

“And then we went back to his place and I ended up staying there till Monday, before doing the walk of shame.” She’s actually grinning from ear to ear. I just know that there’s more.

“And?” I encourage her to go on.

“And, he stayed at mine Tuesday night.” I give her my ‘really?’ expression.

“And, Thursday night.” My mouth actually opens in surprise.

“We came over here for a drink last night and we spent all day together today. He wanted me to go to the boxing tonight, but I wanted to catch up with you.”

Conner has gone to some boxing thing tonight with Gunner from the band and Lawson. I was worried earlier that Amanda might be there. Conner assured me she wouldn’t be and now hearing that Lawson invited Sophie along, I feel better. I know I should trust him, but I’m pregnant, hormonal and female, give me a break.

Sophie and I spend the rest of the night chatting about anything and everything, catching up on how things are going with the business and any other work related issues. I feel like I’ve abandoned ship since I’ve been with Conner, but everything seems to be running smoothly.

I give in to temptation at around nine and order up a bowl of wedges, but end up disappointed in the sweet chilli dip I have to settle on when Soph tells me I can’t have the aioli because it contains raw egg, which apparently is dangerous when pregnant. How does Mrs Not A Maternal Bone In Her Body, know this and yet Mrs I’ve Been Broody Since I Was Fifteen, doesn’t, I wonder?

By eleven, I’m yawning and ready for my bed. I leave Sophie chatting on her phone to Lawson while I run outside to see if Matty’s about before calling him to come pick me up.

“Stay away from Reed you slut, he’s ours.” I swing around to see where the voice is coming from when I feel the first blow. A fist, I assume, connects with my jaw and I feel my legs go from under me. Instead of putting my arms out to try and break my fall, I instinctively wrap them around my belly instead. The crack as my head hits the pavement echoes throughout my entire body as I whisper to myself, to someone, anyone… “Please save my baby.”


I run… I run like I’ve never run before. I need to get to her. I need to be with her.




There was already a small army of press at the hospital doors when we got here. Lawson, my brothers and the hospital security holding them back as I fought my way through.

Being me comes in handy sometimes, and there was someone on the other side of the doors waiting to take me to her, or at least to where she was.

As soon as the young woman tells me what floor, I rush off to find the lift and now I’m running down the corridor, on the ninth floor of the hospital trying to find her room.

I stop


Why is he here?

Marcus fucking Newman is standing outside of a room, talking to the police.

“Mr Reed, if you would just slow down.” I turn and see the woman that met me at the door emerge from another lift, followed by my brothers and Lawson.

My brothers had met us here. Lawson and I had driven from the boxing event in central London at law-breaking speeds. Laws had jumped red lights and gone the wrong way around a roundabout to get me here.

But he’s here. Why?

“Shit,” I hear Tyler say from beside me.

“Why’s he here?” he asks.

“No fucking idea, but I’m about to find out.”

We walk down the hospital corridor like a single unit. Ty at my side, Lawson and Jordy behind. The police turn around and watch our approach. I don’t even acknowledge the orange before I speak.

“Why is this man here? He needs to be kept away from Miss Matthews.”

The copper frowns and looks at his colleague.

“Sir, we were led to believe that the young lady in question is Mrs. Newman, Mr. Newman’s wife?”

I haven’t got time for this bullshit. I just need to see Meebs.

“Where is she? I need to see her. Lawson, get me a doctor or someone that can tell me what’s going on,” I shout at anyone that’s listening.

“Calm down, Con.” Tyler walks around to face me. “We’re in a hospital. I know you’re scared and worried, but you can’t be shouting. They’ll throw you out.”

I nod. There’s no way that’s happening. I swallow and take a couple of breaths.

“I’m Conner Reed,” I speak to both of the policemen, unsure of who is the superior.

“I’m Nina Matthews’s partner, we live together. Nina and Mr. Newman here, are legally separated and Nina is seeking a divorce from him. I can give you the number of her lawyer if you need to check any of that out.”

Before I can add anymore, orange boy interrupts, “I’m still her husband. Still her next of kin. I have more right to be here than any of you.”

I’m about to tell the police exactly why Nina left him when Sophie steps out of the room.

She looks at me, then at Marcus.