Chasing Angel (Divisa #3)


“Go away. I’m sleeping,” I garbled, still out of it, and curled into a ball. My voice was groggy and short as I snuggled deeper under the covers.

A finger ran down my bare arm, leaving behind a trail of electric tingles. “You are going to miss all the fun if you don’t open your eyes. And I desperately want to see your eyes. I want to watch them go dark when I kiss you.”

Wait, what?

If I wasn’t awake before, I definitely was now. “Chase, are you sleepwalking?” I mumbled, feeling awareness seep into my body as his fingers ran back up my arm and to the side of my neck. Pushing the covers aside, I was suddenly roasting.

Soft lips replaced his wandering fingers. “Hmm. Your skin tastes like peaches. Why do you always taste so sweet?”

“’Cuz I’m dipped in sugar.”

The deep timber of his chuckle felt like satin against my throat. His hand caressed my cheek, sending a thousand tiny volts of tingles at his touch. But it was his lips teasing mine with a light kiss that had me thinking this was the best fantasy I’d ever had.

This was oh too real. I had a good imagination, but nothing this vivid.

My eyes popped open, staring into orbs of gold and silver. I was unable to move. I was mesmerized. “H-how did you get in here?” I stuttered, incapable of forming coherent thoughts, let alone getting my tongue to speak them. However, this time it was more because of Chase’s presence in my bedroom, in the middle of the night, than it was from being rustled from a deep slumber.

He was propped up on an elbow, looking down at me. “Do you have to ask?”

That killed the whole he-must-be-a-dream theory. Words of such smugness only came from Chase’s mouth.


I thought about his mouth. Instantly, my eyes were drawn to his full lips—lush lips. “How could I forget? Doors and locks never keep you out.”

The pad of his thumb brushed the bottom of my lip. “That’s right, Angel Eyes. There is nothing that could keep me away from you.”

Staring into his face, I was struck by how unbelievably hot he really was. And how rare his sweet side was, except with me. I might just be the only person in the universe who got to see the softer side of Chase.

Then he was kissing me senseless, and I wasn’t thinking about Chase being soft, only about his hard body pressing into me.

I was helpless to do anything but kiss him back. In the dark, my hands roamed from underneath the covers and into his silky hair. The fierceness of his lips on mine made me shiver. I sunk into the kiss, into him. He was the embodiment of all my fantasies, rolled up into a sexy, dangerous package with killer abs.

Things went from dazed to steamy in ten seconds flat. Dream or not, I wasn’t about to let the chance to kiss Chase slip away. There hadn’t been enough making out lately.

His lips moved, smoothing over mine as we tangled tongues and limps. I couldn’t tell where he began and I ended; our bodies melded together. When he kissed me, I swear he had the power to align the stars. He had me soaring higher and higher, from one sensation to another. His name tumbled from my lips.

“I want you,” he murmured.

“God yes—”

Then I woke up.

I stared at my ceiling in the pitch-black room with beams of moonlight shining patterns overhead. What the hell? I immediately reached out, feeling the space next to me. Cold. Empty. Sheets.

What was that? A dream within a dream? I guess when I did have a dream it would have to be completely off the wall and mind-blowingly hot. My body was still humming from his touch. I felt alive. Each touch, each kiss had been so very real.

I groaned, running frustrated fingers through my hair. How was I supposed to fall back asleep after that? I felt like a live wire. The smallest of touches would send me up in flames.

Prickles edged down my spine, and my tattoo singed. This night just kept getting more interesting. My head turned toward my doorway with the sneaking suspicion I was being watched, and I sucked in a sharp breath. Amber eyes blazed through my darkened room, and the sound of my heartbeat pounded through the silence. I barely had time to process that it was Chase standing in my bedroom when he was suddenly looming on top of me. His rock hard abs pressed to my soft belly. He ground his hips against mine, and I bit the inside of my cheek as a moan escaped my mouth.

Holy moly.

His glowing eyes were unwavering, fixed on me. I was still caught in the erotic dream, and the feel of his body sent me into orbit. Every part of me was highly sensitive, and I couldn’t have cared less if this was real or not. I just didn’t want it to end.

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