expected after 26 hours of labor. “Look at me baby.”

She whimpered, her blue eyes meeting his eyes. “I can’t do it.” She looked at the doctor frantically. “Just keep her inside. I’ll stay pregnant forever…” She knew she wasn’t making any sense, but it felt as if her body was being torn into two.

Nick took her face gently in his, forcing her to look at him. “I love you so goddamn much.” He shook his head, his voice thick with emotion. “You’ve done such an incredible job so far. I know you can do it. One more push, and she’ll be here.” He took her hands in his and squeezed them.

She sniffled clutching his hand, she faced the doctor, giving him a slight nod as she took a deep breath.

“One, two, three… push!” The doctor said.

Nick watched Sam’s face contort in agony as she pushed their daughter into the world. It was like a flash of lightning. He was afraid to blink, afraid he’d miss the most important moment in their lives. He clutched her hand and turned to face the doctor. Suddenly he held up the most beautiful person Nick had ever laid eyes on, his little girl. Her cries echoed around them as the doctor smiled through his mask.

“It’s a girl!” He declared to the room. Nick blinked through his tears and stared at his daughter in awe, watching as the doctor handed her off to the nurse.

“Daddy, would you like to cut the cord?”

Nick swallowed the lump in his throat and nodded before bending down and kissing Sam’s lips softly. “I’m so proud of you.” He cupped her face and she opened her exhausted eyes to look at him. “I love you, Samantha.” He whispered.

“I love you too.” She said softly.