First Year (The Black Mage #1)

“What time did you arrive?”

“Not long before the two of you. But don’t worry. We didn’t miss much. I overheard someone say that Master Barclae was the only master to make an appearance.”

I sighed. “Good. I would have been upset if we had. We made good time today, but it was still an eight hour ride.”

“You do look as if you’ve had a long day,” she observed.

I fingered my stain-covered shirt and its frayed ends. “It’s been a long week.”

“What happ—oh, look, I think we are here.” Ella pointed to an opening where one of the others had just disappeared through. Following the rest of our group into the chamber, we came face-to-face with a formidable old man and the frantic-looking servant from earlier. Each one of them held a scroll with names.

“Ladies first,” the old man barked.

When everyone had finished, the constable eyed us with distaste. “Well, well, young ones, welcome to our realm’s own version of the Realm of the Dead. For as long as you last, this will be your new home.”

No one spoke. Is everyone here so angry? I wondered. I had heard the staff didn’t like first-years, but I had assumed Master Barclae was an exception. Now I was wondering if they hated them.

“Well, not this place exactly, but close to it. We keep your living quarters out behind the Academy. There are two barracks to separate each of your lots.”

My jaw dropped. Barracks? I heard a gasp to my right and knew I wasn’t the only one.

“Frederick,” the old man said, jerking his thumb at the manservant beside him, “will take you there. You will carry your own bags. We don’t waste castle chambers on first-years, so the barracks are where you will spend your time when you are not eating or training here in the Academy. The apprentice mages spend most of their time abroad, except for a couple months during the fall, so the layout of the Academy will be at your disposal.”

“We have rules you must follow in accordance with your residency,” the constable added tartly. “You are not allowed to enter the residence of the opposite sex. Curfew is ten. Classes are mandatory. No unauthorized fighting. And you may not leave the Academy grounds. There are no exceptions.”

The man looked to the ceiling. “Any infraction of these rules and you will find yourself in my chambers. Don’t let it happen. I have been known to send first-years home on a first offense.”

The entire walk to the barracks was silent. Clearly, I wasn’t the only one to expect a more amiable orientation.

When we reached the wooded buildings, I bid my twin goodnight and entered the women’s residence with Ella.

The inside was much bigger than I had anticipated, even for a crowding of fifty girls, and not nearly as loathsome. Double bunks were spread out in rows with comfortable blankets and small trunks lining each of the walls for our belongings. A large fireplace stood at the furthest corner, no fire present but undoubtedly cozy in winter. There were even a couple baths in a joining house, and while I would probably have to spend half my night waiting to use one, at least I’d have the opportunity.

There were also two servants to contribute to the upkeep. As the constable had warned, the Academy staff didn’t assist with personal needs, but they did build fires, clean sheets, and heat water for bathing. It was more than I’d had at home.

Almost immediately I could identify which girls had come from a background similar to mine, and which were highborn. The ones like me were far and few between, maybe ten amongst the fifty or so present. We tended to be the ones smiling at our luck while the others complained loudly about the “accommodations.” Ella wasn’t outspoken like the others, but I could sense that even she was disappointed.

Setting my bag on an unclaimed bunk, I pulled out a cotton nightshirt and my only pair of clean undergarments. Then I headed to the baths.

After an hour of waiting, I finally got my chance at a lukewarm wash and scrubbed until my skin was raw. There was no one else in line behind me, so I was able to take my time. My dirt and grime had warded off any potential bathers.

Crawling into my bunk and nestling under its soft sheets, the impact of my weeklong journey struck with staggering force. I didn’t even have time to tell Ella goodnight. I had fallen asleep the second my head hit my pillow.


“Ryiah, wake up! Everyone else has already left.”

Groaning, I opened my eyes. Every muscle in my body felt like it had been hit by a thousand tiny hammers. It was not a pleasant sensation.

Forcing myself out of bed, I found Ella standing by impatiently.

“How much time do we have?”

“We’ve got about ten more minutes before breakfast ends to meet Master Barclae.”