Death by Engagement (Caribbean Murder Series, Book 12)

“It was all none of your business, none at all.” Tad was beside himself.

“When did you tell Doug this?” Cindy asked, breathless, trying to put the pieces together fast.

“I told him the afternoon Shari died.” Deidre’s voice grew louder. “I couldn’t stand it anymore.”

“Couldn’t stand what?” asked Cindy.

“I couldn’t stand the lies and games and phony smiles. I couldn’t stand seeing my mother and father so proud and happy at something that was never going to happen. They kept emailing their friends and saying how thrilled Shari was and how wonderful the wedding would be. I felt like throwing up. There was no reason to keep this lie going. If Shari couldn’t stop it herself, then I just stepped in!”

Tad raced over to Deidre. “You stepped in and helped kill her,” he breathed. “You said things to Doug you never should have. You pushed him over the edge.”

Deidre stopped cold and stared at Cindy then. “That wasn’t my plan, that was not what was intended,” she muttered, momentarily stunned.

“No, I realize,” said Cindy, her heart full of horror. “You wanted to help your sister get out of a hurtful relationship.”

“Yes,” said Deidre, relieved. “That’s what I wanted.”

“You wanted your sister to have love all her life and be happy,” Cindy went on, trying to calm the swirling emotions in the room.

“Yes.” Deidre looked proud now.

“It backfired though,” said Cindy sadly.

“It backfired,” Deidre echoed slowly.

“Doug’s gone to his yacht now to get a few things out before they all leave the island,” Tad jumped in. “Someone has to stop him before he goes.”

“I’ll go and speak to him,” said Cindy.

“I’ll come along.” Tad was alert.

“No, that will let him know that something is wrong,” said Cindy. “Better if I go alone.”

“Alone?” Tad was frightened.

“I’ll let the police know where I’m going,” Cindy informed him.

“Will that be enough?” Tad seemed genuinely afraid. “I’ll go with you.”

“No, you can’t,” said Cindy swiftly. “The police will back me up.”

“Are you sure? What about Mattheus? Where is he?” Deidre looked around, her voice growing shrill.

“I’m not sure where he is,” Cindy answered truthfully.

“Not sure?” Deidre couldn’t believe it.

“No, I’m not,” said Cindy, sadly now.

“You guys have come to a cross in the road?” Deidre asked, agitated.

“That’s one way to put it,” said Cindy.

“What’s another way?” asked Tad, looking genuinely concerned.

“Another way to put it is that Mattheus and I have to deal with whatever fears we’ve been secretly holding onto. They all come up sooner or later for every couple, one way or another.”

“Don’t they ever,” Deidre whispered.

“You’re a strong woman, Cindy.” Tad stepped closer.

“Maybe my strength just comes from doing what I know is right,” murmured Cindy.

“That’s it,” said Deidre, “I always thought that. That’s why I went to talk to Doug.”

Tad took a long, sorrowful breath then. “We don’t always know what’s right though, do we? We think we do, but who always knows?”

“No one,” Cindy agreed. “But right or wrong, I’ve got to go to talk to Doug now. And don’t worry, the police will give me backup.”

“And if they can’t?” asked Tad. “The weather’s treacherous.”

“There are more treacherous things out there than storms,” said Cindy. “The police will be there, storm or not.”


Cindy grabbed a raincoat[cl13] , wrapped it around her, put a tape recorder in the breast pocket, and left. If she could get to Doug when he was alone on his boat, she could secretly tape their conversation. Caught unaware like this there was a better chance he’d slip and she’d get a confession. Or, if not a confession, at least enough evidence to take him in for further questioning.

As Cindy walked down the hallway to the elevator, texts began appearing one after another on her phone. They were from Mattheus and had been piling up for a while. Obviously she wasn’t getting reception in the room, but out in the hallway they were all here.

I’m so sorry for not leaving a written message. Didn’t know what I was doing right then.

So sorry if I caused any upset. I can’t get you out of my mind.

I love you more than you can ever imagine. For now and forever. And that’s it.

Answer me, Cindy, how are you? It’s taking me time to get back to the hotel.

Cindy decided to text back, but lines of communication were being disrupted by the storm. Her texts back to Mattheus couldn’t get through.

Chapter 22

Cindy phoned the police station a couple of times and finally got through. No one was manning the phones, so she had to leave a quick message.