Death by Seduction (Book #13 in the Caribbean Murder series)

“So, what did you find there? What? Tell me,” Loretta insisted in a strident tone.

Cindy could feel how urgently Loretta wanted to know about the life inside the house where her husband had been found, and how upsetting it was for her to ask about it.

“I saw the room Pete was found in,” Cindy reported and I spoke to a policeman who was stationed there.”

“Stationed in the room? Why?” Loretta grew breathless.

“They’re making sure nothing is moved for now,” Cindy reported.

“What about the room? What about it?” Loretta sounded agitated.

“It was a small, musty room. The bed was stripped bare,” Cindy answered simply.

“So, what was the good of seeing it? What did you find?” Loretta couldn’t let go.

“You don’t always know what you’ve seen immediately,” Cindy tried to calm her. “You look around, you absorb details that become pieces of a puzzle that suddenly fit together later. Sometimes one detail that seemed like nothing when you saw it, brings light to the entire case later on.”

“Oh God, oh God,” Loretta started murmuring. “What are you doing right now?”

“I’m here in the hotel room,” said Cindy calmly, “going over the details of Pete’s life.”

“What kind of details? What do you want to know?” Loretta was on the alert. “I told you to ask me.”

“I need to know whatever I can,” said Cindy. “How else can I find out why someone wanted to kill him?”

“Well, let’s get together immediately then and you can ask me whatever you want,” said Loretta. “I’ll fill you in better than a hundred pages on the web.”

“Fine, said Cindy, “do you want to come my room now?”

“No, I’m sick of being in this hotel,” Loretta became more agitated. “I need to be outdoors. Pete would never have stayed cooped up in a room. Let’s do something he would have done. Let’s get out of here and go somewhere else.”

Although Cindy was momentarily startled, she felt it was a good idea. She didn’t mind getting out of the hotel herself and seeing more of the island. Beyond that, it was very likely that she’d learn much more about Pete from Loretta when she was distracted and they were on the move.

“Where do you want to go?” asked Cindy, jumping right on board.

“I don’t care, let’s go anywhere,” Loretta replied. “Let’s go somewhere interesting and fun. I know, how about doing to watch the Humpback Whales? It’s a short trip away and they’re in mating season now. It will relax us and Pete loves doing things like that.”

“That’s fine with me,” said Cindy. Loretta was acting as though Pete were still alive, want to do things they would have done together. It was normal, a defense against facing the bitter truth of her loss.”

“Great, let’s go,” Loretta seemed to cheer up a bit. “I’ll make a few arrangements and meet you downstairs in the lobby in fifteen minutes. Bring a light sweater in case it cools down.

Chapter 5

When Loretta arrived in the lobby her hair was freshly brushed, pulled back from her face, and she was dressed beautifully, in crisp white linen slacks, a yellow shirt and a beige woven bag slung over her shoulder. If anyone saw her it would have simply seemed as if she were simply a happy tourist, going out for an afternoon to take in the sights.

“You look lovely,” Cindy commented, taken aback, as Loretta approached.

“Thanks,” Loretta answered pleasantly. Then, seeing the surprise in Cindy’s eyes, she flinched. “I like looking good, it’s part of my business. What good would it do me to have my makeup smeared, or my hair tangled in knots?” Loretta looked at Cindy angrily.

“None at all,” said Cindy softly, trying to calm her once again.

I called you down to help me,” Loretta jumped back in, “so you have to know who I am. I’m not going to let Pete’s death take me down. He wouldn’t have wanted me to buckle, he had more guts than anyone I ever knew.”

Cindy didn’t know what to make of Loretta’s demeanor. Was she just incredibly brave or completely in denial? Cindy found it interesting to hear more about Pete. She wanted to find out how Loretta really felt about him, their marriage, everything.

Loretta lead Cindy through the front door of the hotel and then waved at the cab she had waiting for them.

“People come from all over to see the Humpback Whales do their thing,” said Loretta as they piled into the large taxi. “They’re incredibly beautiful, I can’t wait for you to see them.”

“I’m excited too,” said Cindy, trying to get into the mood Loretta was creating, two old college friends going for an adventure, happy to see each other again.

The cab whirled away from the hotel and wound through the main streets to roads that sprawled and dipped into the soft belly of island.