Burn (Bayonet Scars #5)

“Wing it. You’ll be fine.” She’s only partially amused by my response. I do catch her eyes darting to Holly in a panic, though. She could go with the traditional vows if she wants—it doesn’t matter.

“Mindy, you told me once that nothing and nobody will stop you from loving me. I don’t know that I believed it at the time. I thought you’d come to your senses at some point. Sometimes I still wonder if I’m just too stoned to realize this isn’t actually happening.”

Mindy’s mouth quirks up in a smile. I rarely get high anymore. I still drink occasionally but not too often. I won’t be the reason she relapses, and I won’t be a reminder of a time she would rather forget.

“I used to worry that I’d never find the words to tell you what your love and loyalty means to me, but then I remembered something my pop said to my ma when I was a kid. He told her he knew she’d never believe a word that came out of his mouth, so instead of trying to convince her that he was serious, he’s spent every day of their lives walking through fire for her. I know of no better way to tell you how serious I am about what we got.”

I have to clear the knot in my throat to be able to finish. Rage, my grandfather, is in the back row, and even he’s looking a little emotional. His wife, Sylvia, died just a few years after I met them. Rage changed then, and I know he won’t ever be the same. As hard and ornery as he’s gotten, his heart is still as big as ever. He’s going to die with a hole in his heart where Sylvia once was. He gives me a nod that makes me feel proud. The man doesn’t give his approval very often, but when he does, he’s loyal to it as fuck. I’m distracted from Rage by Ma’s wailing in the front row. Even Pop’s face is a little red, though nobody’s going to call him on it. Not until he officially hands the gavel over to Wyatt anyway.

“You’re stuck with me babe. I own your ass.” Shit. My eyes sting. I hate fall allergies. Ma needs to dust this place more often.

Mindy lunges herself at me, totally ignoring the officiant’s comments that we’re not legally married yet. When he gets her to pull back, her red lipstick is smudged, and I just know it’s all over my face.

“Ian promised me he wouldn’t make me cry today, and he didn’t tell me he wanted to make up his own vows, so bear with me. As usual, I have no idea what I’m doing.” The crowd laughs at her, but I don’t see anything humorous in this moment. I just see a tough-as-nails woman who, against all odds, fought to pull herself out of total darkness, and I’m fucking amazed, once again, that she’s stupid enough to settle for me.

“I love you, Ian. I love every piece of you, even the ones you hate. I haven’t talked about it, but I chose this date because of something you taught me. You taught me that the pain can only win if we let it. You’re the only reason I’m here today. I thought my damage would kill me. It was swallowing me whole. Today marks the one-year anniversary of the worst day of my life.”

“Babe,” I whisper. She doesn’t have to do this. Fuck, I don’t want her to do this.

“I won’t let them take any more from me,” she says. Her voice shakes, but her perseverance humbles me. “Baby, you spend every day walking through fire for me, and I’ll spend every day showing you the beautiful light spots in your soul that you forget exists.”

We’re married just moments later, but I’m barely paying attention. The only thing that matters is standing right in front of me, strong as fuck and more determined than ever to live. I didn’t know I could love her more than I did the day she agreed to marry me, but I do.

I so fucking do.

The End


Thank you first and foremost to my readers. Your excitement and loyalty amazes me. When I started the Bayonet Scars series, I knew where I was going with it, but I didn’t know how I would get there. Ian’s character was one that I knew was pivotal to the series story arc, but I didn’t consider giving him his own book until you spoke up and asked for it. On top of everything you’ve given me, you’ve now given me this as well. Getting to know Ian was a joy and I’m only sorry that his story can’t go on forever.