Cash's Fight (The Last Riders #5)

“I better go; I don’t want to keep the lady waiting. See you around.”

Not if she could help it, although she wasn’t sure whether she’d imagined the note of promise in his voice or not.

Rachel didn’t bother to reply as he strolled into the woods, seemingly in no hurry. She wondered if it was one of the town’s women or one of the club’s that was waiting to be found. Deciding it was none of her business, she gathered her things to start her hike back up the side of the mountain with Samson following close on her heels.

It took twenty minutes before she reached the cabin she and her brothers shared. Rachel had threatened to move out on numerous occasions, but each time, one of them always managed to talk her into staying.

After her youngest brother had found out he was a father and had moved his young son and surrogate mother into the cabin, it had created an even-tighter fit. Their home was bursting at the seams; however, their solution was to build onto it instead of relinquishing control of their baby sister.

She was twenty-three now and determined to set her foot down in the near future. She was only staying now because Holly still felt uncomfortable being left with the men alone. Her brothers were building her a small cabin next door to theirs, and once it was completed, Rachel planned to move into town, despite her brothers’ protests.

Leaving the Ginseng roots outside in the barn, she went into the cabin to get breakfast started. As she started the coffee, her mind went back to Cash.

He had grown up in Treepoint, attending high school with her older brother. The enmity between them had started then. When Cash had left the area after graduating, many had thought he had been killed by someone’s jealous boyfriend or lover. However, he had returned years later amongst The Last Riders motorcycle club.

The group stayed to themselves at their clubhouse on the edge of the state line. This didn’t stop the women in town from chasing the bikers, many of whom had been taken up on their offers. Four women had even found their husbands among the dangerous men, while others envied them their happiness.

The ones who had been fucked and left hadn’t been so happy, wanting more than the men were willing to give.

“What’s for breakfast?” Dustin’s groggy voice had her reaching for another cup.

Her youngest brother came into the kitchen, taking a seat at the large table. Rachel poured him a cup of coffee before pulling out the eggs from the refrigerator. She started cooking breakfast, knowing the rest of her brothers wouldn’t be far behind.

“What dragged you out of bed so early?”

“I haven’t been to bed. I was out most of the night, checking the plants. I came in while you were out. Someone’s been sneaking onto the property, helping themselves,” he grimly stated. “Did you see anything when you were out?”

She set his plate down in front of him before taking a seat for herself. Rachel took a sip of her coffee to give herself time to think. She knew, as soon as she mentioned Cash’s name, it would make Dustin furious, despite Cash not being on their property to steal weed. Even if she assured Dustin of this fact, his hatred of the man would have him throwing a fit over Cash being on their property.

Thankfully, Holly came into the kitchen with Logan, diverting Dustin’s attention from his question.

Logan climbed onto the chair next to his father. A tender smile came to her lips at the resemblance between the two; both father and son had curly, black hair and grey eyes.

“Morning, Holly, Logan.”

“Morning, Rach.” Logan gave her his boyish grin.

“What would you like for breakfast, Logan?” Holly asked, ruffling his hair.

“Can I have cereal?”

“No, but you can have oatmeal.”

“Why ask if I can’t pick anyways?” Logan grumbled.

“You can pick which flavor you want.” Holly ignored his protest, making the oatmeal and giving it to him.

Rachel watched as Logan made a face at the bowl in front of him. Dustin winked at him while Holly’s back was turned, taking a couple bites of the gooey mess for him.

“I saw that.” Holly’s frown had them both straightening in their seats.

Rachel couldn’t believe how the woman kept both of them in line. She was always firm, managing them with love and care. Rachel had hoped that same love would blossom between Holly and Dustin; instead, only a deep friendship had developed.

Rachel stood up from the table, taking her plate to the sink just as a knock sounded on the door. Going over and opening it, she saw her first appointment of the day.

“I hope I’m not too early.”

“Not at all,” Rachel answered, opening the door wider for Cheryl.

She led her to the back of the house to a small sunroom their father had added on for her mother’s use. A massage table had been set up with clean, white sheets and a small pillow lying on top. Rachel had lit a lavender-scented candle before starting the coffee, and now the relaxing floral scent infused the sunny room.