A Case for Calamity (Twelve Brides of Christmas #8)

“You may kiss the bride.”

The words brought awareness slamming back into sharp focus. She caught and held her breath as Gabe lowered his head to hers, but instead of his devastating flavor exploding in her mouth, as it had each time he kissed her that night in Paris, she barely got the taste of him. His lips brushed hers in a featherlight caress before he lifted his head, straightening to thank Father Martin and shake his hand.

Her new husband kept her close to his side as she accepted congratulatory hugs from both her parents and from Keith and Shae, then turned to re-introduce her to his grandmother.

“Good morning, Mrs. Archer. Thank you for attending. I know your presence means a lot to Gabe.”

“I wouldn’t have missed it, and you have no need to thank me. We’re family now.”

Jane wasn’t sure what to say to that. “Have you met everyone? My parents and brother and”—she lifted a hand in her best friend’s direction—“my maid of honor, Shae Austin?”

“I had the pleasure of meeting everyone while waiting for you to appear in that absolutely stunning dress. Wherever did you find it?”

Admitting to one of the wealthiest women in North America that she’d found her wedding dress in a used clothing store made Jane’s palms sweat. Instead of answering, she smiled. “I knew the moment I saw it, I had to have it.”

“A secret, eh? Well, no matter. I’ll find out eventually, and I can see why such a dress caught your eye. It’s a wise woman who knows the value of combining quality with style.” A knowing smile creased her face. “My grandson can’t keep his eyes off you.”

Jane glanced up at Gabe to find Melanie spoke the truth. He watched her with hooded green eyes.

“I have a wedding gift for you both.”

She turned back to Melanie as her mother broke from her conversation with Father Martin to move closer, not bothering to hide her interest.

Jane shifted uncomfortably. “That isn’t necessary.”

Melanie waved a hand. “Gabe says you were reluctant to accept his proposal because you’re distrustful of the reasons behind his request for your hand.”

Heat bloomed on her face. Unsure what to say, she kept silent.

Melanie sent Gabe a warm smile. He nodded, and she pulled an envelope from her clutch bag. She handed it to Jane.

With all eyes on her, Jane slid a finger along the seam and pulled out a check. She nearly choked at the amount. Her mother leaned closer and gasped.

“He also told me about your grandmother’s bequest and how you believe you’ll one day need to use your inheritance to fight him for custody of my great-grandchild.”

The heat in Jane’s cheeks flared, and her guilty gaze flew to Gabe. He watched her with an intensity that melted her insides and made her legs weak.

His grandmother recaptured her attention by tapping a finger to the five-million-dollar note in her hand, made out to Jane alone. “I think that should more than cover any court cases, don’t you?”

Stunned, Jane could only nod her head.

Melanie smiled keenly. “You must understand. I couldn’t let Gabe gut the business he’s worked so hard to build—on his own, mind you, without my help.”

Jane’s gaze jerked back to Gabe. “Gut your business? I don’t understand.”

He brought his hand up to palm her cheek. “I’d planned to write that check myself.”

She shook her head helplessly. “Why would you do that?”

“Because today marks a new beginning for us. Letting my wife stress for even one minute, believing I’ve married her to get my hands on our child, would have been a…calamity.”

Calamity? She blinked. “How…?”

His handsome face softened with his smile. “When a man falls in love, he needs all the help he can get.” He winked over her shoulder. She followed his gaze and rolled her eyes at her brother’s grin.

Wait…when a man falls in love? Wonder shimmered in her heart, and she whipped her head back around to meet Gabe’s smiling gaze. “You didn’t marry me just to get your hands on the baby?”

“Nope.” He slid his arms around her waist.

Relief made her dizzy. She bit her bottom lip while gazing up into his twinkling eyes. “And you’re not upset you’ve tied yourself to a woman with the nickname of Calamity Jane? A very deserving nickname, I might add.”

His secret-weapon dimples flashed in a quickfire grin. Tightening his hold on her, he tucked her closer. “To the contrary. You could say I have a case for calamity.”

Surrounded by his strong arms, joy, warm and full, bloomed in her heart and soul. She lowered her gaze to stare at his throat. “You love me?”

He dipped his knees and cocked his head to gaze into her eyes. “I’ve been searching for you since the morning you disappeared from my bed without so much as a kiss goodbye. What do you think?”

Mackenzie Crowne's books