Breaking Dragon (Savage Brothers MC #1)

I didn’t let her finish, I put her serving tray on what’s-his-name’s table, and then I bend down enough so that my shoulder pushes into her breasts, while my arm goes around the backs of her knees and I lift her up and over my shoulder.

“What the hell are you doing? Put me down Dragon! People are staring! You can’t just…”

I reach up and slap her ass hard, not as hard as I eventually would, but hard enough she should have gotten the message. Her hands begin beating on my back and she tries to wiggle to get away from me. I guess she didn’t.

I slap her ass again, harder this time.

“Ouch! Dragon! Damn it that hurts!” She says and her voice sounds shaky. I am hoping it isn’t fear. I don’t hurt women, but I do like control and she needed to learn this on her own. She would eventually.

“Then behave.” I answer, rubbing her ass where I had swatted her, all the while walking to the back office. We make it there and I close the door, shutting out the laughter behind us. I slowly put her down so she stands in front of me. Her hands immediately go back to her ass.

“What on Earth are you doing?” She asks taking a couple of steps away from me.

“Teaching you a lesson.”

“You have no right to teach me anything! We don’t even know each other.”

“You gave me that right a week ago and you sealed it tonight by giving me your digits. Now get your pretty little ass over here before I tan it again.”

“I’m keeping my ass as far away from you as I can. I should have gone with my first instinct! You’re insane,” she responds, taking a few more steps backwards.

“Wrong answer Nicole! Now stop walking away from me,” I growl at her and she instantly freezes.

She doesn’t know all the sides of me just yet. I might like fire in a woman, hell with her I’m discovering I like it even more than I knew, but I also like obedience. She’ll learn it. At just the mere thought of her bowing to my commands, my dick jerks. Poor thing is swollen so hard I will have permanent teeth marks from my zipper. Hell it might be good if I make her kiss every damn one of them.

She finally stops backing away but only because she hit the wall.

“We have a few things to get straight Nicole.”

“You’re freaking nuts! I thought we’d get to know each other! A week ago I didn’t even know you existed.”

“Now you do and baby, I know a lot about you.”

“You don’t.” She argues looking around the room for another exit, too bad, since I currently have the only one blocked. Sorry baby, you’re not getting away this time. I thought.

“I know how you taste when you kiss. I know the feel of your moan in my mouth when I tease your tits. I know the feel of your fucking delicious ass when you’re turned on and I know the way you get wet when a man takes control of you.”

I watch the blush roll over her face and it fucking makes me feel ten feet tall. I’m a dark man and things have touched me that would shrivel a weaker man’s soul. Nicole was pure white in that world. A glimpse of something I never thought I would have, but I sure am not going to pass it up.

I had this beauty all pegged wrong. She’s not Twinkie material. Hell it wouldn’t surprise me if she’s totally innocent. Fuck me, what would it feel like to be the first inside that tight little pussy?

“Dragon, seriously you’re freaking me out here. We don’t know each other.”

“I’ve heard this song from you before, time for a new one,” I say walking towards her as if she was my prey and right now she is.

“Had I known you were going to go psycho on me, I wouldn’t have given you my number!” She cries out and I can hear the panic in her voice.

I am not about to give in on this. When you’ve lived the life I have, you learn to go after what you want. I want her. I’m going to have her. I’ve decided there’s only one way to get her out of my system, and I need to get her out of my system. It’s a scary ass feeling when your dick doesn’t cooperate with your need to get laid. So I’m going to give him what he wants, until he’s ready to move the hell on.

“Fair enough, I’ll ask you three questions and you answer honestly. If your answer is no to any of the three, then I’ll back the hell away and we won’t ever have another conversation.”

That seems to make her breathe easier. Silly girl! I let my smile go friendly, lean my arm beside her head against the wall and effectively block her in with my body.

“What‘s the question?” She asks like a spoiled little child that’s not getting her way. Fucking cute!

“Did you think about me last night while you were in bed?”

A deep blush darkened on her cheeks. Fuckin’ A she did.

“Only because you’re a psycho!”

My smile deepens. We both know she’s lying. I don’t need to point that shit out.

“Did you think about me when you woke up this morning all warm and sleepy?”

She turns away and stares off to the side, refusing to look into my eyes.

I put my hand up and used my thumb and index finger under her chin to pull her back around to me.