Desolate (Empathy #2)

So she’s moved up to seducing him with more than flashes of her tits and ass on the cameras now.

“Do you know the name of the person?” I ask. She taps her foot on the floor and purses her lips; I want to bite them off and spit them back at her. “Isabella, I don’t have time for games, little girl.” I lean into her and growl.

She shuffles her feet and then looks up at me, her eyes gleam with the moisture covering them. “I need something in return.”

“And that is?”

“You need to tell Jodie you were lying about us fucking.” She fidgets with a piece of materiel on her blouse.

“Why? What does it even matter?”

Her hands drop and her face reddens. “Because she may have forgiven you but she hasn’t forgiven me and she’s my only real friend. I need her.”

I laugh at her. “You suck at being someone’s friend if you fuck the man they think they’re with.”

“I know, Ryan, but it’s what I do. I’m not claiming to be a good friend but she is and I miss her.”

Urgh. The craving for affection from others is a burden no one should have to endure and it makes me hate the stupid bitch more.

“Fine. I’ll tell her.”

“Now,” she says, and pushes my temper too far. I grip her hair and snap her head back, my other hand grasping her chin

“Don’t push your fucking luck, Isabella, or I’ll snap this pretty little neck like a twig while you sleep, dump your ass in the shower and make it look like you slipped. Tell me who called to check up on me.”

Her quick inhale makes my blood simmer. “Okay, okay. A detective named Blake Braxton.” I release her with a shove and pace the floor. “You know him?”

I hiss at her. “Go away now.”

Her hands come up in mock surrender. “Fine. Geez, has anyone ever told you to get some help for those anger issues?” She laughs and I storm towards her, ready to wring her scrawny neck, when Jason appears.

“Everything okay here?”

I forgot we’re on camera, and nearly ruined years of work. She’ll pay another time.

“Everything is fine.”

I wait for him to turn around then slip out the front door.

Sitting in Dr. Leighton’s outpatient’s office always makes me feel a sense of accomplishment. Not many people could pull off what I did. The office here is similar to the one I used to visit him in when I was inside the facility. It has his personality and age stamped all over it. Bookshelves he never uses and old furniture that creaks whenever somebody walks over the floorboards; his medical certificates litter the wall behind his desk and he has the blood spatter pictures up in here, just like in his other office. The ink bleeding into the white paper reminds me of my own demons consuming the souls of my victims but I will never tell him that.

“Ryan, how are you?” he booms from behind me, almost deafening me. I didn’t hear him come in.

“I’m very well, thank you.”

“And you’re still well settled and getting along with the people at Grace Manor?”

He makes his way behind his desk, picks up a pen and jots down a few things on the paper in front of him.

“I enjoy the company of some of the others but I think I’m ready to live alone and start moving forward with my life. I would like to think about maybe getting some work and renting my own place.”

He smiles and jots down more words on the paper. “I think you’re making tremendous progress, Ryan. When the probation period ends there shouldn’t be any reason why you can’t live alone. Your caseworker can help with job seeking so make an appointment with Annabel to discuss options.” He maneuvers some folders around from the stack behind him, pulls one out and rests it on the table. I see my name typed on the card on the front. Opening the file he scans down it with his finger.

“Ah, yes. So, when you turned twenty-five your trust fund became available to you but for obvious reasons you couldn’t access this so it has stayed in a trust gathering interest.” I want to snatch the folder from him and look at the documents he has. A trust fund? I know Blake had one set up for me but I assumed he would have cancelled it somehow.

“How much?” I ask as casually as I can manage.

“Well, payments stopped around the time you were diagnosed but there was already a healthy sum already in there. I don’t have the final figures, I only have what was in there at the time you were committed into our care.”

I hate that these people have power over me, and all this information is theirs to tell me at their leisure.

“Not long now, Ryan, and you will have the rights to all that is yours. I can tell you that you won’t need to worry about finding rent for a while.”

After a few more basic questions he’s asked a million times before, my time is up and I’m free to go.

I pull my cell from my pocket and text Stacy:

Where are you?

On way to mall with my bf. I blew her off last minute last time so making up for it today. She needs a dress for a date.

I don’t reply. Instead I make my way to the mall.

I sit outside the food court; engrossed in watching Melody and Sean grab lunch together. I didn’t expect to see them here, and by pure coincidence I spotted them from a few feet away, giving me time to move away without them seeing me. Fascination has me trapped, gazing at them. Melody looks just like she always has; she has every cock in the place twitching. She was built for sex and looking at her after all this time and seeing her flourishing makes me feel like she beat me at my own game. She took my brother and made a life for them both while I rotted away in those tall, caged-in walls.

Sean and Melody stand and embrace each other, and this makes my temper rage even more, they found comfort and friendship in each other in the aftermath of my games, bonded by me even without me in the picture. I’m going to kill him and stroke my cock while I watch her mourn him at his funeral.

“Can I use your sauce, please?” A quiet, shy voice breaks me from my musing. I look up at a mousy brown-haired girl nodding her head towards the condiments on my table.

“Would you mind if I use your head as a soccer ball?” I mutter under my breath.

“Excuse me, sir. Can you please pass my daughter the sauce?” a woman at the table opposite asks when I don’t offer it to the girl now standing next to me. The girl is frozen in place.

“Can you pass me a knife so I can cut your daughter’s throat?” I glare at the mother, knowing she didn’t hear me but the daughter did.

“What did you say?” the girl asks, shocked and shaking.

I stand and hand her the sauce. “I said, sure thing, sweetheart.”

I slip away before a scene can be caused, alerting Mel and Sean to my company.

You’re a man ;) Which one do you prefer?

Two pictures of my niece follow Stacy’s text message. One in a red dress making her look like a hooker, and the other a white dress making her look like a pervert’s wet dream. She looks angelic and all I can envision is dark ink spreading over the white dress, consuming it.

They would look better on you! I want to meet up with you. Just you. Lose the friend and meet me?

A few minutes later I see Stacy waving Cereus off and then looking down at her phone. A second later my phone buzzes.

Done. Where?

I slip my phone back into my pocket and make my way to Cereus. It goes perfectly. She’s even lifting a drink to her lips as we walk around a small bend and collide with each other. Her drink spills and drips down her chin and her bags drop to the floor. Her yelp echoes in my head.

“I’m so sorry,” I say, lifting her bags and handing them to her.

“It’s okay.” She sighs and shakes her head, looking down to see if her drink stained her clothes.

It’s remarkable seeing her eyes up close. They really are a replica of her mother’s. They study me, scanning my face, and a blush lights her cheeks. She takes the bags from me. I raise my thumb to trace the drip from her chin up to her lip and push against her closed mouth, making her gasp. I take the opportunity to slip the Cola-soaked pad of my thumb into her mouth and swipe it against her hot, wet tongue.

Ker Dukey's books